Thursday, March 19, 2020

Really Council Vice-President Joshi - you're Not the Mayor of Edison.

With all due respect, this COVID-19 is serious business and the last thing we need is for the local politicians to be playing politics here in Edison.

So, Mr. Joshi - please don't be filling up the FaceBook Groups with information and Q & A's. This stuff should be done by the professionals so we don't cause unnecessary panic and confusion with the information being put out there.

The Mayor has releases multiple times a day, which are just the facts and without any sensationalism. He's not going to lie or panic people by trying to react to rumors or by trying to be the first with the news.

He'll continue to update the community with pertinent information through his communications.

For those of you who would rather see his face out there - he chooses not to do it that way. As long as we get the info we need, who cares how he does it?

As for Sam 'the Weathervane Millennial' Joshi and his FaceBook videos - please put your Big-boy pants on and recognize that only the Mayor should be speaking for the town now, whether face to face or through his releases - Not You! While you may think this helps, as a senior with considerable concern about this virus, it doesn't give me any comfort to hear from you.

Besides, I wouldn't take seriously anything you say anyway  - and I wish you'd Stop. I would of responded to you in the Edison Citizens FaceBook Group but I withdrew from that Group after someone deleted a response I had to one of your previous postings. So, I'm sure you can understand.

Anyhoo, this stuff is too serious for all the Mayor-wannabe's or other lower-level local politicians to be playing politics now. Please Stop it.

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