Thursday, February 14, 2013

Current Salaries - Edison Board of Mythomania

Here's the latest total salaries by Department, Location & Person for the Board of Mythomania with some summaries & breakdowns. Total salaries include the contract salary plus any extra's - i.e. longevity pay and tenure stipends, etc. The total salaries in this file are $127,717,149 with 1,935 heads for a simple salary average of $66,004 per head.

Here's a summary from the file received by range of dollars:
Here's the breakdown of the file received by Department:
In this breakdown, Mean is just the simple average (total salary/heads) for the department. Median is the middle salary in the range of salaries in the department where half the salaries are above that number and half are below.

Here's the List of all the 1,935 Heads & Salaries by Department and Location. It's set on the Administration but you can go here to sort this file:
Finally, here's a comparison of this salary file with the salary file received at the beginning of the 2012-13 school year after ETEA contract settlements were entered:
Note that this is just a comparison to a previous salary file and Not to their budget. They do not report & disclose monthly salary and staffing changes against their budget - and that continues to be a major problema which allows them to treat their entire budget as a big pot of money to be moved around - pretty much anyway they want.

Not exactly how you get control of Out-of-Control $pending or allow you to see how they're doing against their budgeted line items.

Anyhoo, pay attention to their next request for a big pot of money (aka 2013-14 school budget) soon coming to neighborhood near you.

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