Friday, January 17, 2025

Back to the Future in 2025 with the inept and ineffective & dictatorial Leadership of Jerry 'ReferenDumb' Shi, aka Mr. Shi-shed, Mr. Pac-Man

 Well, you get what you deserve in this politically-corrupt town. This guy should never have been voted back on the Board and never allowed anywhere near the Board President position again. With School Budgets approaching some $400 million, piece-meal capital projects wasting time and money (while not solving the Overcrowding problem) you can believe this mistake will continue keeping the School District from moving forward.

Here's the Edison Board of Mythomania, Board of Ed-Dems, Board of Hoarders, Board of Dysfunction and now Board of Muck & Mire Meeting - January 16, 2025:

Anyhoo, pay attention to what goes on over there on Mythomania Lane - it's where the bulk of your tax dollars go to be mis-spent and wasted.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Edison Principals & Supervisors Contract (July 2021 to June 2025) Recently Renegotiated and not yet settled or Approved by the School Board

 Well, it's my understanding that the current Principals & Supervisors Contract has been Renegotiated and not yet settled or approved by the School Board.

A soon as possible when they settle and release it will get the financial cost of this new contract along with the new contract and all the non-financial changes.

Here's a summary of the number employees, salary amounts and salary breakdown in the latest salary file:

Here's the existing Principals & Supervisors Contract:

Anyhoo, hopefully this will come up for a School Board vote soon and they can tell us what this new contract will cost for public query and comments before the School Board votes.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Edison Board of Education - Salaries as of January 6, 2025

 Well, just received the current salary data file for the Edison Board of Education. This file has columns for Name, Primary Location, Department, Title, Step and Contract Salary. This file lists some 2,381 Employees totaling $182,878,505.

Put together some summaries of the file and this one shows the Grouping by Salary Range, breaking down the Employees and Dollars as a % of the total as well as the Mean, Median, High & Low Salaries and includes a Quick Salary Lookup of the 2,381 Employees by Name:

The data was also put into a Table so it can be sorted by any of the Column headings - Name, Location, Department, Title and Step.

Here's a snapshot of the Top 25 Salaries:

Here's a snapshot of the Principals (whose contract, I believe, is up for renegotiation but not sure if as yet settled):

Here's a snapshot of the Vice-Principals:

This is an Excel file and if anyone wants to have it, you're welcome to it. Just drop me an email.

Anyhoo, since Salaries make up the largest appropriation in the School Budgets now approaching some $400 million, it's always helpful to know how many employees there are by department, title, location etc. and the current salaries as they prepare the 2025-26 School Budget.

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Just a Reminder of Edison's Property Tax Rate History as we approach another Budget Season in 2025

 Well, here's the history of Property Tax Rates by taxing entity that make up the Edison Property Tax Bills.

Something to use as a reference when they come out with their respective 2025 budgets.

Anyhoo, it's a local election year so pay attention to what happens to the change from 2024 in the 2025 budgets.

Friday, January 3, 2025

Board of Mythomania returns to the inept, dismal & dictatorial leadership of Jerry 'ReferenDumb' Shi

 Well, while it's not surprising, it is unfortunate that 6 of the 8 Board Members chose to put the inept, dismal & dictatorial leadership of Mr. Shi-shed, Mr. Pac-Man back in play.

So, kudos to Board Members V.Patel, A. Patel, R. Patel, R. Errico and S. Peng for returning to the days that kept the school district from moving forward.

And let's not even mention the votes all over the place for the Vice-President position.

Anyhoo, the last guy who'll bring unity to the Board is Mr. Shi-shed and will, no doubt, be a detriment to moving the school district forward in 2025.

Monday, December 16, 2024

Just another Reminder why You Never want Jerry Shi to be the Face of the Board of Mythomania Leadership ever again

Well, as unfortunate as it may be that Jerry 'ReferenDumb' Shi, aka Mr. Shi-shed, Mr. Pac-Man was elected this past November, it's quite unbelievable that he's trying to become Board President again.

Yeah, that's what you want to have in charge of the Board. Someone who doesn't have the time to discuss anything with other Board Members if they don't agree with him.

Clearly, someone with a dictatorial demeanor, who alienates both Board Members and the Public, is not someone who should be in charge of anything, especially when it comes to Oversight of School Budgets approaching some $400 million. Not exactly a team player nor someone open to differing opinions and would be a detriment to moving the school district forward, as he was during his past 10 years on the Board.

Anyhoo, it would be a Big mistake if the Board Members allowed him to be Board President again - all they would be doing is changing the focus on moving the School District forward to a focus on what Mr. Shi-shed does or doesn't do as Board President in his dictatorial demeanor world.

Let's hope the Board does what's best for the School District on January 2, 2025 and never let him anywhere near the Board President seat again.

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Just one of the Reminders why You Never want Jerry Shi to be the Face of Board of Mythomania Leadership ever again!

 Well, as unfortunate as it may be that Jerry 'ReferenDumb' Shi, aka Mr. Shi-shed, Mr. Pac-Man was elected this past November to the Edison Board of Mythomania, Board of Ed-Dems, Board of Dysfunction, Board of Hoarders, it's not surprising that he's making a bid to be Board President again at the January 2, 2025 Reorg Meeting.

After some previous 10 years on the Board with a dismal record and an inept leadership combined with his dictatorial demeanor that alienated both the other Board Members and the Public and wasting time and money without solving the biggest problem the school district has - Overcrowding.

He'll be a detriment to moving the School District forward just like he was during previous time on the Board.

Anyhoo, let's hope the Board Members do not make the same mistake again by putting his name in nomination to be Board President at the Reorg Meeting.