Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Board of Mythomania..aka Board of Hoarders..aka Board of EDems - caucus meeting tomorrow night

Well, looks like at tomorrow night's Board of Mythomania's Caucus meeting they're going to fill the vacant board seat. As I understand it, there are six candidates (if I misspelled anyone's name or have an incorrect name on the list, please advise and I will correct):

Margot Harris - Vice-Chair of EDO and former School Board Member
Willie Araujo - Planning Board member
Carol Bodofsky - former teacher in the district
Elizabeth Conway - former teacher in the district
Joyce Ship - teacher in another district
Paul Distefano - don't know him

Apparently, they'll have a chance to speak and the Board will pick one to fill the seat that night.

Also, don't know when they're going to open up the 2017-18 Preliminary School Budget to the public (don't see anything on their agenda for tomorrow night's meeting) but if nothing changes from what they said in an earlier meeting, here's what you're looking at. The $pending is $238.2 million, up $4.2 million or 1.8% over last year, and all that $4.2 million increased $pending is getting passed right on to your tax bill.

And if they didn't change anything, which I doubt they will, here's what this latest Bloated, 'Pot of Money' offering they call a school budget does to You:

Anyhoo, it's a good thing you don't get to vote on these budgets anymore - it lets them automatically increase their bloat and discretionary spending exponentially every year.

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