Thursday, October 31, 2013

Who do You like and Why - here in Downtown Edison?!?

Well, next Tuesday we get to go to the polls to elect a Mayor and three Council members here in Downtown Edison. I put up a poll so you can share who you think will be the next Mayor. We have the sitting Mayor, two sitting Councilmen and a former township employee vying for the spot - three Dems and one Republican. With apologies to Inder J. Soni (Houses Tax Break), an additional candidate for Mayor which I inadvertently left out of this post (11/2/13). Added a new poll to the right to include him. As of today, they were only 2 votes cast on the old poll and they were for Guy Gaspari.

Now that the 1 hour debates are over and campaign fliers are in full bloom - it's important to recognize that this is a very important election.

If you strip away all the political in-fighting, self-inflicted wounds, self-serving rhetoric, hyperbole and juxtapositions, who is the best candidate of the bunch and why? Who has the best ideas for the town to deal with the myriad of opportunities and problems facing us? What are the most important issues, did the candidates address them and who do you think has the best solutions?

To encourage a conversation on the candidates' position on these issues and the future of Edison, feel free to share your thoughts and comments here on what's most important to you, what are the most important issues that you see facing us and why you support any particular candidate and their slate.

Feel free to support whoever you want but share the reasons why. If you're a person like me who votes for people and not columns, feels free to split up the tickets. It will be helpful to all to hear differing opinions before stepping into the voting booth on November 5th.

Anyhoo, the only thing I ask is that you keep it civil, and stick to the issues and the candidates' positions on the issues.

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