Saturday, March 30, 2019

Edison's All Dem-party Rule - they may hold public positions of trust - but you can't always trust them!

Well, trust - guess that's somewhat of a paradox wrapped in an enigma for me here in the 'DemBadlands' of Downtown Edison.

Mayor Tom 'Now 17.1% but Won't Debate' ChoiLankey believes this $851m Suez deal is best for the town. I'm sure he does but can you believe him?

You know, under the Faulkner Act, we're a Strong Mayor, Weak Council form of government. Well, if history is any indication, that's half true - we have a Weak Council. Given how they rolled this bombshell agreement out and a track history of being less than truthful - how could You possibly trust any of them?

I certainly don't and You shouldn't.

Senor Lankey promised to Stabilize taxes when he first ran for Mayor in 2013 and the first thing he did when he got in - Raise the Muni-tax by 8%! What, he didn't know what was going on in town when he was sitting there on the Council for the previous few years and was even Chairman of the Finance Committee.

Since then, he has managed to Raise the Muni-tax up by 17.1%, nearly doubled the Commercial Sewer tax and the Residential Sewer tax by almost half. He even Raised the Garbage tax.

And now, thrown in to the mix is his 7 Processing Clerks who since Lankey's tenure agreed and adopted every single one of his tax increases. So much for Checks & Balances.

So, You want to believe and trust what Señor Lankey and his Band of 7 Processing Clerks are saying about this $851m Suez deal when they kind of have a track history of being somewhat disingenuous with You?

I don't so I sent an email to the Clerk's office which reads as follows;

'With all due respect Council Members, the only Vote the Edison Council should be  making on this $851 million (Suez) agreement is to put in on the Ballot in November.'

If the deal is as good as they claim, then let the People of Edison come to that conclusion over the next few months since we're the ones that have to pay for it over the next 40-years. And seriously, is there one single Local Elected Official in office now that will even be effected or affected by switching the Water over to Suez here on the South side of town?

Remember what they told you back then? 'Vote for Tax Stability in Edison' - that didn't work out to well for us over the years, did it?

Anyhoo, this thing shouldn't be about trusting elected officials here in Downtown Edison - you shouldn't. You also shouldn't let them rush through such a significant and long-lasting agreement without Your Say So. This $851m Agreement belongs on the Ballot so the People of Edison can decide for themselves if we want to go down this route for the next 40 years.

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