Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Well, here's something Humongous you might not want to close your eyes to here in the 'DemBadLands' of Downtown Edison!

Well, saw this piece here about the potential $800 million Water and Sewer deal the town is considering and may soon enter into a 40-year agreement with Suez North America to operate and manage Edison's water and sewer systems.

According to this piece, 'Mayor Lankey outlined the principle terms of the agreement during his speech on Thursday. According to Mr. Lankey, Suez has agreed to:  
           1.         Capital improvements by Suez to Edison’s water and wastewater systems.
           2.         Provide the Township with a sizable “upfront payment” ($100 million) that the Township will use to retire its existing debt and utilize a small portion for the  design, development   and construction of a new municipal Community Center.
           3.         Provide improved service to the Township’s residential and  business customers.
           4.         Rate protection and keeping the senior freeze intact
According to Mr. Lankey, the total value of the transaction over 40 years, inclusive of investments to infrastructure, will be $811,344,330.'
Also, according to this piece, it comes with a lot of controversy and sites examples from other towns including our own township attorney's involvement.
Apparently, there will be a public hearing on March 28 on the proposed lease agreement. 
It's always interesting to me when they call a public meeting and they're the only ones who know all the important details and the public does not. Guess we have to play 20 questions to get all the details about what constitutes the deal they apparently agreed to and just needs council approval.
And let's face it, not for nothing but you can't always rely on the 7 processing clerks to do what's in the best interests of the People of Edison.
Maybe it's me, but something this humongous, controversial and long-term shouldn't be left to Mayor Lankey and his all -Dem Council to decide in a hurry - it should be put up on a ballot referendum, which gives the People a chance to gain the same understanding about the deal that the Council apparently has and then let the People decide.
Anyhoo, what do I know? I still can't figure out how the powers-that-be here in Downtown Edison think that you can have an open, honest and free exchange of ideas about anything in this town when not everyone is given the opportunity of dealing off the same facts at the same time!

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Ahh..when Great Dem-Party Minds Think Alike!?!

Remember this picture below that Mayor Tom 'Now 17.1% but Won't Debate' ChoiLankey had up on the Township website after he won his first election and before he realized that he was Mayor of all the People of Edison and not just the Democrats?

Anyhoo, such grandiose thoughts!

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Edison Mayor Lankey's State of the Township Address - geez, even he's gotta have a hard time believing his own words!

Well, saw this piece here in MyCentralJersey.com about Mayor Tom 'Now 17.1% but Won't Debate' ChoiLankey's 2019 State of the Township Address.

Nothing more than the usual Blah..blah..blah - but with some more self-serving and disingenuous rhetoric and promises from a leadership that has long gone astray.

From a controversial $800 million Water & Sewer Deal that brings along the Stench of our Local Leaders to a Second Overcrowding Task Force, it's pathetic the way the People of this town are treated.

This speech must of been so bad that the text and video still haven't been put up on the township website, as of this posting, and had to find the text in the piece above.


Here's the text of the speech as reported above:

Anyhoo, quite predictably just more of the same - but hey, you really can't expect change if you keep sending back the same people to elected office here in the 'DemBadLands' of Downtown Edison, now can you?

But hey, I do agree with this line in his speech (with one caveat) - 'Lets get it done. The town we hold in our hearts is waiting.' What needs to get done is to get Señor Lankey and his Band of 7 Processing Clerks out of office - and that will benefit the the town We the People hold in our hearts.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Vote for democracy, not Democrats in Edison - just a reminder with 4 Edison Council seats up this year

That was the title of a piece (below) that I wrote some 16 years ago. Given the actions by Mayor Tom 'Now 17.1% but Won't Debate' ChoiLankey and his 'Fresh Start Tour' entourage - just change Spadoro and his all-Democratic rule to ChoiLankey and his 'Band of 7 Processing Clerks' and you get the same results.

Moral of this tale of Woe - because of the powers that be here in the 'DemBadLands' of Downtown Edison, it's impossible to have an open and free exchange of ideas or debate in this town when everyone isn't given the same opportunity of dealing off the same facts at the same time!

[[About the only thing that Edison Mayor George Spadoro and the local Democratic party like more than winning is making the other side lose. In the latest example, while it's called wards, it's really the will of the people they're trampling all over to keep the status quo. It's not surprising, since it's all about maintaining power and one-party control over the purse strings - and they'll do and say whatever is necessary to keep it away from the people. It's the reality under Edison's all-Democratic rule; protect and preserve the Democratic party's interests above all, including those of the people.

Someone once quipped. 'a democracy is where two wolves and a sheep take a majority vote on what's for supper.' The point is democracy works best when there is an open and free exchange ideas, and when debate is encouraged. When dissenting opinion is absent, representative government is at its weakest and most clandestine. Such is the case under Edison Mayor George Spadoro's all-Democratic government. It's an unfortunate by-product of our form of government - the one-party rule.

The overwhelming concern with Spadoro's one-party government is information or more specifically, the lack of information, With total control by the democrats, what you get to know, how much you get to know, and when you get to know it is all predetermined and detrimental to your pocketbook. There's no one to challenge anything or to tell you otherwise. Priorities are set and monies disbursed without any substantive questioning or verifiable rationale.

There is no distinction between the administration and the council and hence, no checks and balances. The open and free exchange of Spadoro's ideas and policies is non-existent. Public involvement and input is impossible since debate is limited to what they want to tell you and only when they tell you.

The simple reality is that Spadoro's one-party government unnecessarily costs us money to fund party excesses. It's not what they tell us that costs the most but rather what and when they don't tell us.

With four council spots up this year, it's time we arm the sheep and prevent the wolves from determining what they'll be having for supper again. We need to vote out the democrats and break-up the one-party rule.

On Nov. 4, whether you are a Democrat, Republican or Independent, a vote for the Democratic slate is about the most un-Democratic thing you can do.]]

Anyhoo, welcome to one-party rule in Mayor ChoiLankey's 'DemBadLands.' As Yogi Berra says, 'it's deja vu all over again!'

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Edison School Overcrowding is a Long-time Joke - but Not as Big a Joke as those Failing to Fix it!

Well  just saw this latest piece here about Edison School Overcrowding. Good thing we loaded up that Overcrowding Task Force with a bunch of do nothing politicians.

They seem to be helping out a lot and working well together, don't you think?

What do you get on 'fixing the overcrowding' when you cross the inept leadership of Jerry 'The Poster Child for April Elections' Shi and his Board of Mythomania with Mayor Tom 'Now 17.1% but Won't Debate' ChoiLankey and his band of seven Cluck..Cluck processing clerks?

Nothing..absolutely nothing to fix the overcrowding. And that even includes such Edison disappointments as Charlie 'I Abstain' Tomaro, aka Deputy Dog and 18th District Rob 'Mr. Temper-a-Ment' Karabinchak - the Poster Children for Everything That's Wrong with the EDO and The EDO's Greatest Failure, respectively.

There's a shocker.

So much for dealing with the Overcrowding issue here in the 'DemBadLands' of Downtown Edison.

Anyhoo, it's only February 2019 Now. Welcome to Edison where You Get What You Deserve and You Deserve What You Get in this politically dysfunctional one-party town.

Remember what it's all about in this town - grabbing more $ from you to support their inefficiencies and waste on both sides of town:

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Edison High School's Latest Athletic Hall of Fame Inductees

Just saw this piece here about the latest inductees into the Edison High School Athletic Hall of Fame.

According to the piece, for the first time since 2008, and for just the third time ever, the high school will induct thirteen new members into its Athletic Hall of Fame.

Congratulations to all the inductees with particular notice to the family of recently deceased Coach Ken Pagach, along with John Shroba, Pete Ulozas and Keri Shutz.

Here's the list of inductees:

1. Bob Coward - Longtime EHS Athletic Director (1972-98) and Head Basketball Coach (1962-1975, 1986-87). Maybe because I was around then - and not for nothing but Not a big fan of this selection.

2. Ken Pagach - EHS Wrestling Coach 1964-94. You can read a previous post about him in this blog.

3. Ken Bjornsen - EHS Head Bowling and Softball Coach

4. Rusty Swartz - Football Class of 92

5. Al Jackson - Football Class of 92

6. John Shroba - Basketball Class of 66

7. Debbie Madi - Softball Class 89

8. Joe Duhigg - Wrestling Class of 90

9. Rasheed Simmons - Football Class of 94

10. Joe Lynch - Baseball Class of 81

11. Bob Brownlie - Baseball Class of 99

12. Pete Ulozas - Baseball Class of 91

13. Keri Shutz - Basketball Class of 02

Anyhoo, good to see they're reinstating the recognition of all the outstanding athletes that have passed through the Halls of EHS.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Edison's State of the Township Address - save yourself $75, it's a mess of oligarchic proportions!

Well, looks like Mayor Tom 'Now 17.1% but Won't Debate' ChoiLankey will be making his remarks on February 21st at the Pines.

No doubt, his seven all-Dem band of 'Cluck..Cluck' processing clerks will be in attendance along with such other Edison dignitaries as Charlie 'I Abstain' Tomaro, aka Deputy Dog,  Assemblyman Rob 'Mr. Temper-a-Ment' Karabinchak and Edison Board of Mythomania's President Jerry 'The Poster Child for April Elections' Shi to guess at a few.

But hey, if you ignore the Stench they left Hanging Over our Town, rising taxes, ambush 'forever' taxes, overcrowding in the schools, lack of recreational facilities, traffic, congestion, the politically connected developers and absentee politicians, then you're just the audience they want in attendance.

On the other hand, if you're not blind to this one-party rule that taxes you to the hilt, a party where the perils of one-party government are no longer a peril but a reality, a party that leaves the Stench Hanging Over our Town from the 2017 Election, a party that ran away from giving you the right to vote on $250+ million Bloated School Budgets - and simply doesn't care what you may think (except at election time when pandering for your vote), then recognize that coughing up $75 just to mingle with and hear Señor Lankey tell you like it ain't with another of his Blah..Blah speeches is money Not well spent.

As someone once said - 'Spin is all well and good, just as long as you don't believe it.'

Anyhoo, what do I know? I still can't figure out how you would expect to change anything here in the 'DemBadLands' of Downtown Edison without changing who you send there.

Ahh..the good old days - how's that been working out for you?