Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Mayor Tom 'Now 13.7%' ChoiLankey's $128.1 million Muni-Budget for 2016 to be Adopted - As Introduced!?!

Well, Mayor Tom 'Now 13.7%' ChoiLankey's $128.1 million Muni-budget will be up for adoption tomorrow night by the Edison Council - As Introduced.

No Council AmendNotMent to this budget that takes the Muni-tax rate to $1.269, which is up 3.4-Cents or 2.74% over last year.

No surprise here since under Señor Lankey's stewardship over the last three years here in the 'DemBadLands' of Downtown Edison, the Council has done a whole lot of Nothing to cut his tax increases.

Here, take a look at what a whole lot of Nothing looks like:

Over the last three years - Señor Lankey raised the Muni-tax rate by 15.3-Cents or 13.7% and the Council drove right down Oligarchy Boulevard with him.

Be that is it may, it brings the Total Property Tax Rate for 2016 up to 5.270, which is 19.6-Cents or 3.9% over last year's 5.074 - here's the breakdown:

Just a reminder, the 3rd Qtr. Estimated Property Tax Bill that just went out was based on a Total Property Tax Rate of 5.280, which is 1-Cent higher than the actual 5.270 above. This was due to an over estimation of the Muni-tax and you should see a credit for that in the 4th Qtr bill.

So, take your assessed value divided by 100 ant then multiply that number by .01 (1-Cent) and subtract that amount from what you paid with your 3rd Qtr Estimated Bill - and that should be what you pay in the 4th Qtr.

Anyhoo, you can understand that with a 2016 Muni-Tax Levy of only $89.7 million, it's hard to come up with a few cuts for the People of Downtown Edison - right?!?!

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