Thursday, December 12, 2019

Another False Alarm for Moving School Board Elections Back to April!?! Edison Council does it to You again!

Just saw this piece here in TapIntoEdison. Looks like Bob 'See No Conflict' Diehl, aka Poster-child for Term Limits and 'Suez Man of the Year' has pulled the Reso to Move the School Board elections back to April.

This is now the second time the 7 Processing Cluck..clucks have wasted your time calling a meeting and then backing away with their twisted and corrupted politics. At least this time they had a meeting and not cancel it at the last minute like last time.

Not for nothing but No surprises here. Local Dem-party politics will always Prevail over the People of this Town and this once again proves it.

Anyway, here's the communication I sent to them on this subject.

Council President Gomez,
I see that the Edison Council (Council) will be, once again, considering bringing forth a resolution to move the school Board Elections back to April. I say once again since I recall this coming up once before and the Council canceling the meeting at the last minute. 

So, I don’t know if this is serious this time or not and since I don’t place much confidence it what this Council does or doesn’t do - let me just say this to you. It wasn’t hard to see what would happen to this town when the School Board opted to move the elections to November. A move that was solely driven by the School Board’s desire to take away the Residents Right to Vote on School Budgets.

We now live in a town where the Stench of the 2017 Election Still Lingers over us as well as the disconcerting events of this past November election adding to it. 

Injecting and infesting the School Board elections with Local Dem-party politics in the November elections has proven to be and continues to be a blight on this town. That alone should make you realize ti was a mistake to make such a move.

Now, I don’t think there’s much substance in the arguments being put forth for Not moving the election back to April  - such as we save money by not holding a separate election, that we get a larger turn-out of voters and less likelihood that the Board will be dominated by any particular group and any Council cuts made when School Budgets are defeated are hurting the School District, etc.

First of all, the Board of Ed Never Saves anything - they Repurpose and Hoard Taxpayer money but they Never Save anything. If they’re so worried about paying for an additional election, then you should ask them why they budgeted some $225,000 this year for 3 attempts for this Ridiculous, I’ll conceived, Opaque, Piecemeal and Overpriced $189.5m School Bond Referendum scheduled for December 10th.

Next, we certainly get larger turnout in November than April but look at what has happened to this town once we opened the door too November elections - devious and deceptive political campaigns that still has the Council of the Whole looking for the source of that Racist Flyer two years later and the Local Dem-party sharing campaign literature with certain School Board candidates and disconcerting and underhanded attacks on certain candidates in this past November election. 

So, doesn’t really seem to me that certain groups will not try and stack the School Board no matter if the School Board election is in April or November.

Finally, we seem to be under the impression that the Council makes 'draconian cuts' when the School Budgets are Voted down by the Residents. That’s simply Not true. First of all, if the Residents Vote down these School Budgets, they are saying they want the School Budgets Cut by the Council. 

As for the usual example brought up that the Council cut $6.5m from the 2010 School Budget after the State cut some $14m in State aid - it’s just Not true. The Council only out around $1.2m from that School Budget. It was the State that caused the so-called problem by cutting the $14m, Not the Council only cutting $1.2m.

As far as I’m concerned, the Council over the years has made only disappointingly small cuts to Failed School Budgets when they came before it. Certainly, not the kind of justified cuts that the Residents were looking for after their review.

So, that’s an argument that doesn’t hold any water and certainly not a reason to keep he School Board elections in November.

Really now, it’s up to the Board of Education to put forth substantive, meaningful, cost-efficient and reasonable School Budgets that the Residents can live with and not these Bloated and Out-of-Control Spending Budgets they’re use to dumping on the Residents/taxpayers every year. Allowing them to increase these School Budgets by 2% every year just lets the Bloat and Out-of Control Spending that goes on over there to increase exponentially. Not for nothing but they already have enough ways to go around the Residents/taxpayers by using such techniques as the infamous Lease-purchase agreements.

While I may have a low confidence level that the Council will do (and as such don’t care what you do) what’s right for the People of Edison and let them have a say over these Bloated School Budgets once again, which are well over half our Total Property Tax bill - leaving them in November will just solidify that this Council always lets Dem-party Politics prevail over the People of this town even when such divisive consequences to our town are staring right at you. A theme that hangs over your heads right now.

Ralph Bucci
Edison Resident

Anyhoo, you get the type of government you deserve here in the 'DemBadLands' of Downtown Edison. Too Bad You don't Recognize You Deserve Better Representation than what You're Getting - on Both Sides of Town. I truly Hope You Get it Some Day.

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