Friday, October 9, 2015

Superintendent has Edison district on fiscal fitness plan!?!

Just saw this piece here in the Sentinel. With all due respect to my friends over at the Board of Mythomania, Really!?! Can't we come up with a better fluff piece for Super Dr. Richard 'Looking for the Exit Ramp' O'Malley than fiscal fitness?? Guess it's a good piece if you live in the Land of Mythomania.

This about a guy whose fiscal fitness record is this below and this is after the use of hoarded taxpayer relief money:

This about a guy who repurposes taxpayer relief money into additional $pending:

And let's not forget the Use of the Cap Bank, which stuck it to the taxpayers in the last go round:

And what about the infamous Staffing 'Shell Game' that continues on and on. You know that one - that's where they hire additional staff and Fail to Disclose it to you in the Budgets they use to ask you to Approve when you went to the Voting Booth.

So, let's also not forget about the use of Lease-Purchase agreements - where they engage in capital $pending and by-pass the voters approval required for bonding.

Seriously now, with 'Bloated Pots of Money' they call a School Budget and Bloated Bond Referendums, how is not possible to have more money than they actually need. You can't take credit for paying down debt using 'Out-of-Control' $pending and Hoarded taxpayer relief money. Where do you think some of that hoarded money went - into the capital reserves.

As for zero-based-budgeting, if we ever really went to zero-based-budgeting over there on Mythomania Lane, we'd have a Huge reduction in our School portion of our property tax bill here in Downtown Edison.

There's more but now I'm boring myself with the facts.

Anyhoo, let's hope Mayor Tom 'Now 11.4%' ChoiLankey doesn't follow this fiscal fitness plan - we'd all have to sell our houses to pay the property taxes!

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