Monday, April 8, 2019

Whatcha doin' Tom!?!

Well, while I recognize the old political adage.. 'Never Complain, Never Explain - your friends won't believe you and your enemies will use it against you,' but really now?

What's this all about?  This Stinks as Bad as that $851M Sewer & Water deal you're trying to cut the People of Edison out of deciding.

What? Some more 'Public Meetings' and then the 7 Processing Clerks on the Council Vote? And maybe, we can hear SeƱor Sendelsky pass another (less than appropriate) comment about a Resident at the podium to speak.

Not happy that the committee people chose Brescher and Ship-Freeman in the screening process instead of Lombardi & Sendelsky?

As the highest ranking Democratic Party elected official here in the 'DemBadLands' of Downtown Edison, Messrs. Lombardi and Sendelsky having lost the support of the Local Democratic Party (EDO) in the screening process are now running off the line in the primary and that's okay with you?

Boo..hoo they lost and so some of your support but geez, isn't there some kind of obligation to the EDO to support the candidates that win the endorsement of the EDO - and Not Run Against Them?

Yeah, really solid Democrats here - support the Dem-Party when things go your way and go against it when they don't.

Seems to me that if you join this particularly dysfunctional group and you take the benefits they afford you, then you can really can't and shouldn't complain when they take them away.

Shame on you Messrs. Lombardi and Sendelsky but thanks for showing your true colors to the People of Edison. It should be about the People of Edison and Not You Two.

And Senor Lankey, you really think this is going to help you and also make the EDO Party stronger?

Below, I found the Petitions for  the Edison Democrats 2019 from an OPRA Request & Response on Charlie Kratovil's Twitter feed. Here's the ticket;

1. Michael Lombardi

2. Bhavini Tara Shah (EDO Attorney)

3. Leonard Sendelsky

4. Namisha Shukla

Also, saw some activity at the Committee person level as well as the Republican Organization's ticket for the Primary;

Her's the Republican Primary ticket;

1. Russell Azzarello

2. Cathleen Lynch Kilic

3. John J, Roche

4. Gerald T. Shine

(With apologies if I spelled anyone's name incorrectly. Please let me know and I will correct.)

Anyhoo, good example of the how the Democratic Party powers-that be view the Democratic process here in Downtown Edison - only accept it if it's in your favor.

PS: Hear that Bob 'See No Conflict' Diehl is running for Freeholder off the ticket - geez, Bob - thought you would of had higher aspirations than Freeholder. Do you really want to have to deal with Charlie 'I Abstain' Tomaro..aka 'Deputy Dog' again? That's a Tad Bit disappointing and a step-down for you, don't you think?

And finally, is it true one of the original Edison Council Choi-bots, Melissa 'Beware the Perils of Perilstein' Perilstein is running for Middlesex County Sheriff? That's a Tad Bit More disappointing.

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