Saturday, October 31, 2015

Some Board of Mythomania Nov. 3rd Election Propaganda in the mail today?!?

Seriously, the Board of Mythomania sends out a letter trying to take credit for the insurance money at Election time and highlighting that they will use NO Bloated Bond Referendum Money - and that the $19.6 million dollars will cover the entire construction costs!?!

Wow, that's great except for the fact that, according to their filings with the state, the construction costs were $23.7 million and other allowable costs were $4.4 million for a total of $28.1 million. It's that number less the $9.5 million in insurance proceeds or $18.6 million that they used for the Bond Referendum.

Now, maybe it's me, but if their cost was $28.1 million and the insurance proceeds were $23.6 million, doesn't that mean that we still have to pay $4.5 million - or was it just yet another Bloated Bond Referendum.

Either way, it's a joke on the People of Edison and so is this letter.

If this letter doesn't tell you that we have an ineffective board in dire need of change, transparency, leadership, oversight over Super Dr. Richard 'Looking for the Exit Ramp' O'Malley and SOMEBODY Looking Out for the TAXPAYERS - nothing will.

Here's their numbers for the $28.1 million Bond Referendum:

Anyhoo, this is what You get here in Downtown Edison when Our Elected Leaders over there on Mythomania Lane - Lead from Behind!

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Edison Democrats 2015 - 11-day Pre-Election Report

Well. here's the 'Not for Dems below 08820' 11-day Pre-Election Report (Form R-1) from the ELEC website. Hey, it is what it is.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Vote for Rob - Help him be all for Himself!?!

What, doesn't everyone who wants to do 'What's Right' here in Downtown Edison have their own Single Candidate Committee since 2013?!?

Gotta like that Local Dem Party Teamwork here in Downtown Edison!?!

Source: NJ ELEC website

Anyhoo, bet the current 18th District Dems are shaking in their boots.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Edison Democrats 2015 - Report of Contributions and Expenditures

Well, here's the 'Not for Dems below 08820' 29-Day Pre-Election Report (Form R-1) from the NJ ELEC website. Hey, somebody's gotta pay for those glossy flyers where the truth within is often an anomaly!

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Edison Democrats - We Get it Done! Flyer?!?

Well, got that glossy flyer in the mail when I was away and, after I busted out loud laughing - I filed it in the appropriate place, in the garbage can.

Geez, they get it done all right - unfortunately, just in their fancy, smam-cy, glossy flyers.

After you get done busting a gut too - what they really do to you is easy enough to see - just look at your tax bills.

But hey, you gotta appreciate their effort to ignore reality in the face of reality. Somebody's gotta try the impossible and try and make a Council ticket led by Rob 'March on Trenton' Karabinchak re-electable.

Even in this one-party town, it's hard not to see that Señor Karabinchak not only needs to go but deservedly so.

But let's have some fun with this. Bet you didn't know, but here's something they didn't get done - but no worry, I took care of it for them. Seems while I was away, somebody dropped a whole bunch of these meaningless Dem bio campaign flyers on my lawn. Guess they think I need more than one via special delivery on my lawn.

So, if anybody is looking for some missing Edison Council Dem Party Pretty, Pretty (albeit meaningless) flyers here in 'Not for Dems Below 08820' part of town, you can pick them up in my garbage can until next Tuesday when my garbage gets collected:

Anyhoo, if any of my friends in the EDO wish to engage in a discussion of their record of performance here in the 'DemBadLands' of Downtown Edison, I'd be more than happy to do it. I only have one stipulation though and that is you have to do it with me and not my lawn. Geez, I hope the stink from those flyers doesn't kill my weeds!?!

Monday, October 19, 2015

Board of Mythomania settles for $23 million for James Monroe

Just saw this on tonight's agenda. Apparently, a settlement has been reached for $23 million with the insurance company and they say they'll no longer need to use the $18 million Bond Referendum ($28  million Cost less $9 million in insurance proceeds) that was passed earlier this year. Happy to hear that bit of info.

According to their numbers, that $18 million bond would of cost $31.1 million over 30 years with interest, and less state aid, our portion would of been $24.6 million or 79%.

Of course, you have to wonder where the other $5 million is coming from to cover the $28 million or if they really needed it

Anyhoo, saved from another bloated bond referendum from the Board of Mythomania.

Edison BoE Candidates Night

Well, looks the Board of Mythomania is finally going to have one. Good thing since their Incumbent ticket was getting all the special treatment. So, this Wednesday at 7:00PM at Woodrow Wilson you'll be able to hear from all 9 candidates up for the 3 open seats in this cycle. Only 1 of the 3 Incumbents is running for re-election.

Once again, here's the list of all 9 candidates by ballot position:

1. Deborah A. Anes - (Incumbent)

2. William Araujo

3. Dennis R. Pipala

4. Shiva Prasad-Madhukar

5. Kiel Thoms

6. Ralph Errico

7. Deborah Schildkraut

8. Hollie A. Gilroy

9. Richard Brescher

You should take the opportunity to go and listen to all the candidates. This is an opportunity to not only hear from and mingle with all the candidates but you'll be able to make an informed decision before you step into voting booth on Nov. 3rd.

Now, in case you haven't seen the last week's BoE Caucus meeting, you should watch it. Seems their Incumbent ticket was there. Of course, anyone can go and speak at a BoE meeting but you have to wonder if the other candidates were offered the same opportunity once it was known that the Incumbent ticket was going to speak?!?

So, go back and watch the caucus meeting and see where these two Incumbent ticket candidates are coming from and you'll see why they're on the 'No Books for You' Incumbent ticket and then go on Wednesday night to hear from the other 6 candidates - and make your selection from those 6.

Anyhoo, this board is in dire need of change, direction and someone who looks out for the forgotten stakeholder, the taxpayers - and this is an opportunity to start the process. After you get the chance to meet with and hear from all the candidates on Wednesday Night, I'll certainly share my thoughts with you - and, it's a safe bet,  it won't be anyone who wishes to perpetuate the current status quo and Out-of-Control $pending over there on Mythomania Lane.

Note: with apologies for misspelling Ms. Schildkraut's name above.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Edison 2015 Property Tax Increase by Taxing Entiry


2015 Final/2016 Preliminary Tax Bills are out!

Well, just saw the 2015 numbers and here they are:

Total Property taxes rose to $5.074 (Per $100), which is up 14.8-cents or 3% over last year's $4.926.

The School tax tax rose to $2.820, which is up 8.7-cents or 3.2% over last year's $2.733.

The County taxes rose up to $0.809, which is up 2.1-cents 2.7% over last year's $0.788. Good thing we have Charlie 'I Abstain' Tomaro looking out for us over there.

The Muni taxes rose up to $1.235, which is up 3-cents or 2.5% over last year's $1.205. And, if you're in the Garbage Dist. 1 - add another penny for that bringing the total Muni tax up 4-cents to $1.445 or 2.8%.

So, if you want to know what Your Total Tax Increase was for 2015, just take Your Home's assessed value divided by 100 and multiply that number by the $0.148 increase.

But hey, you just gotta like how the Dems Stabilize taxes here in the 'DemBadLands' of Downtown Edison. Don't You?!?

Let's see, in 2014, they raised the Muni tax by 8%, the Sewer tax for Residential by 35% and for Non-Residential by 50%.

Then, in 2015, they raised the Muni tax by another 2.5% (2.8% if in the Garbage Dist. 1), the Sewer tax for Residential by another 2.5% and Non-Residential by another 19.4%.

Anyhoo, keep Voting for the Dems to Stabilize Your Taxes here in Mayor Tom 'Now 10.8%' ChoiLankey's 'DemBadLands.'

Where Oh Where are the Property Tax Bills At

Oh where oh where can they be

Must be that egregious tax increase they just don't want You to see

Maybe, just maybe

So Robbie can be home free on Nov. 3

Saturday, October 17, 2015

You Go 'Not for Dems below 08820' - Making Progress with Teamwork - Now that's Funny!?!

Well, guess it all depends on how you look at the latest Edison Democrats 2015 glossy flyer, which says a whole lot of nothing about the candidates.

Anyhoo, what do I know? I still can't figure out why they waste money on these thingies or, worse yet, why they keep sending them to me. How many times can Rob 'March on Trenton' Karabinchak tell us the same thing about his charming self? Oh wait, I know why..what else can he say but keep rehashing his exciting bio - he doesn't want to talk about his record of performance on the Council for all these years.

But hey, don't you find it funny that an 08820 Ward of 1 Council ticket has a 08817 football pic in their flyer?

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Recognize it's the Silly Season here in Downtown Edison but..

Seriously?!? Rob 'March on Trenton' Karabinchak coming out under the campaign flyer banner of 'Leadership?'

The only time you should put the two words of Rob & Leadership together is when you're trying to create a new oxymoron. The only saving grace with Señor Karabinchak is that he's a greater disturbance and malcontent within the EDO than he is with you and me.

To you and me - he should just be thanked for his unnecessary burden on the Council and Voted into Forced Retirement on Nov. 3rd.

As for what's going on over there on Mythomania Lane - really? How long does it take to book a room over at WW to get a Candidates Night scheduled?

Do they really think it's fair to have their Incumbent ticket announce who they were at the ETEA Candidates night for the benefit of ETEA Members and not give the residents and taxpayers the same opportunity to meet and greet the other six candidates so they can be better informed too before they step into the voting booth on Nov. 3rd?

Seems a tad bit Unfair to those (Non-Incumbent ticket) 6 candidates and the residents and taxpayers here in Downtown Edison!

That's just Not Nice.

So, here's what you should do if the Board of Mythomania doesn't schedule a BoE Candidates Night before the election;

Do Not Vote for the Incumbent ticket of:

Deborah Anes
Dennis Pipala
Deborah Schildkraut

Why should they have an advantage over the other 6 candidates just because the Board of Mythomania lets them?

Geez, what a town:

Anyhoo, what do I know? I still can't figure out how long it took them to get Rob 'March on Trenton' Karabinchak to Smile for the glossy flyer?!?

Sunday, October 11, 2015

The 'Not for Dems below 08820' Edison Council Flyers are out!?!

They must of forgotten that I live in District 31 and that I previously asked pretty please (with sugar on it) to skip my address with their glossy, fancy & expensive printed materials that only work on People who don't live in Edison.

But, since they were kind enough to share their arguably ridiculous comments, let me share a few thoughts on it.

First, the only thing You Can Count on with this Rob 'March on Trenton' Karabinchak led Council ticket is that You Can't Count on them.

Second,  the only teamwork you'll get from them lays within their own EDO internal power struggle.

Third, the only tax reform you'll see from Rob 'March on Trenton' Karabinchak exits in the Land of Mythomania.

And fourth, the fact that he was on the Council Finance Committee tells You why they never do anything with the municipal budget. Here's a guy who didn't even know there was a tax increase after they finished their review of a previous budget and we already paid it. Same guy who said he wouldn't support another tax increase this year by Mayor Tom 'Now 11.1%' ChoiLankey. Guess he forgot and did.

'You and your family can count on Rob Karabinchak...' - ah..don't think you want take that promise to heart! Remember where these promises are coming from - from the EDO, the Party that made Edison Safe for Hypocrisy.

You'd have to be foolish to believe any Edison politician who says that and certainly, bust out laughing when it comes from Señor Karabinchak.

Anyhoo, the only Vote you should make is to put an end to the Council Misery that is Rob 'March on Trenton' Karabinchak  and send him off to the EDO Recycle Bin - or wherever they go to switch sides these days.

PS - you have to admit though the only time these people will even bother with you and chase after you is when they want you to do something for them, like Vote for them. 

Friday, October 9, 2015

Superintendent has Edison district on fiscal fitness plan!?!

Just saw this piece here in the Sentinel. With all due respect to my friends over at the Board of Mythomania, Really!?! Can't we come up with a better fluff piece for Super Dr. Richard 'Looking for the Exit Ramp' O'Malley than fiscal fitness?? Guess it's a good piece if you live in the Land of Mythomania.

This about a guy whose fiscal fitness record is this below and this is after the use of hoarded taxpayer relief money:

This about a guy who repurposes taxpayer relief money into additional $pending:

And let's not forget the Use of the Cap Bank, which stuck it to the taxpayers in the last go round:

And what about the infamous Staffing 'Shell Game' that continues on and on. You know that one - that's where they hire additional staff and Fail to Disclose it to you in the Budgets they use to ask you to Approve when you went to the Voting Booth.

So, let's also not forget about the use of Lease-Purchase agreements - where they engage in capital $pending and by-pass the voters approval required for bonding.

Seriously now, with 'Bloated Pots of Money' they call a School Budget and Bloated Bond Referendums, how is not possible to have more money than they actually need. You can't take credit for paying down debt using 'Out-of-Control' $pending and Hoarded taxpayer relief money. Where do you think some of that hoarded money went - into the capital reserves.

As for zero-based-budgeting, if we ever really went to zero-based-budgeting over there on Mythomania Lane, we'd have a Huge reduction in our School portion of our property tax bill here in Downtown Edison.

There's more but now I'm boring myself with the facts.

Anyhoo, let's hope Mayor Tom 'Now 11.4%' ChoiLankey doesn't follow this fiscal fitness plan - we'd all have to sell our houses to pay the property taxes!

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Top 10 Reasons

why the Edison Board of Mythomania Shouldn't have a Candidates Night:

10. Because only 1 Incumbent is running and they want the first crack at filling the 2 open spots.

9. Because the ETEA had one and the Incumbent ticket was already named.

8. Because Silence is Golden and the less you know about the other 6 Candidates, the better off the Board of Mythomania is in keeping the status quo.

7. Because the $228 million 'Bloated Bucket of Money' they call a School Budget just can't afford it.

6, Because they took away Your right to have an informed Say on the School Budget - so, why Not the School Candidates.

5. Because Leading from Behind requires Keeping the Status Quo.

4. Because we really need a Board that Leads from Behind Super Dr. Richard 'Looking for the Exit Ramp' O'Malley - that is, when he's not out looking for another gig.

3. Because You just gotta like $pending $28 million for an Elementary School and You can't wait for more of the same.

2. Because You like a Board that believes in Safe Haven Contracts.

1. Because You like turning over 56% of Your Property taxes to a Board that is as Transparent as Duct Tape.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

What's Up with Board of Mythomania Prez. Veena 'Out to Lunch' Iyer!?!

With the Edison BoE election fastly approaching and where only 1 of the 3 Incumbents is seeking reelection in a 9 candidate field, been trying hard to find out why there hasn't been any Candidates Night announced for the Residents and Taxpayers?

Now, I know the ETEA is holding their own Candidates Night this coming Monday Night but that's mainly for their people and some limited public invitees.  That's all well and good for their members and I applaud the ETEA's effort to hold such an event so their members can meet with and hear from the candidates. At least their members will have an opportunity to become better informed before stepping into the voting booth.

However, what about the Residents and Taxpayers here in Downtown Edison? Don't they deserve the same opportunity to meet with and hear from the candidates so they can make an informed decision before stepping into the voting booth?

Hey, the Board of Mythomania accounts for well over 50% of Your Property Tax Bill here in Downtown Edison.

So, what's up with the Board of Mythomania? Do they Not want to let all 9 Candidates have a public say? Sure seems like it.

Well, here's the list of all 9 Candidates again:

Deborah A. Anes (Incumbent)
William Araujo
Richard Brescher
Ralph Errico
Hollie A. Gilroy
Dennis R. Pipala
Shivi Prasad-Madhukar
Deborah Schildkrant
Kiel Thoms

Anyhoo, at least we're comforted in the knowledge that Veena 'Out to Lunch' Iyer is looking out for the Residents and Taxpayers here in Downtown Edison.