Sunday, November 17, 2024

Edison Council 'Sh*t Show' Meeting Follies - Courtesy of Council President Nish 'Choo-choo' Patel, aka Don't Let Brescher Speak Patel

 Well, looks like Council President Patel can't even wait until his Ridiculous Ordinances limiting Speaking time and other decorum rules are voted upon and passed with the Pocket Council to Slap this on the Council Chamber Doors.

What more can you say about this guys performance as Council President other than he should of already resigned in disgrace, which I already asked of him to do?

Since he didn't take my advice and is still offending everyone, here's something else you can say about his demonstrable incompetence as Council President - How about he Seriously Lacks any Political Charisma while Running Ruining the Council Meetings. Political Charisma is Power with Empathy. Unfortunately, he has the Power but Lacks the Empathy.

And what's this all about from Councilman Joe 'the Florist' Coyle, aka Mayor of Clara Barton, Poster-child for Wards and Joe 180 filming the Speakers at the Podium?:

Hmm..since the Council Meetings No Longer Show the Speakers at the Podium during Council meetings, perhaps he's performing a Public Service by filming the Speakers at the Podium - or, then again, maybe he just wants to show his Scary face to those who Dare to Ask anything about What goes on in Clara Barton or Why he's got his head so far up 'Bubble-boys' arse.

Either way, seems like you can OPRA his phone recordings if you want to see who was Speaking.

Anyhoo, the Edison Council 'S*hit Show' Meetings continue on.

Friday, November 15, 2024

It's one thing to be a one-party town but it's quite another to be a one-party Sh*t show town

 Well, it's no Secret that this Dem-party town has always been politically-corrupt but it's never been turned into the Sh*t Show it is now since we've allowed a hand-picked incompetent buffoon to be elected Mayor and a 'Pocket Council' there to prevent exposing his incompetence while they destroy this town with their disdain and disrespect for it's own residents and frivolous spending. 

Does it really have to get like this just to protect an inept stewardship?:

Anyhoo, Welcome to Edison where Free Speech Goes to Die and Permanent Home of the 2017 Racist Flyer.

Sunday, November 3, 2024

Top 10 Reasons why You Want to Vote for Doug 'Mr. Hospitality' Schneider and Jerry 'ReferenDumb' Shi, aka Mr. Shi-Shed, Mr. Pac-Man on Nov. 5th

10. Because You Want to See Which Ineptly Leads the Board and Which Undermines the Leadership this time around.

9. Because You Want to See Which pissed away the most money for what was too much of a financial burden for too little a solution - the 5-Year Plan or the 5-Year Strategic Plan.

8. Because You Want to See both Local Political Parties Lay a claim to the School Board and expand the descriptive names to Board of Mythomania, Board of EdDems, Board of Hoarders, Board of Dysfunction, Board of Unsavory Actions with Board of Ed-Reps.

7. Because you Want to See what Chris 'Mr. Turn-Coat' Lugo's gonna do after first running with Mr. Shi-shed to get elected and Switching over to Mr. Hospitality once elected.

6. Because You Want to See the Stench of a Politically-Corrupt School Board to Stink-on for another three years while continuing to piss away money.

5. Because You Want to See Financial Oversight of School Budgets approaching $400 million get trumped  by the Political Oversight with Inept Leadership of Mr. Hospitality and Mr. Shi-Shed Again.

4. Because You Want to See some More Unsavory Political Actions taken by the School Board without any Public input.

3. Because You Want to See how much they'll be Hiding when Voting on Hundreds of millions of School Budget dollars since both are Hiding How and Who Financed their Campaigns in this Nov. 5th election.

2. Because You Want to See who will first Bring up their Failed Leaderships with the Need for a Humongous School Bond Referendum when the State-aid money runs out but Overcrowding is Still the Biggest Problem.

1. Because You Want to See that School Board Elections are Really Nonpartisan and the Best Way to Prove it is to Elect Mr. Hospitality and Mr. Shi-shed Again.

Friday, November 1, 2024

You ignored the Warning the first time on one side of town, Don't make the Same Mistake twice on the other side of town

 Well, not surprising but it's sad to see what happened with Mayor Sam 'the Big Lie' Joshi's inept Stewardship. 

You should of seen this coming during his campaign.

You have an Opportunity to Avoid Making the same Mistake twice with the BoE election on Nov. 5th.

Don’t be fooled or tricked with political endorsements to a politically-corrupt cesspool. It’s been politically-corrupt ever since Shi & Schneider showed up and made worse with their inept leaderships pissing away money with their piecemeal nonsense and failing to properly address the Overcrowding while constantly fighting for political control. 

Given both had local political party affiliations, both have failed to file their NJ Elec Reports to show how they are and who is funding their campaigns and that alone show make you Not Vote for them - any claim to being nonpartisan is as bogus as they are.
You have a chance to start cleaning up a Politically-Corrupt School Board and turn the Board back to the benefit of the Kids in this cycle by not letting Schneider, Rivera and Shi back in.
Start Breaking up the Political Cesspool of the School Board. 

Don’t let Doug 'Mr. Hospitality' Schneider, Brian 'the Mulligan-Man' Rivera and Jerry 'ReferenDumb' Shi, aka Mr. Shi-shed, Mr. Pac-Man back in and just pick one each from Columns 1 & 3 and D. Malhotra.
That’s a start. 

You’ll regret it if You don’t Wake up and Smell the Stench - just like with Joshi.