Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Final Adoption of Edison's 2017 Muni-Budget - up for vote Wednesday Night!?!

Well, looks like the Council has completed their review of Mayor Tom 'Now 15.4%' ChoiLankey's $133.8 million budget for 2017. You remember that one, it's the one that came with yet another tax increase of 1.9-Cents or 1.5% and brought the Muni-tax rate up to $1,288 Per 100.

Seems after excruciating review by the 7 Processing Clerks, aka Edison Council, all they could come up with is a net increase in Appropriations of $33,079.06 and a corresponding net increase of $33,079.06 in Revenues, which has a Net Effect on LANKEY'S 2017 MUNI-TAX RATE OF $1.288 OF:


So, the Council's Amended Rate is the Same as Lankey's Introduced Rate for 2017. 

In other words, yet another Non-Amended Council Amendment.

If you're keeping score, Lankey Raised the Muni-tax by 15.4% over his 1st four-year term and Council reviewed those four budgets and came up with a Council Amended rate of 15.4%.

Don't you just like living in the 'DemBadLands' of Downtown Edison where a Local Dem-Party Oligarchy rules the nest?

Here's the amendment up for vote Wednesday night. The handwritten scribble is mine:

Anyhoo, kind of a sad commentary on the Powers that Be to make the People of Edison wait some 206 Days into the Budget year before they get around to approving a Budget - especially something with such insignificant changes as this silly amendment proposes.

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