Saturday, March 30, 2019

Edison's All Dem-party Rule - they may hold public positions of trust - but you can't always trust them!

Well, trust - guess that's somewhat of a paradox wrapped in an enigma for me here in the 'DemBadlands' of Downtown Edison.

Mayor Tom 'Now 17.1% but Won't Debate' ChoiLankey believes this $851m Suez deal is best for the town. I'm sure he does but can you believe him?

You know, under the Faulkner Act, we're a Strong Mayor, Weak Council form of government. Well, if history is any indication, that's half true - we have a Weak Council. Given how they rolled this bombshell agreement out and a track history of being less than truthful - how could You possibly trust any of them?

I certainly don't and You shouldn't.

Senor Lankey promised to Stabilize taxes when he first ran for Mayor in 2013 and the first thing he did when he got in - Raise the Muni-tax by 8%! What, he didn't know what was going on in town when he was sitting there on the Council for the previous few years and was even Chairman of the Finance Committee.

Since then, he has managed to Raise the Muni-tax up by 17.1%, nearly doubled the Commercial Sewer tax and the Residential Sewer tax by almost half. He even Raised the Garbage tax.

And now, thrown in to the mix is his 7 Processing Clerks who since Lankey's tenure agreed and adopted every single one of his tax increases. So much for Checks & Balances.

So, You want to believe and trust what Señor Lankey and his Band of 7 Processing Clerks are saying about this $851m Suez deal when they kind of have a track history of being somewhat disingenuous with You?

I don't so I sent an email to the Clerk's office which reads as follows;

'With all due respect Council Members, the only Vote the Edison Council should be  making on this $851 million (Suez) agreement is to put in on the Ballot in November.'

If the deal is as good as they claim, then let the People of Edison come to that conclusion over the next few months since we're the ones that have to pay for it over the next 40-years. And seriously, is there one single Local Elected Official in office now that will even be effected or affected by switching the Water over to Suez here on the South side of town?

Remember what they told you back then? 'Vote for Tax Stability in Edison' - that didn't work out to well for us over the years, did it?

Anyhoo, this thing shouldn't be about trusting elected officials here in Downtown Edison - you shouldn't. You also shouldn't let them rush through such a significant and long-lasting agreement without Your Say So. This $851m Agreement belongs on the Ballot so the People of Edison can decide for themselves if we want to go down this route for the next 40 years.

Friday, March 29, 2019

$851m Suez deal - as much as I may like Señor Lankey - this is too much political maneuvering, even for him!

Well, that was an interesting way to find out the details of Mayor Tom 'Now 17.1% but Won't Debate'  ChoiLankey's 2-year double-secret attempt to privatize the sewer and water systems. Walk into a meeting without seeing anything about this deal (other than what they wanted you to see) and be confronted with a document some 800 pages long and a bunch of Lankey's experts sitting there to answer your questions.

Yeah, that kind of seems fair to open it up for questions when no one was able to see and review the details before the meeting and then have to listen to their summary presentation about why is was such a good deal!

Senor Lankey and his Band of 7 Processing Clerks..aka Edison all-Dem Council (who were all in attendance like good little soldiers) should be ashamed of themselves.

And let's not forget those other two Graduates (but still Committeemen) of the EDO who showed up to support Señor Lankey - you remember them; The Poster-Child for Everything that's Wrong with the EDO and The EDO's Greatest Failure.

You should know by now that whenever Charlie 'I Abstain' Tomaro..aka 'Deputy Dog' shows up for one of these events - some Dem-party thingie's going on and it's gonna stink.

And let's not forget our 18th District Assemblyman Rob 'Mr. Temper-a-Ment' Karabinchak was in attendance. Geez, I wonder with his recent success with his Porch-Pirate Bill now heading to the Senate - if he sees any Pirating going on here and wanna Help his constituents in Downtown Edison? Just a thought.

But wait, it gets better. They're gonna have 3 more public meeting on April 3rd and 4th for you to ask questions - all, of course, at convenient times for you - Not.


Because the Council is tentatively going to introduce the ordinance involving this agreement on April 10th! Really, then what pass it in May 2019? Or is Señor Lankey hoping that two of his cronies on the Council who lost the Local Dem-party screening challenge the Local Dem-party who didn't pick them in June and hope to pass it after the primary?

Who knows and who cares. They've already decided what they're gonna do and they just need the Council's approval so they can go get the necessary state approvals, which according to them should take around 90 days.

And, regardless of the prepared statement from Councilman Joshi and Councilman Coyle's attempt for more time rhetoric to review the documents - don't believe them and don't trust them. Geez, Councilman Joshi - a prepared statement you give out after the meeting? You were at the meeting, why didn't you just go up to the microphone if you had something to say to the People of Edison?

Clearly, in spite of their lack of transparency, a lot of People showed up last night and expressed their displeasure with this whole list of questions and concerns. Concerns were expressed about such things as Suez, privatization, costs, the lack of transparency on this issue, the quality of water and given the size and length of this agreement that it should be put up on the ballot in November and let the People of Edison decide. All good stuff!

Kudos to all the People who took the time to come out and speak about this matter. This deal is too Big and being rushed through too quickly to be anything but a Dem-party sham. And, for that reason alone, it should Not be left in the hands of the Edison Council, regardless of who wins the June Dem primary.

The only Vote the Edison Council should be making on this $851 million agreement is to put in on the Ballot in November. 

Kudos to Mr. Don Tarr (Edison District 73 Dem-Committeeman) on his comments last night that kind of sums it all up for you:

Anyhoo, aren't you Happy that we have a one-party rule in this town - where the faith of this town for the next 40-years lies is in the hands of a Bunch of Local Dem-party Groupies looking for their next leg-up in the Local Dem-party pecking order?!?

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Public Meeting $851 million Suez Deal - to Big to Fail and left in the hands of Lankey and his All-Dem Council Cronies!

Well, tomorrow night is the public meeting where the administration will be making their case for this deal. You might want to try and be there since it's impact will be significant and will last a very long time if they approve it.

As I see it, this thing with all the issues in towns across the state this Company brings with it - it's a decision that needs to be made by the People of Edison on a Ballot question and not left to Mayor Lankey and his Band of 7 Processing Clerks.

It's too Big A Deal to leave to a Vote by the Council that has long demonstrated there are no Checks and Balances over Lankey's administration.

To paraphrase that long time Edison Dem-party establishment Councilman Tony Massaro, here's what I see 'In My Minds Eye' when I think about the effectiveness of the Checks and Balances here in the 'DemBadLands' of Downtown Edison:

Be that as it may, let them make their case and then leave it up to the People of Edison with a Ballot question to decide if they want to go down this road.

Here's the public notice:

Mayor Lankey's Letter:

Mayor Lankey's fact Sheet:

Anyhoo, this is the biggest thing that has happened to Edison in a long-time. Try and attend the meeting, it's that important.

Monday, March 25, 2019

Edison BoE - Long Range Facilities Master Plan Overview Presentation to the Overcrowding Taskforce Committee

Well, was just told this was up on the School District's website. You should take the time, if you can, to read the presentation and get informed s much as you can about what they are planning to do.

As I understand it, they already scheduled the Bond Referendum for September 24, 2019 and I see they're also in the process of hiring a Bond Counsel.

Ok, so they must now have an idea right now (at least on a Macro level) of what they're actually going to do, a timeline and the costs involved since they already scheduled the Bond Referendum date.

Since they are already putting something into action - don't you think they should tell us right now what the preliminary number is for the Bond Referendum? I do. So, let me ask.

Shout out to Board President Mr. Shi - how much we talking about here, you know a rough estimate?

As I see it, it's a nice presentation but it's about everything, anything and all things and not about what will actually be done. You really can't comment one way or the other until they share the work that will actually be done, the timing and cost breakdown of what it is they're actually going to do. That includes the architect''s cost per sq. ft. calculations for both additions and renovations and the financing activity/debt service based upon the amount of state aid we will receive.

So, when will we know how much the Bond Referendum will be? There's not a lot of time between now and September 24, 2019 - Bond Referendum speaking. So, hopefully, it's not on September 23, 2019.

Based upon this presentation alone, their obviously planning this Bond Referendum will come with a Humongous price tag - and the People of Edison deserve enough time to review and digest their actual plans, the timing, the costs involved and other factors so there can be an intelligent and informative conversation and dialogue about this Bond Referendum with all the Voters.

I've been waiting a very long-time for the Board of Mythomania to properly address the Overcrowding in this town. It's disgraceful. But I'm also conscious of how they come up with these Bond Referendums here in Edison and the onus is on them to come up with the best plan possible in the most cost effective way possible to address it - and until I see that (along with the NJ DOE Preliminary & Final Eligible Cost Letters and DOE-130's) and they explain their actions, there's no way I will support what they propose.

Anyhoo, pay attention to this major event happening over there on Mythomania Lane. And don't believe any of their hype until they tell you what they're actually planning to do and why and what it's actually going to cost you.

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Board of Mythomania's $262.8 million 'Bloated Pot of Money' they call a 2019-20 School Budget - funding their Increased $pending with Taxpayer Relief Money and, of course, another tax increase!

Well, first the Bad News - looks like Jerry 'Needs to Step-down' Shi and his Band of Taxpayer Relief Money Marauders are proposing yet another in a long-line of Out-of-Control $pending School Budgets.

This Preliminary School Budget is $$262.8 million, which is up $12.1 million or 4.8% over last year's $250.7 million. It takes the school tax rate up to $3.112 (Per $100), which is 6.8-cents or 2.2% over last year's $3.044 (Per $100). And, if you noticed, they actually charged us $3.045 for the school tax on last year's tax bills.

That $12.1 million $pending increase includes such thingies as Instruction $4.2 million, Transportation $3.4 million, School Administration $1.3 million - but where these increases sit now really doesn't matter as you'll read down below about their ability to move money around.

That 2.2% increase in the school tax rate is net of an increase of $6.4 million in $pending or 2.95% and an increase in the Ratables of $50,521,717 or 0.72%.

So, if you live in that imaginary home assessed at $178,300 - you'll see your school tax bill go up by another $121.00. If you don't live in that imaginary home assessed at $178,300, then simply take your home's assessed value divided by 100 and multiply that number by $.068 and you'll get your school tax increase (or simply enter your assessed value in the calculator down below).

Now, when you look at this budget, you should recognize that's it's really not a true budget where they publicly measure and report their performance against what they said they were going to do and what they used to set the school tax rate.

It's just a 'Big Fat, Bloated Pot of Money' where they can move money around different accounts pretty much at will.

1. It's a document they use simply to generate an annual school tax rate and share with the public. In the words of former Super Dr. Richard "Looking for the Exit Ramp" O'Malley when school budgets were up for public vote - it's a number (Local School Tax Levy) you're voting on (Not a School Budget).

2. It's a document that's prepared on a fiscal year basis (July 1 - June 30) and then converted to a calendar year basis to generate a calendar year school tax rate, which nobody takes the time to explain.

3. It's a document that never shows the actual performance against it - yet it's used to set the school tax rate every year.

4. It's a document that substitutes the prior year budget numbers in the current year budget using the actual numbers as of February 1, 2019 - not the actual budgeted prior year budget numbers. The theory is you get a better comparison for the current year's budgeted numbers. Maybe so, but of course, that theory also leaves a gaping hole in what doesn't get shown and can be hidden (without disclosure) between July 1 and February 1 - hence, the 'Staffing Shell Game.'

You can easily see this if you pull up the Staffing Summary (page 32) and compare the 2018-19 column (in the current 2019-20 school budget) to the 2018-19 column from a copy of last year's 2018-19 school budget. If you do that, you'll see that in this year's school budget - they're asking for an increase of 32 heads from 2,063.5 to 2,095.5. But wait, if you look at last year's school budget, the 2018-19 column had total heads of 2,059.5 not 2,063.5.

Welcome to the Board of Mythomania's 'Staffing Shell Game' where they hire non-budgeted personal during the current school year and fail to report and disclose it to you in these school budgets. What, you say - it's only a net of 4 heads. When you look at the detail, you find they added 8 non-budgeted assistant principals, 6 non-budgeted teachers, 2 non-budgeted Certified & Registered Nurses, a Security Director and so on - offset by some reductions in staffing to some Para's, Drivers and Secretaries.

Not for nothing but you just gotta ask yourself - where did all that money come from to pay for all these non-budgeted heads?

Don't think this stuff is important or the numbers aren't big enough, then go back and read some prior posts on this and see how many non-budgeted personnel were brought on over the years without disclosure in these school budgets, while asking yourself where did all that money come from if it wasn't budgeted.

5. It's a document that shows how they actually Hoard Taxpayer Relief Money that was Meant to Reduce the School Tax Burden but kept instead and shows some numbers that simply aren't accurate or are at best misleading.

You can easily see this if you look at the 'Other Anticipated Revenue' (page 33) in the 2019-20 School Budget. See the column that says Revised Budget 2018-19? Well, that represents all the money that came in AFTER the 2018-19 school tax rate was set. That's $4,794,479 in Hoarded money. If you look up at the State-aid numbers, you'll see the additional $3.5 million in State-aid they got last year and didn't use to Reduce the School Tax Rate but Kept!

The actual increase for the 2019-20 school year in 'Other Anticipated Revenue on this page is only $4,345,041.

Well, if $4,345,041 is the increase we expect for the 2019-20 school year, then why does the Summary page (page 2) show 'Other Anticipated Revenue' increasing by $9,139,520? We're not getting an increase in the 2019-20 school year of $9,139,520.

Because the Hoarders that be are using all that Hoarded Tax Relief Money to fund the Increased $pending. They took that $4,794,479 (above) and $1,366,621 from the $4,345,041 they anticipate receiving in the 2019-20 school budget and used it to fund the increased $pending in this year's school budget.

That's $6,161,100 in funds meant to Reduce the School Tax Rate and used to fund their 'Out-of-Control $pending Increases. The purpose of State-aid is to help Reduce the Tax Burden - Not to be used to Increase $pending in a subsequent year.

Nice, isn't it?

If you cut that $4,794,479 out of the $pending increase in this school budget and they should, the school tax increase in this budget would drop in half. Time to Stop increasing the Bloat and Fat in these budgets that grow exponentially by the 2% cap every year. Make them do their job and eliminate all the unnecessary $pending over there or just cut the $4.7 million and let them eat off the all the Bloat they have stored up over the years.

Here's how you can see it if you like pics instead of words:

6. It's a document, to paraphrase Rodney Dangerfield, that 'Really tells it like it ain't.'

Next, the Worse News - those on the Board who vote to continue this unnecessary attack on the pocketbooks' of the residents and taxpayers of Edison and not recognize and cut out the obvious excess $pending in this budget will be many for sure - and you should remember who they are the next time you go the polls.

Finally, the Worst News! A Board that fails to recognize and see how Bad these School Budgets really are (and how Badly the resident/taxpayers stakeholders are being treated) or continue to look at these school budgets with eyes wide shut - will be the same Board that will soon put forth a Humongous Bond Referendum with the same eyes wide shut.

And that should Really..Really Scare You!

Here's where you can find out what this school budget will cost you. Enter your home's assessed value and find out what this 2019-20 School Budget will do to the School Tax portion of your Property Tax Bill:

And here's the Board of Mythomania's Preliminary 2019-20 School Budget for you to see and review:

Not sure anyone would disagree that we all want to give our Kids the best education possible - but that also has to be the best possible education within our means. That requires Oversight by the Board that assures us that every dollar we spend is spent wisely and efficiently and a Board that doesn't think of the residents/taxpayers as just a necessary annoyance to be used as a bottomless cash pit, when needed to fund their ineffectiveness.                                          

Anyhoo, since you don't get to vote anymore on these annual 'Bloated, Pot of Money attacks on your pocketbook, then you just might want to make sure you get Board Members on there who will actually do something about what goes on over there on Mythomania Lane and deal with the inefficient, unnecessary and Out-of-Control $pending - year after year, after year, after year...

Friday, March 15, 2019

Until they Remove the Stench Hanging over Edison from that 2017 Election Flier

You should Not Vote for another Democrat in Edison.

Let's get serious now, it's been over a year and still no resolution. What? They still haven't found out what happened? Really? In order to buy into this length of time without a resolution, you'd have to believe that our local elected officials must not even be capable of finding their own butts with both hands.

Geez? Do they think we forgot about it? Are they hoping it simply goes away with the passage of time and their less than convincing rhetoric?

No, that's not gonna happen. So, isn't it long overdue for them to Stand up and remove this Stench? The Stench Hanging over Edison really, really, really Stinks and it grows exponentially worse with every day they do nothing about it.

Anyhoo, as our local elected officials, if they can't protect the Good People of Edison from the dysfunctional politics in this town, then who needs them sitting there over at 100 Oligarchy Blvd.?

Two Big Thingies coming down the pike over there on Mythomania Lane

Well, as we take a look at what's going on over there on the other side of town under the mis-guidance of Jerry 'Needs to Step-down' Shi - you've got to start paying attention to what they're doing.

First, we have the search for a permanent Super, which is taking a tad bit long. Apparently, we've waiting for a response to a RFP (Request for Proposal) to hire a search firm and then $pend some $50k or so to bring in candidates.

All to be ready, hopefully, to have interviews by sometime in May - so they say.

Just a couple things to consider on this timeline. First, the Interim Super's contract expires at the end of the school year (6/30/19) and if they don't make their anticipated deadline on hiring a permanent Super, then we'll have to extend the Interim's contract. Second, it would be in everybody's best interests if the Board sets aside a day for each of their finalists during the interview process to meet with parents, teachers, staff and public so they can get to meet and ask questions of the finalists.Since it's such an important position to fill, then it should involve all the stakeholders in the process.

Second, while the Overcrowding task force continues doing its thing without any information about what they're planning to do and how much it will cost - guess what, they've already set a September date for a Bond Referendum. That's nice, isn't it? They say nothing, they know nothing about what they're gonna do - but they're setting up the date in September to do it.

You can see this in the Proposal from the recently Board approved Architects.

SSP Architects Proposal:

Now, not for nothing, but it's anticipated that this Bond Referendum will be Humongous in both Scope and Dollars. So, it would be nice if the Board gets around to telling the public what they've decided to do, how much it's going to cost and under what timeline, why they've chosen this direction to take and what alternatives have they considered.

The last thing we want is another Board of Mythomania Bond Referendum Ambush by getting the information at the last minute and hoping you miss it, just like they use to do over there on Mythomania Lane.

Anyhoo, pay attention folks, what they're doing over there will force you to buy a larger calculator to fit in the size of this Bond Referendum they're obliquely putting together.

Edison Democratic Organization (EDO) picks their candidates

Well, that was an interesting meeting last night. However, do appreciate the opportunity given for the public to attend.

Also, good to see some old friends again and to be ignored by others! On the latter, you know who you are Charlie 'I Abstain' Tomaro aka Deputy Dog! You're a class act.

Chairman Shariq Ahmad:

The EDO (140 votes cast - 90% turnout) picked the candidates they'll support for the four Council spots up this year:

Joe Coyle - 97 votes

Ajay Patil - 85 votes

Richard Brescher - 80 votes

Joyce Ship-Freeman - 72 votes

Anyhoo, the Stench still lingers over this town with the selection of Patil and Coyle.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

NJ Public School Scores - 2017-18

Well, just saw this piece here in on how the NJ DoE graded its public school scores for the school year 2017-18.

The piece says NJ DoE released the new scores, which are graded on a scale of -0- to 100 and consider standardized test results, graduation rates and other factors.

The piece also explains how the scores were determined and these scores are only one piece of the puzzle. You should read the entire article to better understand the meaning and value of these scores.

Apparently, a 50th percentile rating is considered average.

Anyhoo, whether you place much stock in these scores or not, you can't help but notice there's quite a difference between the schools in our town.

You Can't Change this town if You Don't Change the People Running it!

Well, not much of a fan of Edison's all Dem-party rule or the Silly Season that goes along with it here in the DemBadLands of Downtown Edison - but it's the only time you get our local elected officials out pandering for your vote - the rest of the year, you're not important. 

So, you can appreciate with this being time for the EDO to have their screening for the four Council spots up this year - you can expect a lot of rhetoric and hyperbole to be flying around town. 

In fact, the screening is on March 14th at 7:00PM over at the Pines. 

While I automatically feed all their glossy and expensive campaign literature right into the garbage can, it's particularly disconcerting when incumbents resort to robo-calls.

Here's the text of an amusing robo-call for Joe Coyle:

'Hello, I'm calling on behalf of your councilman Joe Coyle to give you a phone number where you can reach Joe if you have any questions about Edison, any problems Joe Coyle will try to help you. Phone number is 732-809-4827 and a Happy Valentine's Day. Bye..Bye.'

It's amusing since he's one of the incumbents up for reelection this year and will be screening on March 14th and obviously didn't screen his robe-call list. Why would he robo-call me? I did ask him to help with moving the school board election back to April and didn't get much help there. Guess that's why he says 'will try to help you' in his robo-call.

Seriously now, in a town where;

..the Council is nothing more than processing clerks for Lankey's doings

..checks and balances are a myth

..every Muni budget under Lankey was passed by the Council without a single penny change to his yearly tax increase,

..they still leave the Stench of the 2017 election hanging over the town 

..they Cluck..Clucked away from giving the People of this town a chance to hear arguments for moving the School Board elections back to April by cancelling their meeting the day before it was scheduled

..transparency is just a word they use 

..conflicts of interest are only important if you catch them

..and how could you ever trust these people to enter into such a humongous $811 million contract for Water and Sewer with their single-minded Dem-party mentality?

You Can't and You Shouldn't Trust any of them!

You know what I see when I look around this town - it's all about twisted and dysfunctional Politics, Not People. They'll only pay attention to you when it's election time and they want your vote.

And here's what I see when I look at these four incumbents up for reelection - the rest of the year: 

Anyhoo, Joe Coyle is the one on the right with phone in hand. He's waiting for your call. Better hurry and call him at 732-809-4827 'if you have any questions about Edison, any problems'  - the screening is only a couple days away! 

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

School State Aid - FY20

Here's the school aid figures off the NJ DoE's website for FY20:

By County:

Middlesex County by District:

To 25 District Increases:

Top 25 District Decreases:

Monday, March 4, 2019

$811 million - it's too Big to Fail so take it out of Lankey & his Cronies hands!

Geez, if this wasn't so Blatantly Obvious, it would be Funny! Anyone who has lived in this town long enough under it's all Dem-party rule has to be scratching their head and saying  - Seriously, You're Kidding Me, Right!?!

You want to let Mayor Tom 'Now 17.1% but Won't Debate' ChoiLankey and his Cluck..Cluck Council enter into an $811 million Water & Sewer 40-year lease on their own??? No problem, they say You'll get all your answers to this double-secret agreement at their March 28th meeting before they call two more meetings; one to schedule it for a vote and the other to vote on it.


In a town where the Council is nothing more than processing clerks for Lankey's doings, where checks and balances are a myth and every Muni budget under Lankey was passed by the Council without a single penny change to his yearly tax increase, where they still leave the Stench of the 2017 election hanging over the town, where they Cluck..Clucked away from giving the People of this town a chance to hear arguments for moving the School Board elections back to April by cancelling their meeting the day before it was scheduled, where transparency is just a word they use and where conflicts of interest are only important if you catch them - how could you ever trust these people to enter into such a humongous contract with their single-minded Dem-party mentality?

You Can't and You Shouldn't Trust them!

But wait, there's more. Where Council members are also committee people - guess they get to vote for themselves again when the EDO holds it's screening on March 14th at the Pines - and sometimes they get to vote committee people for positions in town. That's nice, you vote for me and I'll vote for you!?!

Where Committee people screen for Council, not because they are doing a bang up job by keeping their district's constituents informed but just because they're committee people.

Maybe it's me, but both my District 31 committee people are screening for the Council on March 14th. Not for nothing but I've never ever, ever seen them canvass the neighborhood during elections or any other time or seen any attempt by them to keep the residents informed about what was going on over there at 100 Oligarchy Blvd. Certainly, they have never come a knocking at my door to share the knowledge or walk around with Council hopefuls.

So, all 78 District Committee people should take a pass on voting for Steven P. Nagel and Marie Wise.

You should also look around your Committee and see if it's being run in the best interests of the People of Edison.

You should also take a pass on the 4 incumbents, Patil, Sendelsky, Lombardi & Coyle. They've already proven many times over that they serve the interests of the Dem-party few and not your interests, which explains why, more often than not, you're left out of the loop..

But I digress, so lets move on.

Unfortunately, our town has long-been a politically disingenuous place to live where there's a stronghold on power through it's cronyism and nepotism and they do it by controlling what you get to know and when you get to know it and they do it right in Your Face! And for those who doubt it or haven't been around long enough, I refer you to the February 20, 2019 post.

So, when Lankey who has taxed us every which way he can (and that includes the Garbage and let's not forget the Humongous Sewer tax increases he imposed on us over the years) comes up with a scheme like this - You really have to say No Thanks and tell him and his 7 processing clerks to spare us their self-serving rhetoric and dubious transparency and put the question on the ballot.


Take a look at this seriously dysfunctional Council get all twisted up in their own inability to effectively respond to public questions at the last meeting:

And, since you can't really trust what the Council is about to do here with a company that has numerous public complaints in other towns, you should take the time to listen to a presentation from Food and Water Watch to educate yourselves on the negative impact of water privatization.

1-Monday March 11th 7:00pm
Grace Reformed Church 
2815 Woodbridge Ave 
Edison NJ

2-Wednesday March 20th 7:00pm
Edison Memorial VFW Post 3117
53 National Rd
Edison NJ

Anyhoo, this deal is too Big to leave in the hands Señor Lankey and his Cluck..Cluck Council - don't let them trick you into believing they know best for something that will last long after they're gone and for such a long, long, long time.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

EDO Screening for the four Council spots - March 14, 2019 at 7:00 PM at the Pines!

Well, since there are four council seats up for grabs this year, thought it would be helpful to know a few things about this years EDO screening process. So, I reached out to the new EDO Chairman, Mr. Shariq Ahmad and asked the following about public notice to anyone interested in screening and would the public be allowed to attend the actual screening:
My name is Ralph Bucci and I’m an Edison resident and a registered Democrat. For purposes of full disclosure, I’m not much of a fan of the EDO but do have a long-time interest in the town’s governance on both sides of town (municipal and school board).

My sole purpose in contacting you is to inquire if there was any public notice given so any Democrats in town who wish to apply to screen for one of the four open council spots up this year could do so. I didn’t see any but it’s possible that I missed it - so if there was such a notice, I’d appreciate your pointing me to it. If there wasn’t any notice, can you tell me why not?

Second, will anyone from the public be invited to hear the speeches of all the candidates who are screening when it comes up for a vote. If so, I would very much like to attend and hear what all the candidates have to say. As I understand it, in addition to all the incumbents - there are a number of other candidates who have expressed an interest in screening. I think it’s important that we be able to hear what all candidates have to say about how they will make Edison better.

Thanking you in advance for any info you can provi
Mr. Shariq was kind enough to respond and provided the following information:

On the public notice query:

Thanks for reaching out! Yes there was public notice given, and this year (my first as
chairman overseeing a candidate screening) I wanted to make it even more accessible than years prior. Usually, we are only required to post a public notice in two local papers. I wanted to go further, since more people are consuming their news online nowadays. So, this year, I had the notice posted not just in two local papers (Home News and Sentinel), but also their online sites, as well as another local online newspaper, TapInto Edison, in the hopes that it would reach more people. You can search any of their websites and view it, or see it in the paper itself. Here is one of the notices for your reference (all were identical):
 On the public attendance at the screening query:
Yes, there is lots of interest in serving Edison Township via elected office. As I understand it, usually the speech portion of the screening is open only to the committee. I am willing to open it up to the public, especially folks who have long-time interest in the town's governance such as yourself. You and others from the public are welcome to attend. 
There are 3 factors I will take into account if I decide to close it to the public on the night of the screening:

1. If there is not enough space, I will obviously give priority to committeepeople, and ask non-committeepeople to step outside for the duration of the screening. The room and everything has already been reserved and so I will take logistical considerations into account. 
2. If it is too loud or chaotic in the room, I will request the public to leave so that the committeepeople can focus on the important task at hand and listen intently to each candidate. 
3. If the candidates or several committeepeople ask that I close it to the public and give me a valid reason, I will honor their request. Ultimately, it is a meeting of members of the Organization and they are allowed to make such requests.
I then asked if there was a list of candidates (with some bios) who were screening he was willing to share to include in this post.

Mr. Ahmad provided the following:


1. Sheila Angalet

2. Willie Araujo

3. Richard M. Brescher

4. Joseph A. Coyle (I)

5. Nilesh Dasondi

6. Michael R. Lombardi (I)

7. Steven P. Nagel

8. Ajay Patil (I)

9. John H. Poyner

10. Leonard D. Sendelsky (I)

11. Joyce Ship-Freeman

12. Maria C. Wise

  (I) Incumbents

Anyhoo, thank you Mr. Ahmad for allowing the people of Edison to know about the screening process, the public ability to be part of the process with candidates' paper and attendance at the screening meeting (with the caveats stated), if they so desire to attend. Also important to know who the candidates are and why they are seeking the party endorsement to fill one of the four council spots up for grabs.