With one-party oligarchy rule by the Dem-party for way too long here in Downtown Edison, the perils of one-party government are no longer perils, they're a long-time reality.
With outrageous and unnecessary taxes on all levels of government including that totally unnecessary County level of government with their constant hits to this town with their County and Open Space taxes every year - the Good People of Edison are still living with that Stench Hanging over us from that 2017 Racist Flyer.
Yeah, the 'Committee of the Hole' still in search for themselves needs another 4 years to keep searching.
To make matters worse, the Dem-party's pick for Mayor is Sam 'the Weathervane Millennial' Joshi, aka Big-boy pants. Seriously now, this guy couldn't even win support of his own Dem-party committee people and dropped out of the screening. He then was hand-picked by the Powers to Be from outside of town to get the nod.
Why such a poor selection by the Powers that Be? It's not like he has any record of substance on the Council, has any viable plans that make any sense or in anyway exudes anything that indicates that he's ready for Prime Time to manage a town the size of Edison.
It seems obvious why he was picked. He just a Dem-party ladder climber and a malleable marionette that will clearly continue the bidding of the Powers that Be.
And clearly driven home by this bit of irony:
Is that what you want?
A Mayor that will be told what to do by his those holding and pulling the strings from outside of town?
I'm sorry but Joshi's qualifications for Mayor and his undemocratically hand-picked candidacy are a joke to anyone who's been around this town for any length of time and has seen this guy in action or more appropriately, inaction. As he says, growing up for the last seventeen years in a politically corrupt Dem-party structure here in Edison may be a Good thing for him and the Dem-party but Not for the People of Edison.
You should recognize he'd be serving the Dem-party's continued destruction of this town before he gets around to serving you. All you'll get with this guy is more of the same of what you've been getting, except on steroids.
The worst thing that can happen to you for another 4 years:
Seriously, if you want to start making a change, and you should, in this politically corrupt town, than you need to wake up and see that the only chance you have for change is to elect Keith Hahn Mayor of Edison.
Whether you like Keith or not, he really is our only hope for change. He's not going to be owned by the Dem-party Powers that Be or other political interests that have long controlled this town.
Will he have to work with the Dem-party once elected, of course. But there's a big difference between working with and working for the Dem-party. Hahn will work with the Dem-party and Joshi will work for and be told what to do by the Dem-party.
Keith will represent the People of Edison and Not any political party as Mayor.
Be Smart and Vote for Keith Hahn for Mayor this November.
Switching sides to the other side of town - you know, over there on Mythomania Lane, at the crossroads of Dysfunctional and Dem-party infested streets - the Edison Board of Education.
It's long overdue for Jerry Shi-shed to be removed from his leadership role. If you read this blog, you can see all the reasons why he should. He rules over a dysfunctional school board of his own making and his inept leadership continues to be a major detriment to the school district as you can clearly see if you watch any School Board meeting.
The reason for a Dysfunctional School Board:
This now Dem-party infested School Board is a disgrace and we need to make sure that we elect candidates to the School Board this November that will put an end to Shi's inept leadership and avoid getting involved in the internal Dem-party struggle for power over the School Board.
Be smart and vote for candidates that will give us the best chance to take this guy out of any leadership control of the School Board. It's the only way to Stop Shi from running a Dysfunctional School Board and remaining a detriment to the success of the School District.
To me, the best chances to unseat this inept leader is with any 3 of these candidates - Errico, Conway, Chinta and Haller.
Be Smart - take back your Town and take back your School Board by doing what's in Your best interests and those of Your school children.