Monday, March 19, 2018

Edison Board of Mythomania's $251.9 million Preliminary School Budget for 2018-19 - a particularly disturbing hit to the taxpayers!

You can't tell from this agenda what the 2018-19 Preliminary School budget will mean to you - but it's there. They just don't show you what that page means to your pocketbook.

If you look on page 35 of 39 of tonight's Board of Mythomania's Action Meeting, you'll find the page below. This is the what they're saying they need to budget for the 2018-19 School Year and what they're sending down to the County Super for approval.

Another in a long line of Bloated Pots of Money they call school budgets. And this one is particularly disturbing with the amount of increases to the Local Tax Levy.

From this page, you can determine what the tax rate will be for the 2018-19 School Year.

This one has $pending at a whopping $251.9 million, which is up a whopping $13.7 million or 5.76% over last year's $238.2 million.

Of course, even more disconcerting and unbelievable is the Local tax Levy which is $224.6 million or some $12.0 million or 5.66% up over last year's $212.6 million. Really now, give us a break.

And it throws into the reserves another $1.6 million from the undesignated surplus.

Now, when you convert these numbers to a calendar year basis - you're School Tax Rate is $3.060 per 100, which is up 8.2-cents or 2.77% over last year's $2.978. If you live in that imaginary home assessed at $178,300, then your tax bill will be $5,456 (178,300/100 x $3.060), which is up $147.00 over last year.

If you don't live in that imaginary home you can just take your home's assessed value and divide it by 100 and multiply that number by $3.060 or just enter your assessed value into the calculator below and you'll get total school tax, and the change from last year broken down by $pending and Ratables.

Anyhoo, you really need to pay attention to how they're $pending your tax dollars over there on Mythomania Lane.

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