Sunday, January 20, 2019

April 1, 2019 - deadline for running for Democratic Committee Person in 'Downtown' Edison'

Well, saw this Reminder on Keith Hahn's FaceBook page. Seems the deadline for becoming part of the Party that has Made Edison Safe for Hypocrisy - the Edison Democratic Organization is April 1, 2019.

Here's what Keith has to say:

Petitions for Democratic Committee Person deadline is April 1st.

The best opportunity to change the way our Municipal Goverment operates is to run for Committee Man or Committee Woman.

Edison has 78 election districts. Each district is represented by one elected Committee Man and one elected Committee Woman. These 156 Committee people are responsible for selecting the candidates that will represent their respective parties in November’s General Election.
Democrats run this year in 2019 and Republicans run next year in 2020. 

If you are fed up with rising taxes, overcrowding in schools, lack of security in our schools, lack of recreation facilities, traffic, congestion, politically connected developers overbuilding, police misconduct, absentee politicians and have no idea who your local Committee person is; the best way to effectuate change is to run for Committee person in your respective voting district. 

This process lacks transparency by design. It allows those in power to insulate themselves with family, friends and political cronies who blindly support them time and time again. 

Please share and comment as I will attempt to answer all questions and make this process as open and transparent as possible for all Edison residents. I can also provide a list of voters for each election district to assist anyone who would like to participate in the process. 


And here's the List of Current Edison Dem Committee People:

So, if you're tired of this one-party rule that taxes you to the hilt, a party where the perils of one-party government are no longer a peril but a reality, a party that leaves the Stench Hanging over Our Town from the 2017 Election, a party that ran away from giving you the right to vote on $250+ million Bloated School Budgets and simply doesn't care what you may think (except at election time when pandering for your vote, of course), then recognize that these 153 people pick who gets to represent You!

Take a hard look at this list of family, friends and political cronies and you can see why the EDO is the Party that made Edison Safe for Hypocrisy. You need to Unstack the deck against You!

And here's a reminder of Your Property Taxes here in the 'DemBadLands' of Downtown Edison:

Anyhoo, kudos to Keith Hahn for reminding everyone of this process and deadline that flies so low below the public radar that even the District 18 Committeeman probably doesn't remember to sign-up again - for the ga-zillionith time!

Oh.. wait, maybe I'm wrong and he remembers:

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