Sunday, July 28, 2019

Geez, You think that if you're Gonna Take Action on a $189.5m School Bond Referendum - YOU MIGHT WANT TO PUT IT ON THE AGENDA?!?

Just you don't love the hazy, lazy summer months where everybody is on vacation and not paying attention to what happens over there on Mythomania Lane?

Well, even for the ineffective and inept leadership of Jerry 'Needs to Step-down' Shi - this one is low.

Seems they put out the agenda for tomorrow night's School Board Public Meeting.

Here it is:

Does anybody see anything about action is going to be taken on the $189.5 million Proposed School Bond Referendum? You see it, I don't.

But when you scroll down, way down the agenda - you find this:

Seems they are taking action and if you don't know about it - you can't know to come up and ask questions and get answers as to what they heck they think they're doing.

Here's my thoughts about what they're doing which I just sent to the Board via email:

Board Members,
With al due respect, I just saw the agenda for tomorrow’s night public meeting. I take it that voting on pieces of a humongous $189.5 million Proposed Bond Referendum doesn’t deserve to have it’s on line item on the agenda. 

Geez, you think anyone looking at the agenda would think there’s noting going on with the Bond Referendum so they don’t have to come and hear what you have to say and query what you’re doing? You have to scroll down into the detail to even see it. Take it that’s in line with the lack of transparency this board hopes will keep public scrutiny away from this bloated set of numbers that are actually laughable. 

Shame on you for playing hiding and seek with this ridiculous proposal you’re trying to hide. Not for nothing but these numbers are silly. It’s looks like you picked a number ($189.5m) and backed into the detail by filling it in with %’s. 

Geez, someone on the Board should really take the time and look at the details and see what’s going on here and if that makes sense to you.

As for the resolution itself, I can see you’re accepting the PEC Letters and DoE 130 determinations, picking a December 10, 2019 date for the Bond Referendum and making appointing Bond Counsel and Financial services. You’re also showing the eligible costs under DoE rules for the 6 schools.

Here’s what I don’t see and maybe you should tell the people of Edison at your meeting. How are you going to phase all this work in and what’s the proposed scheduling. And maybe explain whose brilliant idea it was to go this piecemeal route with six schools? 

Also - of the $189.5 million, how much was actually ineligible for state aid and why, how state aid is calculated for new additions (Max $143 per Sq ft at 40%) and renovations (at 40%) and how much of the $189.5 million goes over to the Local Share before financing costs.

Clearly, all of you on the Board were told and know that $158,416,220 of the $189,500,000 is falling on the backs of the taxpayers before financing costs. Maybe you might want to share and disclose that tad bit of information at your meeting.

Anyhoo, on the basis that I believe you went the wrong way to address the overcrowding, the ridiculous costs (cost per sq ft and other allowable costs) and the scheduling you’re clandestinely proposing and planning without any dialogue, how much and when you’re going to bond and without knowing what the financial costs will be to name just a few things - please mark down as someone who takes exception to what you did so far and what you’re planning on doing here.

Seriously, somebody on the Board needs to take a hard look at these numbers and come up with some realistic numbers. 

Ralph Bucci

You can see a compilation of all the ridiculous costs associated with this Proposed Bond Referendum that they're not showing you in this resolution in the July 11th, 2019 post below in this blog.

For you taxpayers out there, pay attention to what this Board just did to you here and how each Votes on this Overpriced attempt to inadequately address the Overcrowding and remember to Vote Out any Board Member who goes along with this  nonsense. These numbers have to drastically come down to be more practical and certainly more realistic to even consider being put up in a Bond Referendum. 

We surely need to address the Overcrowding but this Proposed Bond Referendum the Board is offering up is a dismal failure and you should recognize and treat it as such. And you should also recognize the dire need to have someone on the Board who looks out for the taxpayers and understands and will challenge ridiculous numbers.

Anyhoo, heads-up everyone. If you want to have any say in what they're doing over there in Mythomania Land, you need to show up tomorrow to avoid letting them fly under the radar at what will no doubt be Your Enormous Expense that most likely won't even solve the Overcrowding problem.

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