Friday, August 31, 2018

Don't be fooled into Self-Taxing Yourselves here in Downtown Edison - AGAIN!

Well, saw this piece here about resurrecting the famous or should I say, infamous 1-Cent Open Space Tax here in the 'DemBadLands' of Downtown Edison. Seems it's going to a ballot question in this November's election.

That 15-year 1-Cent piece-of-work tax mercifully ended in 2013. You can ask Charlie 'I Abstain' Tomaro, aka Deputy dog all about that 1-Cent Open Space Tax.

Oh's deja vu all over again:

Let's face it, the Local Dems don't exactly have a great history of $pending your tax dollars - from $5.6 million spent for some dirt and a mud puddle, aka Oak Tree Pond to the 1-Cent Open Space Tax that expired in 2013.

And then there's the possibility of condemning property again using eminent domain. Kind of ironic don't you think? You're voluntarily taxing yourself so they can possibly use the money to condemn your property!?!

Anyone seriously thinking about self-taxing themselves with another Open Space Tax to support the Local Dems frivolous spending, well - deserves what they get. Just look at what they did with all that money they got by leveraging out that first 15 year Open Space Tax. Don't know, ask Señor Russomanno, he'll tell you what a great job they did with Your Tax money back then.

Seriously now, haven't we had enough of tax increases here in the 'DemBadLands' of Downtown Edison - year after year, after year, after year?!?

Here's just the last 5-Years (and this doesn't even include the Sewer Taxes):

Anyhoo, don't be foolish - it's one-thing to be continuously taxed to the hilt here by the governing bodies but it's quite another to let them trick you into taxing Yourselves.

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Mr. Paul Saxton - New Employment Contract for Edison Interim Superintendent

Just received the new employment agreement for Mr. Saxton from an OPRA Request for the new interim super for the Edison School District.

It runs from August 3, 2018 (or as soon thereafter as possible) through June 30, 2019. Salary is at a daily per diem rate of $819.23 for days actually worked and will be capped at the maximum salary amount of $214,000 (pro-rated for the 2018-19 school year).

No pension and healthcare contributions will be made and there is no merit bonus eligibility for this year or any extension.

Evaluation will be once a year at a time to be established by the Board and Interim Super.

Here's the employment contract:

Anyhoo, welcome Mr. Saxton to the transparent and overcrowding challenged world over there on Mythomania Lane.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Update on last November's election flier!

Well, it's been an interesting week here in the 'DemBadLands' of Downtown Edison.

Here's the email sent to Mayor Tom 'Now 17.1% but Won't Debate' ChoiLankey from Keith Hahn after the August 22, 2018 Council meeting.

Kudos to Keith Hahn and all the people of Edison who stepped-up and voiced their thoughts about resolving this matter for the betterment of our town.

From: Hahn, Keith
Sent: Friday, August 24, 2018 4:35 PM
To: Lankey, Thomas
Cc: All Edison Township
Mayor Lankey,
While I was extremely disappointed neither you or Democratic Chairman Shariq Ahmad attended the council meeting on Wednesday night, I would like to thank everyone who was able to attend. Pursuing the investigation into the distribution of the disgusting racial flier is not only the right thing to do but the only way to prevent this from happening again in the future.
I would also like to inform you of what I reasonably believe is a violation of law, or a rule or regulation issued under law in accordance with Conscientious Employee Protection Act.
Charles Kratovil Editor of New Brunswick Today presented the Council with a series of facts he had uncovered in the course of his own investigation.
He revealed that Jaffe Communications has a $43,000 contract to provide PR services to Edison Township and that a company named Skyway strategies is somehow related to Jaffe Communications, stating if you call Skyway Strategies they answer the phone ”Jaffe Communications.” I personally know Skyway Strategies to be run by Jaffe Communications employee Tony Gallatto who was hired by yourself, Democratic Chairman Shariq Ahmad and DPW Director Anthony Russomanno to run all aspects of your campaign, including print mail.
On 10/30 a couple of days before the racist flier was distributed Skyway Strategies received $3,299 from a an anonymous organization known only as People for Progress which went to great lengths to keep their identity concealed. I have discovered Postal Permit #298 Union, NJ was used by Jaffe Communications on both The Election Fund of Thomas Lankey and People for Progress fliers that were printed and mailed for them.
Three days prior, People for Progress received Check# 339 for $7,200 from a Somerset County PAC named People Energizing Government or PEGPAC which I know is run by Somerset County Chairwoman Peg Schaffer and lists former Edison Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Nathan Rudy as it’s Treasurer. PEGPAC misrepresented this donation as People’s Organization for Progress in Newark, a legitimate organization that did not receive the donation.
People Energizing Government or PEGPAC than issued check# 440 for $2,800 to BOE UNITY TEAM which was the campaign account of your personally endorsed Board of Ed candidates and those depicted on the flier, Jerry Shi and Falguni Patel. This totaled $10,000 that was contributed to Edison in the final days leading up to the election.
I have come to find out on 11/1 when the racist fliers began to show up in mailboxes your campaign wrote Check# 1305 for $3,920 to Democratic Chairman Shariq Ahmad as reimbursement for postage and printing. This would mean Ahmad personally paid for postage and printing despite the fact all his campaign bills would be paid for by the Edison Democratic Organization.
I have also come to find out on 9/18 a donation of $7,200 was made to PEGPAC from Hodulik and Morrison, 1102 Raritan Ave Highland Park NJ. Hodulik and Morrison has a $107,000 professional services contract that is not subject to bid with Edison Township and serves as its Auditor. Andy Hodulik one of the firms two partners is also the Vice Chairman of Magyar Bank of which you serve as Chairman of the Board. PEGPAC also received $2,500 from the election fund of Assembly Speaker Coughlin a former Edison Judge on 9/25 and $500 from his law partner and former Edison Township Attorney Lou Rainone on 7/19 for a total of $10,200 just weeks before putting $10,000 back into Edison’s elections.
After Mr. Kratovil concluded his presentation I played a voicemail from 12/28/17 from Somerset County Democratic Chairwoman Peg Schaffer after I had called and asked her why she was contributing to this anonymous group known as People for Progress and who was behind it? This a transcript of that call.
“Hey Keith it’s Peg Schaffer calling, um yeah the only thing we were able to find out was that is a PAC connected to the Mayor, um the mayor of Edison so um I don’t know whether he’s directly involved with it but apparently it’s something that he has some involvement with”
With this information I reasonably believe there has been a violation of law, or rule or regulation issued under law, and I’m distributing this email township wide to ensure the entire public body has been made aware of my complaint. As suggested at the Council meeting I would request the Council to pursue a Committee of the Whole and move forward with its own investigation. It appears multiple people employed by your administration or your campaign could have extremely relevant information related to the financing, printing, postage and distribution of the racist flier.
Below is a link to Edison TV. You can view Mr. Kratovil and then myself starting at 4:05:20.
A lack of cooperation from you and your administration would be extremely suspect, especially after you were so quick to make me out to be the racist responsible for the distribution of the flier.
Thank You,
Keith Hahn
Here's the meeting - start watching around the 4 hour mark:

Anyhoo, it's still important for our town to know who put out the flier.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

'9 months later, we're still asking who sent racist 'Make Edison Great Again' fliers'

Saw the above piece here today. Yup, still asking who sent the flier out.

So, to my friends over there on 100 Oligarchy Boulevard:

Anyhoo, would be nice to know tonight what they have to say about it.

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Top 10 Reasons Why You Don't think Wednesday's Edison Council Meeting is Important!

10. Because You like reading this kind of stuff about our town in the National papers but forgot about the Edison Council Meeting on Wednesday, August 22nd at 7:00 PM.

9. Because You don't think the Edison Council has a responsibility to make sure this is Resolved and Never Happens again.

8. Because You understand that all politics is local but You don't find the Edison Council's Silence on this flier to be deafening.

7. Because You like Mayor Tom 'Now 17.1% but Won't Debate' ChoiLankey's statement on the flier but don't care hearing what's he's done about it since then.

6. Because You don't think that the Edison Council, which represents all of us, should be leading the way by helping expedite the resolution of this matter for all the Good People of Edison.

5. Because You like how the Edison Council's Silence on such a disturbing flier makes us all look Bad and Worse if they let it go unchallenged.

4. Because it's time the Edison Council Steps-up and be more than 7 Processing Clerks in this one-party town but You like the way it is now.

3. Because You know there's No place for this type of activity in Edison during our local elections but You don't find the need to Remind the Edison Council of that fact.

2. Because Politics is simply dealing with People and You like how this flier treats our People.

1. Because We have a Right to Expect and Hear More from our Edison Mayor and Council about this flier at Wednesday's Meeting but You Don't Think So.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

What some other districts did with their additional school aid!

Saw this piece here in about 'how some North Jersey school districts are using extra state aid to give tax breaks.'

Good to see how so many towns are using some of it for its intended purpose - tax relief.

Of course, here in the 'DEmBadLands" of Downtown Edison - residents and taxpayers are just a bottom less cash cow for the Tax and $pend mentality on both sides of town.

Anyway, just to refresh your memory over there on Mythomania Lane where the Out-of-Control $pending (that they call a school budget) is now up to $251 million and you pay close to 90% of it locally - you just have to remember what Jerry 'Needs to Step-down' Shi and the Board of Hoarders decided to do with that additional $3,500,000 in school aid we got.

They Hoarded it and Gave You No Tax Relief!

Anyhoo, aren't you glad you gave up your right to vote on these bloated pots of money they call school budgets and ability to vote down things like this?

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Edison BoE settlement in the Hart Discrimination suit - $307,500.00

Just an update to last month's Board of Education meeting where they approved the settlement with Mr. Hart in the discrimination suit - but didn't publicly disclose the amount of the settlement.

Just received the agreement from an OPRA Request made and the $307,500.00 is broken down $200,000.00 to Mr. Hart and the remaining $107,500.00 for attorney fees and costs.

If anyone wants to see the agreement, just drop me a note.

EHS Wrestling Coach Ken Pagach

Just saw this piece here about the passing of Edison's wrestling Coach Pagach. As someone who graduated from Edison back in '68, I remember fondly Coach Pagach. Although I was involved in other sports all year round, he had such a charismatic persona that he even convinced me to participate in intramural wrestling.

A wonderful teacher and coach, I'm sad to hear of his passing but will always remember him.

EHS Wrestling - Class of 1968:

With fond memories, RIP Coach Pagach.

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Once again, Taxation WITH Representation here in Downtown Edison!?!

Well, here in the 'DemBadLands' of Downtown Edison where arguably dubious annual property tax increases are a given year-after-year, after year, after year, after year, after year, it's good to see the rare occasion when one of our elected officials actually votes NO to a School District or Muni budget.

Such is the case with the 2018 School District and Muni-budgets.

Over there on Mythomania Lane, we had Board members Errico and Peng vote No on the $251 million school budget and over there on 100 Oligarchy Blvd. we had Council President Patil and Council member Coyle vote No on their $138 million Muni-bedget.

So, while both budgets still passed, you have to give credit to those elected officials who stood up and finally said No.

Kudos to to all four for recognizing that it's long overdue to give the taxpayers a break in this one-party town with their constant exponentially $hameful $pend and tax philosophy.

Anyhoo, at least we're comforted in the knowledge that Señor Lankey is Big on Shared Services with 'The Lankey Team for Edison Board of Education' in charge over there on Mythomania Lane.

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Just a Reminder..

After this November's election, we'll have the opportunity to move the School Board elections back to April and regain our right to vote on annual school budgets that now surpass $250 million. It can be done by; voter petition, the school board or the governing body taking action.

So, it's not too early to start the discussion and for the school board to raise the issue as an agenda item at one of its up coming meetings.

Given the politicization of last November's election of what's supposed to be an autonomous body, it's certainly worthy of an open and frank discussion of the pros and cons on how we the residents and taxpayers (who fund 90% of these school budgets) wish to go forward.

Remember 'The Lankey Team for Edison Board of Education?'

Anyhoo, it's not like this political alliance has done anything to fix the overcrowding in the schools that has been a problem for years now.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Blah..blah.blah - still no Interim Superintendent over on Mythomania Lane!?!

Well, here we go again. At Monday night's meeting, the Edison Board of Education, aka Board of Mythomania, Board of Cap Bank Munchers Extraordinaire, Board of EDems, Board of Hoarders, Board of Silence and self-described Board of Dysfunctional - have once again demonstrated the ridiculousness of the process to hire an interim superintendent.

They appointed an interim but they won't tell you how much they'll be paying since they're still negotiating. And now they've appointed Margaret Contaldi (Director of Personnel) as acting super until Mr. Saxton and the Board agree on a contract.

Pay attention to the excellent public comments from Mrs. Bodofsky, Conway & Talky on this process and watch the reaction of Jerry 'Needs to Step-down' Shi.  It's Priceless!

They already appointed someone but they can't tell you how much they're paying him or if he'll even accept the position.

Good job by the Board in making a simple process into a game of hide and seek for the taxpayers.

But hey, there was one good thing - the board explaining all the resolutions up front and then allowing the public to ask questions rather than the usual practice of just opening up the resolutions for public comment without explanation.

And of particular interest is the settlement (without explanation) of the discrimination suit against the Board by the former Lincoln School principal.

Made an OPRA Request to see the settlement agreement.

And finally, remember that extra $3.5 million we got in additional state aid to reduce the school tax burden after the school budget was done and they already raised up our school tax to $3.044 per 100? That's a raise of 6.6-cents (2.2%) this year. Did they give it back to us as was the intended purpose?

Nah! The Edison Board of Hoarders just put in into a capital reserve and kept it. Not Nice to raise school taxes and then Hoard the money that comes later, which is meant to offset it!

A very informative meeting - NOT!

Here's the meeting, watch for yourself:

Anyhoo, the longer they drag out this interim superintendent appointment, the harder it gets to accept this process and their new appointment.