Sell your town out by Voting No on the Suez Deal and You can have free air conditioning in the schools.
Isn't that Nice of him?
Now there's an offer no respectable public official would or should make unless he was trying to hope you'll bite on the bone he's throwing out and upon which you'll no doubt be choking on later on.
And think about it - who do you think is going to pay for this offer of free air conditioning. Nothing is for free.
Here's a thought, let that inept leadership over on Mythomania Lane pay for their own air conditioning - they certainly built up enough bloat in their school budgets and hoarded reserves over the years to start to do it - probably even faster than a promise from Lankey would. We all see how Lankey's promises come to bear - Not.
Stop getting jerked around by these so called 'Stewards' on both sides of town and recognize they're both putting the screws to you. Aren't you tired of the Stench that Still Lingers on both sides of this town?

Anyhoo, Vote Yes on September 10th and No on December 10th (if they ever come up with with a yet unidentified $189.5m School Bond Referendum) and take back your town and tell both these 'Stewards' you had enough of them and their disingeneous practices and gamesmanship - it's Not a Game.
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