Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Edison Board of Ed's Director of School Safety and Security - Mr. Patrick Kissane

Well, just received today Mr. Kissane's Employment Contract and Resume from my OPRA Request.

Welcome to Edison Mr. Kissane and best wishes in your new role. No doubt security is of the utmost importance and central to everything else..

Anyhoo, it is what it is.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

You Go Sheila Angalet!

Well, here's some refreshing insight from the District 23 Committee person into the Local Dem-Party that has long made Edison Safe for Hypocrisy!

So, let's see - who would I rather have represent me here in the 'DemBadLands' of Downtown Edison - the Edison 'Cluck..Cluck' Council team of Patil, Sendelsky, Lombardi and Coyle with their outdated opaque and self-serving back-room politics or Ms. Angalet?


Wake up Local Dem Committee people and get rid of the Stench that now Permanently Hangs over Edison. And, if Charlie 'I Abstain' Tomaro..aka 'Deputy Dog' comes a knocking on your door with the council candidates - that should be a sign and a half for you that your party is so outdated!
I am pleased to announce that I will be screening for a seat on Edison Council again this year. I have made my intentions known to the Democratic chair as well as two of the incumbent Councilmen and a county Freeholder (when they came to my door last night already starting to campaign) so far. And now - to the greater network of people.
I am excited to again speak with the Committee members about what I can do to help our town move forward positively. What I am not particularly excited about is yet again facing the "Good Old Boy Network" and the active political machine that strives to keep only like-minded individuals in office who make empty promises and only come offering help/assistance when they are looking for your votes. As much as people say they want change - we haven't had it yet - and that is discouraging.
I understand fully that I am a "persona non grata" within the local Democratic Party because I speak my mind, I will not accept disrespect, I will not accept being lied to, nor do I accept that veiled threats can be made to garner votes or that there are individuals who "buy" their place in the party. I know these things happen, and I speak out against them. For that, perhaps I am a threat - but it also puts me on the outside of things. People within the party see my support for independent or other candidates as disloyalty to the party - but my loyalty is to the people I represent in my district and to a larger degree - the town that has been my life-long home.
I do not have large sums of money to "donate" so that my place is assured. We live frugally - barely getting by sometimes - so there are no discretionary funds to help me gain political popularity. I am not in a position to threaten people for their support or their votes - and even if I were in that kind of position - that is not the kind of person I am. 
What I am is honest, hard-working and, often, a force to be reckoned with. I will not lie in order to get votes or support. If I tell you I'm going to do something, I will find a way to do it or get it done - properly and well. I can and will do the job required of a Council member as well if not better than it is being done now. While in a day and age where women are showing their strength in the political arena - I don't ask for support because I am a woman - I ask for support because I will do a spectacular job. And isn't that what
you want? An honest person working hard for you?
That's me. Plain and simple - honest - the me you see is the me you get. I'm ready to work and fight for you - for our future - for our Edison.

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Thursday, January 24, 2019

Edison Board of Mythomania hires New 'Director of Security' - $130,000

Well, just heard that the Board of Mythomania just created a new position, Director of Security - and hired Mr. Patrick Kissane, a retired police office for $130,000.

As a newly created position, this position is obviously not in the current 2018-19 school budget. There were an additional 15 security guards added to the existing 10 in the security budget for 2018-19.

This represents just another in the long history of non-budgeted additions to staff over there on Mythomania Lane that you don't get to have a say on.

But hey, thanks to Edison's 'Cluck..Cluck' Council who cowardly cancelled out at the last minute on their public meeting on moving the school board election, you don't get a chance vote on the school budgets again and they'll just continue to $pend your money any way they want.

Don't you just get a kick out of all the transparency over this entire school security issue on both sides of town?

Be that as it may, in order to understand the background of this new hire, I just made an OPRA Request for his resume along with any applicable contract and will post if and when I receive it.

Anyhoo, welcome to 'Downtown' Edison where one hand washes the other and both hands pick your pocket.

Not for nothing but maybe the Council will consider this change that the Board of Mythomania made back during the Dave Dickinson era I think - changing the BoE meeting dates that conflict with the Council meeting dates.

Look at all these Edison Council and Board of Ed meetings this year where you can't be in two places at once! Who says we don't have open and transparent government here in the 'DemBadLands' of Downtown Edison?:

Sunday, January 20, 2019

April 1, 2019 - deadline for running for Democratic Committee Person in 'Downtown' Edison'

Well, saw this Reminder on Keith Hahn's FaceBook page. Seems the deadline for becoming part of the Party that has Made Edison Safe for Hypocrisy - the Edison Democratic Organization is April 1, 2019.

Here's what Keith has to say:

Petitions for Democratic Committee Person deadline is April 1st.

The best opportunity to change the way our Municipal Goverment operates is to run for Committee Man or Committee Woman.

Edison has 78 election districts. Each district is represented by one elected Committee Man and one elected Committee Woman. These 156 Committee people are responsible for selecting the candidates that will represent their respective parties in November’s General Election.
Democrats run this year in 2019 and Republicans run next year in 2020. 

If you are fed up with rising taxes, overcrowding in schools, lack of security in our schools, lack of recreation facilities, traffic, congestion, politically connected developers overbuilding, police misconduct, absentee politicians and have no idea who your local Committee person is; the best way to effectuate change is to run for Committee person in your respective voting district. 

This process lacks transparency by design. It allows those in power to insulate themselves with family, friends and political cronies who blindly support them time and time again. 

Please share and comment as I will attempt to answer all questions and make this process as open and transparent as possible for all Edison residents. I can also provide a list of voters for each election district to assist anyone who would like to participate in the process. 


And here's the List of Current Edison Dem Committee People:

So, if you're tired of this one-party rule that taxes you to the hilt, a party where the perils of one-party government are no longer a peril but a reality, a party that leaves the Stench Hanging over Our Town from the 2017 Election, a party that ran away from giving you the right to vote on $250+ million Bloated School Budgets and simply doesn't care what you may think (except at election time when pandering for your vote, of course), then recognize that these 153 people pick who gets to represent You!

Take a hard look at this list of family, friends and political cronies and you can see why the EDO is the Party that made Edison Safe for Hypocrisy. You need to Unstack the deck against You!

And here's a reminder of Your Property Taxes here in the 'DemBadLands' of Downtown Edison:

Anyhoo, kudos to Keith Hahn for reminding everyone of this process and deadline that flies so low below the public radar that even the District 18 Committeeman probably doesn't remember to sign-up again - for the ga-zillionith time!

Oh.. wait, maybe I'm wrong and he remembers:

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Edison Board of Mythomania's 'Special Meeting'..it was 'Special' all right - thanks to the Edison Council!

Well, this article was interesting. Saw this piece in Tap into Edison here on the Board of Mythomania's Special Meeting on moving the school board elections back to April. You know, the one they had after the Edison 'Cluck..Cluck' Council cancelled their 'Special Meeting' on the same subject a day before their scheduled meeting.

First, let me say, I respect the opinions of those on the Board and those residents who commented in this piece who didn't want to move the election back - as arguably one-sided and misguided as they may be.

And therein lies the rub - you heard no counter arguments why we Should move the election back to April.

It wasn't going to happen in that meeting because the Board of Mythomania was never going to agree with moving the election back to April (I know, I asked) - they don't want you Voting on their Bloated Pots of Money they call School Budgets.

Which is why the Council's Meeting was so important for airing all sides.  If they were interested in hearing all sides of the issue, then they wouldn't of cancelled the meeting at the last minute.

Unlucky for me, since I found a way to be home and was planning on attending that meeting. Too bad the Council didn't want to hear all sides and let all the valid and rational arguments be made about these Board of Ed elections air out.

Seriously, if the Council didn't want to get involved, they shouldn't of even called a 'Special Meeting' - but calling one and then cancelling it at the last minute Stinks to no abound.

Hence, they will forever be known for what the are - Edison's 'Cluck..Cluck' Council because they cowardly sided behind closed doors with The Board of Mythomania for Political reasons and against Your Right to have a Say over $250+ millions dollars of Your tax money - even without giving you the courtesy of hearing from You. Welcome to 'Downtown' Edison where one hand washes the other and both hands pick your pocket.

Yup - an in Your Face 'Cluck..Cluck' move by the Edison Council.

Can you say Cluck..Cluck? After you do, be worried, be very worried about what just went on here behind closed doors.

As for this Poster-Child for moving the election back to April, the entire Board of Mythomania owns him and his inept leadership in 2019 and You'll have No say on how they $pend Your Money.

Kisses & Hugs!

Anyhoo, to my friends on the Council - the next time you call a meeting and decide to cancel it at the last minute, give me heads-up. I had to go through great lengths to be home to have a chance to come and see you again. A Tad Bit Not Nice!

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Edison's 'Cluck..Cluck' Council Cancels Wednesday's Special Meeting! There's a Shocker!!

Well, there you go. That should tell you everything you need to know about the twisted Politics in this town!

Thought they would at least go through the motions of a public meeting before they bailed on the Vote.

Can you say Cluck..Cluck? Smell the Stink?!?

Too bad for the residents that there's no more time before the January 21, 2019 deadline to make the move. Unlucky!

Also, too bad for us that they didn't get together earlier to consider this - when they were asked. Too busy, I guess.

Anyhoo, can't really be surprised - we're just getting the type of government we deserve here in 'Downtown' Edison.

Poster-Child for Moving School Board Elections back to April!

Yup, you really, really, really want to have the right to say Yay or Nay over $250+ million school budgets put out by this guy! You fund the budget, You should have the right to Vote on it.

Anyhoo, a Board that votes this guy in as President again isn't going to provide the Oversight needed for such huge amounts of your tax money every year. You have to be the checks and balances over the Board of Mythomania with public scrutiny and challenge over their annual Bloated Pots of Money they call School Budgets.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Edison Township Council discusses possible BoE election switch before January 21st deadline!

Update on Moving the Edison Board of Education election back to April:

(1) The Edison Board of Education has called a Special Meeting for tomorrow at 7:00PM in the Ed Center. This meeting will be a waste of time - a proverbial whine-fest with little, if any, substantive support to keep things the way they are and their bloated budgets away from public scrutiny and challenge.

(2) The Edison Council has called a Special Meeting for Wednesday at 6:00PM in the Council Chambers. This meeting will be where you'll find out if the Council finally starts to make things right in this town. It's all on the Council to correct, as it should be. Pay close attention to what goes on and happens in this meeting - it will tell you everything you need to know about the twisted politics in this town.

Well, just saw the January 9, 2019 Council meeting and looks like the Edison Council is considering a Resolution to move the School Board election back to April.

For all the reasons you can read about in this blog, let's hope they, in the words of my buddy Emil 'Do the Right Thing' Ferlicchi, do the right thing for the People of Edison and pass a resolution to move the election back to April. The over politicization and disconcerting nature of the school board election campaign process and inability to vote on Hugely Bloated pots of money should be enough for anyone to see that it was a mistake to move the elections to November.

As an aside, bet you're curious why I brought up former ETEA President, Emil Ferlicchi? My daughter's 5th grade teacher whom she liked so much as a teacher that she always told me not to pick on him - but I digress, so let's move on.

I brought him up because their are those who believe that the April elections, with a lower turnout, would allow more of the teachers' union candidates to get elected and control the Board and that the People of Edison like to reject school budgets. Well, to some degree, there were times when the teachers' union snuck a few in.

And if the School Board puts together meaningful budgets that respect the rights of all the stakeholders, then their budgets should pass. If they do that, then there's no reason why their budgets shouldn't pass. And if history is any indication, the resident taxpayers have rejected very few school budgets over the years. From 1993 through 2014, there were only 5 school budgets rejected by the People of Edison. Note: it's been pointed out (see comments below) that there were 11 rejected budgets and not five as I indicated here. If I'm wrong on that, I apologize - I posted what I showed. Either way, my comments in this paragraph still apply.

But how's that any different than the Local Dem Party getting their chosen candidates elected? Respectfully, there's always going to be candidates who get elected because they were backed by someone or some group and all those who get elected come with their own agendas.

Yeah, you can wait 3 years and vote out those who you don't think serve the interests of all the stakeholders but every year they're there $pending your money.

So, the ultimate check on the Edison Board of Education has to be the taxpayers, you know, the ones that pay all the bills for what goes on over there on Mythomania Lane. And the only way to do that is to have the right to vote on their annual Bloated, Pots of Money they call school budgets.

Also, good to see there was a resident there who is still wondering why the Stench from last year's election (2017) is still hanging over our town without resolution by the Council.

Good question!

Here's the meeting - worth watching:

Anyhoo, time for this all-Dem Council to remember what their Party's slogan use to be - 'People Not Politics' and act accordingly on these two important issues.

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Tick..tock, tick..tock!

Well, with the deadline looming on January 21, 2019 to move the School Board Election back to April, somebody needs to make a decision one way or the other.

Doesn't look like the Edison Board of Mythomania is even going to acknowledge the possibility of moving it, so it's up to the governing body to make a decision. They have only one more meeting before the deadline (this week) to pass the necessary resolution to make the move back to April.

Will Politics prevail over the People of Edison and we leave the elections in November - that decision, no doubt, worked out well for the image of the town.

We'll see.              

Anyhoo, even taking out the now disconcerting politicization of the school board elections here in Downtown Edison, it's time the powers that be gave back the People of Edison the right to challenge these $250 million plus Bloated, Out-of-Control $pending Pots of Money the School Board calls School Budgets. Certainly, the fiscal oversight over there on Mythomania Lane is sorely lacking with the current board.

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Edison Board of Education Reorganization Meeting - a Farce in the Making!

Well, first let me be polite and congratulate Ralph Errico on his reelection and Elizabeth Conway and Dr. Chen on their election to the Board. Having said that now let me say barf..barf..barf to what the Board did next.

The Board had an opportunity to rid itself of Jerry 'the Mistake Awaiting Correction' Shi but they didn't. They turned a Blind Eye to the Shi 'Mistake' which was so plainly visible to all in 2018 and so easily persuasive in arguing, by any board member, against his presidency.

I hope their inability to stand up for what's right was worth it to Brescher, Errico, Patel, Ward, Peng and Chen. I particularly want to point out Brescher and Errico's shameful support of Shi. Guess that now makes them the new 'BE for Shi' duo.

So, to the Board in total I say you did a great disservice to the People of this town and, as such, you now own him and what he continues to do in 2019 over there at the corner of Pierson Avenue and Dysfunction Junction.

Pay attention to Shi's little 'kum-ba-ya' speech he read and after you do - have a good laugh. It's actually kind of funny for this guy. And seriously, Shi is still trying to claim $4 million in savings for something he blocked public comment on before the Board vote and when, in fact, they saved nothing. They just repurposed the money to another budget line and saved nothing for the taxpayers. Someone needs to explain to Señor Shi what Savings means. It's the kind of Savings that only exists within a Board of Mythomania - and this is the guy they chose to lead the way in 2019?!?


Here's the reorganization meeting in all it's chaotic splendor:

Anyhoo, a Sad turn of events by this Board against the People of Edison.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

A Message to Edison Board of Education Members this Reorganization Day!

Update: Just been told that Shi was reelected President by a Vote of 7 -2 and Errico was elected Vice-President by a vote of 6 -3. 

Those who turned a Blind Eye to the Shi 'Mistake' were Brescher, Errico, Falguni, Ward. Peng, Chen and Shi. Conway and Moroney Voted No for Shi.

Those who Voted Yes for Errico were Brescher, Ward, Peng, Chen, Shi and Errico. Conway, Moroney and Falguni Voted No for Errico.

Just some thoughts that I shared with the Board about leadership in 2019:

Hello all,
First, let me wish everyone a Happy, Healthy and Safe New Year. For those of you leaving, I wish you well and thank you for volunteering your time to serve on the board.

Just want to share my thoughts about the board leadership going into 2019. You should not, again, support Jerry Shi for Board President. I think it’s clear that it’s time for a change. 

Clearly, it was a mistake to vote him in this year - but  by definition, a mistake is an unintentional error. Hey, we all make mistakes.

However, if you vote him back in (doesn’t matter if it’s unanimous or by a 5-4 vote), then it won’t be a mistake this time that the board will be making but a choice each and everyone of you will be making.

That will say a lot about the board and how it plans to move forward in 2019.

There are a lot of serious issues the board needs to address in 2019 and you’ll need the right leadership in place that can progressively move the district  forward. 

Let’s hope you choose wisely on January 2, 2019 for the betterment of the school district and all of its stakeholders. 

Jerry 'Needs to be Voted Out' Shi:

Anyhoo, pay attention to how each member of this board votes today.