Saturday, February 23, 2019

Edison Mayor Lankey's State of the Township Address - geez, even he's gotta have a hard time believing his own words!

Well, saw this piece here in about Mayor Tom 'Now 17.1% but Won't Debate' ChoiLankey's 2019 State of the Township Address.

Nothing more than the usual Blah..blah..blah - but with some more self-serving and disingenuous rhetoric and promises from a leadership that has long gone astray.

From a controversial $800 million Water & Sewer Deal that brings along the Stench of our Local Leaders to a Second Overcrowding Task Force, it's pathetic the way the People of this town are treated.

This speech must of been so bad that the text and video still haven't been put up on the township website, as of this posting, and had to find the text in the piece above.


Here's the text of the speech as reported above:

Anyhoo, quite predictably just more of the same - but hey, you really can't expect change if you keep sending back the same people to elected office here in the 'DemBadLands' of Downtown Edison, now can you?

But hey, I do agree with this line in his speech (with one caveat) - 'Lets get it done. The town we hold in our hearts is waiting.' What needs to get done is to get Señor Lankey and his Band of 7 Processing Clerks out of office - and that will benefit the the town We the People hold in our hearts.

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