Friday, January 5, 2018

It's official - let's just call them Lankey's Board of EDems!?!

The Edison Board of Education, aka Board of Mythomania, Board of EDems, Board of Hoarders, Board of Sneaky..Sneaky..Sneaky & Board of Silence Unanimously voted in Jerry 'Lankey's Team' Shi for Board President and Beth Moroney by majority vote for Vice-President.

In the worst politicization of the Board of Education that I've ever seen here in the 'DemBadLands' of Downtown Edison in the last election cycle, this Board unanimously goes along with it by elevating these two to the leadership positions.

Not for nothing, but these two are part of the problem over there on Mythomania Lane and not part of the solution going forward, that is if you're looking for leadership, are into transparency and want someone in charge that will provide oversight of  Super Dr. Richard 'Looking for the Exit' O'Malley, making sure that the boat load of many they get from us is $pent in the most prudent and effective way possible, want a Board that leads and not follow and finally, give a seat at the table to the often forgotten stakeholder, the taxpayers, in the planning and decision-making process over there on Mythomania Lane.

Nah, this Board would rather let Politics prevail over what's best for the People of Edison.

Let that Sink in for a while!

Edison Board of Education Reorganization Meeting - January 3, 2018

Anyhoo, let's hope now that Mayor Tom 'Now 15.4% but Won't Debate' ChoiLankey has his 'You Got to Be Kidding Me' Team in place over there on the other side of town, that he now does something other than blow smoke about the overcrowding in all the schools.

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