Friday, March 15, 2019

Until they Remove the Stench Hanging over Edison from that 2017 Election Flier

You should Not Vote for another Democrat in Edison.

Let's get serious now, it's been over a year and still no resolution. What? They still haven't found out what happened? Really? In order to buy into this length of time without a resolution, you'd have to believe that our local elected officials must not even be capable of finding their own butts with both hands.

Geez? Do they think we forgot about it? Are they hoping it simply goes away with the passage of time and their less than convincing rhetoric?

No, that's not gonna happen. So, isn't it long overdue for them to Stand up and remove this Stench? The Stench Hanging over Edison really, really, really Stinks and it grows exponentially worse with every day they do nothing about it.

Anyhoo, as our local elected officials, if they can't protect the Good People of Edison from the dysfunctional politics in this town, then who needs them sitting there over at 100 Oligarchy Blvd.?

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