Friday, May 25, 2018

Wow - that was an interesting Board of Mythomania Special Meeting!?!

Well, the Board of Mythomania had a somewhat unorthodox special meeting on insurance costs last night.

First, the good news - seems they were able to reduce the costs for medical, dental and prescription insurance by some $3.5 million by switching brokers and bringing in Cigna.

Seems they also claim it's a real reduction in costs by stating it conforms with the equal to or better than clause in all the respective collective bargaining agreements. So, it seems that both the school district and those employees contributing to their insurance should see a reduction in costs.

Now, before you get to excited, they may have reduced costs by $3.5 million but don't expect to see any of those reduced costs come back to you in the form of school tax relief. As I understand it, the $3.5 million will just repurpose to another line item in the budget.

Let's hope they use this under spending in the insurance budget line and put it back in the classrooms.

Whether you believe it or not, the Board of Mythomania doesn't have a revenue problem to support these bloated and out-of-control $pending budgets they come up with every year, it has a $pending efficiency problem. Let's hope these type changes are a step toward addressing those problems and they put this $3.5 million to good use back in the classrooms.

Now, for the bad news - the Board of Mythomania, after calling for a public meeting, didn't allow any public comment before they voted to approve these changes.


Let me say that again - they didn't allow any public comments before they voted to approve these changes.


Why call a public meeting if you're not going to allow the public to speak before you vote? KUDOS to Andrew Hibell (apologize if I spelled it wrong) and all the others who called this out for what it was.

While I recognize the board had timing issues and board member issues to deal with last night, those issues don't rise to the level where you block any public comment before you vote.

A most disturbing public display of public exclusion in the school board voting process.

A very disconcerting precedent and Board President Jerry Shi should Resign!


Anyhoo, the Board of Mythomania has gone over the edge on this one - and Jerry Shi should Resign. Whether you're right or wrong, you should never presume the public shouldn't have an opportunity to be heard before you decide. Just SHAMEFUL!

PS: just received from an OPRA Request the schedule they referred to at last night's meeting for the $3.5 million. Treat it as you will.

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