Friday, December 8, 2017

Edison Board of Mythomania - Staffing Salaries - 2017-18 & other Thingies!

Just received the current staffing salary file for the 2017-18 school year. It has a staffing level of 2,009 with total dollars of $135,059,981. Recognize that these files are a snapshot in time and the staffing levels are fluid, as they should be, and are always changing.

All the more reason why the Board needs to start reporting monthly the changes in heads and dollars against their budget. It's not good enough just to report the additions, deletions, etc every month with no comparison to what was budgeted. That's how they avoid showing the Staffing 'Shell Game' that goes on over there on Mythomania Lane. You know, that's when they add non-budgeted heads during the year but they don't disclose it and you don't see it in their budgets.

For the ga-zillionth time, the Board needs to start reporting their monthly changes in staffing levels in dollars and heads against the budget.

Be that as it may, here's a summary of the staffing file mentioned above. The file is by name, location, department, title and salary. I just put it in a table format that you can sort to see the data by any of those  categories. Also, put together some summaries so you can get a perspective on the data provided.

Here's a summary of the salary ranges:

Here's a summary by Department with the amounts broken down by mean, median, high & low salaries:

Here's the Top 25 Salaries from a sortable table:

Here's a pivot table that can also be sorted to see the data at any level you wish to see:

These tables are are in Excel format and if anyone wants to have them, just drop me a note and you're welcome to them.

Moving on - the Board of Mythomania Goals for 2017-18 and, hence, Super Dr. Richard 'Looking for the Exit Ramp' O'Malley's Performance Merit Goals.

Here's the Board Goals for the 2017-18 School Year:

Never been much of a fan of these Board Goals since they always seem to be less than meaningful and somewhat sophomoric considering the issues facing the school district. For example, look at the above 3 goals for 2017-18. There's only one quantitative goal and that's arguably not the most pressing academic issue facing the school district. And, look at the other two goals, which are qualitative and with no way to really measure them - they can pretty much do anything and make those goals.

And seriously, 'to actively address the overcrowding?' Geez, that's been a major problem for years and and they're now just getting around to addressing it? Maybe Señor O'Malley can call on the architects and engineers and put together a plan and get a bonus for it to boot! Hey, don't laugh, he got a bonus for his purchasing acumen by $pending some $4 million on laptops.

Seriously, it's long-overdue - a practical, cost-efficient, cogent and meaningful plan that addresses the entire district's overcrowding needs to be put together and needs to include all the stakeholders in the development and bond referendum process.

Finally, 'to improve communications and understanding with the Edison Public School Community'..blah..blah..blah - ever notice these feel good surveys only include parents, students and staff (the captive audience) and never include the stakeholder that pays all the bills, the taxpayers?

As for Señor O'Malley's Merit Bonus for the 2017-18 School Year. Looks like based on his current contract, his Max bonus will be around $25,421 or 12% of his current salary of $212,344. Not quite sure how they'll break down that $25,421 into %'s for the above 3 Merit Goals but hey, does it matter? They might just as well cut him a check now with these Performance Merit Goals!

Anyhoo, let's hope the 2017-18 School Year is the year that we finally deal with the overcrowding in the school district. We really need to get our priorities in order over there on Mythomania Lane and stop shortchanging the kids.

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