Wednesday, November 29, 2017

'Deputy-Dog' Charlie 'I Abstain' Tomaro Remembering the 'Good Old Spadoro Days' - what a Guy?!?

Ah, who can forget the 'Good Old Days' in Downtown Edison when 'Deputy-Dog' Charlie 'I Abstain' Tomaro was For Mayor Spadoro using $10 million in surplus to limit the Muni-Budget tax-hike before the election only to be Against it after Spadoro lost the election.

And, let's not forget paying $5.6 million for some dirt and a mud puddle!

Good comeback though from Mayor Tom 'Now 15.4% but Won't Debate' ChoiLankey.

Ah, the 'Good Old Days' - thanks for the memories Charlie!?!

Source: Edison TV - Excerpt from the Rabbit Greens Community Park Press Conference - 10-28-17

Anyhoo, just a thought for Señor Lankey - just like he needs to carry Snicker Bars in his pocket when he's with Rob 'Mr. Temper-a-Ment' Karabinchak, he should avoid being around whenever Charlie speaks!?!

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