Thursday, February 15, 2018

Bet you didn't know I was a disgusting human being and have no shame and no heart!?!

Well, this is interesting. Sent an email to Mr. Shi, President of the Edison Board of Education about Senior O'Malley's 2nd public unsuccessful attempt to seek employment elsewhere and wrote this:

'Not for nothing, but how many times are we going to allow Super O'Malley to publicly embarrass us?'

His response:
'Mr. Bucci,
Please be nice. What does this get you for sending this garbage email to us? No body should be treated like this. You are such a disgusting human being and have no shame and no heart. I do not care what you think, the fact is Dr. O’Malley has done a lot of good things for Edison district more than you could possibly imagine in your lifetime. That is the reason your house value went up and our district’s rating went up. 

Today is my Chinese New Year eve. Please do not ruining it further for me.'

My response:
'Well, Happy New Year! Thank you for sharing your personal thoughts about me but can you now answer my question?'

Well, there you go! Your Edison Board of Education President. 

Edison's Super O'Malley Now 0 for 2 in his public search for other employment!?!

Well, looks here like Paterson was loyal to one of their own in selecting a new superintendent of schools.

Super Dr. Richard 'Looking for the Exit Ramp' O'Malley will have to keep looking.

In return for his loyalty, the Board shouldn't reward him with a raise (like the last time he did this) or renew his contract when it's up and start a search for a new superintendent.

And they should seriously scrap and not revisit that early contract extension they tried to sneak in before the last election. You remember that one - a 5-year contract (7/1/17 to 6/30/22) worth $1.7 million (by their own numbers-see post dated 9/15/17) with an average annual cost of $331k.

His current contract runs from 4/1/15 to 6/30/19 and the Board should provide him notice by 6/30/18 that they won't be renewing his contract.

Anyhoo, enough is enough with Senior O'Malley's 'in your face' searches for new employment. Geez, maybe it's me but for the kind of money we pay for this job, you'd kinda think we should have someone who wants to be here!?!

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Super Dr. Richard 'Looking for the Exit Ramp' O'Malley - he's at it again!?!

Just saw this piece here about Paterson's search for a new school superintendent.

Well, looks like Super Dr. Richard 'Looking for the Exit Ramp' O'Malley is 'Looking for the Exit Ramp' again.

This time in Paterson, New Jersey as 1 of the 3 finalists to be decided tonight.

Unfortunately, the last time he was 1 of 3 finalists, he didn't get the gig - but the Board gave him that Safe-Haven contract anyway.

Anyhoo, lets hope the Board wakes up and doesn't repeat the same mistake and reward him with a contract renewal if he doesn't get the new Super job in Paterson.

There's something to be said for loyalty to our town - a town that has treated him quite well.

Anyhoo, enough is enough with his wandering eye for new employment so I do wish him the best of luck tonight and hope he gets the job this time.

Monday, February 5, 2018

Edison Board of Education's Unofficial 'Overcrowding Taskforce List!' Hard to take Seriously!?!

Here's the unofficial list of appointments to the Edison Board of Education's  'Overcrowding Taskforce' received from Board of Education President Jerry Shi. He indicates that they're still awaiting a few confirmations and they will likely add people by recommendations or volunteering as they go.

There are 71 names on this list with the Special Assistant to the Mayor, two Councilman, the Township's Building Department, one Assemblyman, one Freeholder and one State Senator. Also represented are a Superintendent Designee, a Former Superintendent, the Board of Ed, the BA, the Principals & Supervisors Union, the Custodian Union, the ETEA, the PTO's, District Staff, Teachers, Parents, the Chinese School of Edison and some Community Organizers.

Anyhoo, the list is what it is but not something that I can remotely take seriously - for a whole host of reasons on many different levels and, therefore, don't see any way that I could be of help. To me, this list simply represents a further politicization of the Edison Board of Education for the benefit of the political few, which ultimately will most likely end up being at the expense of the Kids.

Just a reminder for those who are interested, from an OPRA Request made - the Overcrowding Taskforce's first meeting is scheduled for February 13, 2018 at 6:00PM at WWMS. I'm also told there will be a another meeting on March 1, 2018 at 6:00PM at TJ.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Lankey's Board of EDems Prez. Shi - and his Double-Secret Overcrowding Taskforce List!?!

Seems Jerry 'Lankey's Team' Shi doesn't want to say who he is asking to join and who joined his Overcrowding Taskforce. Apparently, he needs to wait for every single person he has asked to confirm.

Bet you can't wait to see that list? I know I can't wait to see how he defines the 'public' and have been trying to get it since the day he said he was putting it together.

He won't say what he's doing or who he is appointing until the last few sign off.

That's nice!

Sad part is that I actually wanted to see if I could help fix this long-overdue overcrowding & space problem as long as I could see that they were going to take it seriously now. Towards that end, I only asked to see the list of his appointees since that would give me an idea whether or not the Board was taking this seriously now.

Seriously, don't misunderstand my interests here. I'm not much of a fan of the Board and have no interest in helping them. My only interest is in helping the Kids who have been shortchanged with this overcrowding for far too long here in Downtown Edison.

However, Señor Shi still won't let me see the list. It's on a Need to Know Basis - and You Don't Need to Know, Me as well as You.

So, taking it that he's not going to give it to me - I sent in an OPRA Request. One way or the other, we'll get to see what he's doing, whether through a list he puts out when he wants or from an OPRA Request.

Anyhoo, looks like I won't be joining the Overcrowding Taskforce anytime soon but I'm sure I'll have something to say about the list when I see it. That must be some list if he doesn't want to share it.