Saturday, May 10, 2014

Russomanno-Mania in Mayor ChoiLankey's Badlands?!?

Geez, checked the agenda for Monday's Council worksession to see if the Police ordinance was on the agenda and saw Mayor ChoiLankey's appointment to the Planning Board - none other than their Campaign manager himself - Senor Anthony Russomanno.

Not for nothing, but haven't we seen enough of their campaign manager? Recognize 'To the Victor goes the Spoils' but to much of this stuff puts the Stench on the Victor. Isn't there anybody else in town who would be interested in an appointment to the Planning Board?

But hey, let's hope we don't have to pay for his new Township Business card:


But hey, what do I know, I still can't figure out if Mayor ChoiLankey is or isn't just looking for 'keep busy' work for his Constituent Relations Administrator?!? Don't ever see anybody Consti-tuating around in Downtown Edison.

Anyhoo, I digress, so let's move on to the main point. If you're planning to attend the council meeting and are not quite in favor of the Police ordinance - remember to hand a Snickers bar to the Clerk before you go to the podium to speak and then talk fast when you do. Council President Rob 'March on Trenton' Karabinchak has a slight tendency to be a tad bit expressive to those who don't agree with him.

Mayor ChoiLankey's Appointment:

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