Friday, March 15, 2019

Two Big Thingies coming down the pike over there on Mythomania Lane

Well, as we take a look at what's going on over there on the other side of town under the mis-guidance of Jerry 'Needs to Step-down' Shi - you've got to start paying attention to what they're doing.

First, we have the search for a permanent Super, which is taking a tad bit long. Apparently, we've waiting for a response to a RFP (Request for Proposal) to hire a search firm and then $pend some $50k or so to bring in candidates.

All to be ready, hopefully, to have interviews by sometime in May - so they say.

Just a couple things to consider on this timeline. First, the Interim Super's contract expires at the end of the school year (6/30/19) and if they don't make their anticipated deadline on hiring a permanent Super, then we'll have to extend the Interim's contract. Second, it would be in everybody's best interests if the Board sets aside a day for each of their finalists during the interview process to meet with parents, teachers, staff and public so they can get to meet and ask questions of the finalists.Since it's such an important position to fill, then it should involve all the stakeholders in the process.

Second, while the Overcrowding task force continues doing its thing without any information about what they're planning to do and how much it will cost - guess what, they've already set a September date for a Bond Referendum. That's nice, isn't it? They say nothing, they know nothing about what they're gonna do - but they're setting up the date in September to do it.

You can see this in the Proposal from the recently Board approved Architects.

SSP Architects Proposal:

Now, not for nothing, but it's anticipated that this Bond Referendum will be Humongous in both Scope and Dollars. So, it would be nice if the Board gets around to telling the public what they've decided to do, how much it's going to cost and under what timeline, why they've chosen this direction to take and what alternatives have they considered.

The last thing we want is another Board of Mythomania Bond Referendum Ambush by getting the information at the last minute and hoping you miss it, just like they use to do over there on Mythomania Lane.

Anyhoo, pay attention folks, what they're doing over there will force you to buy a larger calculator to fit in the size of this Bond Referendum they're obliquely putting together.

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