Friday, March 29, 2019

$851m Suez deal - as much as I may like Señor Lankey - this is too much political maneuvering, even for him!

Well, that was an interesting way to find out the details of Mayor Tom 'Now 17.1% but Won't Debate'  ChoiLankey's 2-year double-secret attempt to privatize the sewer and water systems. Walk into a meeting without seeing anything about this deal (other than what they wanted you to see) and be confronted with a document some 800 pages long and a bunch of Lankey's experts sitting there to answer your questions.

Yeah, that kind of seems fair to open it up for questions when no one was able to see and review the details before the meeting and then have to listen to their summary presentation about why is was such a good deal!

Senor Lankey and his Band of 7 Processing Clerks..aka Edison all-Dem Council (who were all in attendance like good little soldiers) should be ashamed of themselves.

And let's not forget those other two Graduates (but still Committeemen) of the EDO who showed up to support Señor Lankey - you remember them; The Poster-Child for Everything that's Wrong with the EDO and The EDO's Greatest Failure.

You should know by now that whenever Charlie 'I Abstain' Tomaro..aka 'Deputy Dog' shows up for one of these events - some Dem-party thingie's going on and it's gonna stink.

And let's not forget our 18th District Assemblyman Rob 'Mr. Temper-a-Ment' Karabinchak was in attendance. Geez, I wonder with his recent success with his Porch-Pirate Bill now heading to the Senate - if he sees any Pirating going on here and wanna Help his constituents in Downtown Edison? Just a thought.

But wait, it gets better. They're gonna have 3 more public meeting on April 3rd and 4th for you to ask questions - all, of course, at convenient times for you - Not.


Because the Council is tentatively going to introduce the ordinance involving this agreement on April 10th! Really, then what pass it in May 2019? Or is Señor Lankey hoping that two of his cronies on the Council who lost the Local Dem-party screening challenge the Local Dem-party who didn't pick them in June and hope to pass it after the primary?

Who knows and who cares. They've already decided what they're gonna do and they just need the Council's approval so they can go get the necessary state approvals, which according to them should take around 90 days.

And, regardless of the prepared statement from Councilman Joshi and Councilman Coyle's attempt for more time rhetoric to review the documents - don't believe them and don't trust them. Geez, Councilman Joshi - a prepared statement you give out after the meeting? You were at the meeting, why didn't you just go up to the microphone if you had something to say to the People of Edison?

Clearly, in spite of their lack of transparency, a lot of People showed up last night and expressed their displeasure with this whole list of questions and concerns. Concerns were expressed about such things as Suez, privatization, costs, the lack of transparency on this issue, the quality of water and given the size and length of this agreement that it should be put up on the ballot in November and let the People of Edison decide. All good stuff!

Kudos to all the People who took the time to come out and speak about this matter. This deal is too Big and being rushed through too quickly to be anything but a Dem-party sham. And, for that reason alone, it should Not be left in the hands of the Edison Council, regardless of who wins the June Dem primary.

The only Vote the Edison Council should be making on this $851 million agreement is to put in on the Ballot in November. 

Kudos to Mr. Don Tarr (Edison District 73 Dem-Committeeman) on his comments last night that kind of sums it all up for you:

Anyhoo, aren't you Happy that we have a one-party rule in this town - where the faith of this town for the next 40-years lies is in the hands of a Bunch of Local Dem-party Groupies looking for their next leg-up in the Local Dem-party pecking order?!?

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