Friday, May 12, 2017

Edison Pocketbook Alert - coming soon to a neighborhood near You!?!

Well, while we wait for Mayor Tom 'Now 13.7%' ChoiLankey's  2017 Muni-budget to come out (and let's not forget the County's contribution to our Property tax bills) thought it might be interesting to see who's leading the tenure race for your pocketbooks here in the 'DemBadLands' of Downtown Edison.

And, let's not forget, the Board of Mythomania's review of Super Dr. Richard 'Looking for the Exit Ramp' O'Malley 2016-17 Performance Bonus (with a Max of $21,233) coming soon to Mythomania Lane. You can see what the Board of Mythomania's 2017-18 School Budget does to you in the May 8, 2017 post and what the Edison Board/Super's Merit Goals were for the 2016-17 school year in the November 17, 2016 post.

Anyhoo, what do I know? I still can't figure out who has the Bigger $mile?!?

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Edison Township Sewer Tax Bills are out!?

Well, looks like Mayor Tom 'Now 13.7%' ChoiLankey and his 'Fresh Start Tour Entourage' over there at 100 Oligarchy Boulevard have released the 2017 Sewer Tax Bills.

Residential rates are up 1.7% and Non-Residential rates are up some 4.5%.

Since Señor Lankey took over at the helm, Residential rates have increased by 43.5% and Non-Residential rates by 96.5%.

Can't wait to see what they do with this year's Muni-Budget and where they take the 13.7%!

Here's the history (Source: O.1966-2017 & prior year ordinances)

Anyhoo, at least we're comforted in the knowledge that checks and balances are working just fine - Lankey raised Muni taxes in his first term by 13.7% so far and after Council review they Amended those tax increases to 13.7%!

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

NJ - Median Police Salaries in NJ.Com piece

Saw this piece about Cops in NJ earning over $100k a year in NJ.Com here. The data shows the town, county, median years of service and median salary.The database used is explained as follows in the piece:

Police Department Salaries

This database shows the median base salary for law enforcement officers in New Jersey. Data is from the New Jersey Division of Pensions and Benefits and includes all police officers paying into the Police and Firemen's Retirement System by the end of 2016. It does not include a small minority of officers who are part of the Public Employees' Retirement System, a separate pension fund. Overtime and retroactive pay is not included in the data. State, county, university and correctional officers were excluded from the dataset with the only exception being Camden County Police Department which took over policing in the city of Camden in 2013. Also, not every town has its own police force. Some towns have consolidated their police force with another municipality. State Police also provides either full-time or part-time policing services for about 100 municipalities. In addition, the median years of service for the police department's officers is also included since tenure can affect median salaries.
There are some 467 towns listed in this database and here's a summary (in Excel format) of the Top 50:

Only town in Middlesex County in the Top 50 was North Brunswick. Edison came in at 62 of the some 467 towns listed. Anyone interested in the Excel file is welcome to it. Just drop me a note.

Monday, May 8, 2017

Edison's Board of Mythomania Approves another $238M 'Bloated Pot of Money' they call a School Budget!?!

Well, on May 3, 2017 the Board of Mythomania, aka Board of Hoarders, Board of EDems approved another 'Pot of Money' in a long-line of Bloated School Budgets. This one raised the $pending by some $4.2 million and Your School tax rate by 5.6-Cents , taking the School tax Rate up to $2.988 Per 100.

However, there is some good news in that the school board vote was 5 Yes, 2 No, 1 Abstention and 1 Absent.

At least there were 2 board members who looked at the 2017-18 school budget with eyes wide open. Only 3 more to go to get this Out-of-Control $pending in check.

Anyhoo, here's what it will cost You and what it's cost You so far for the Super Dr. Richard 'Looking for the Exit Ramp' O'Malley Years: