Monday, August 10, 2020

Pay attention to the Edison Board of Mythomania - it's the Most Egregious and Biggest Unnecessary drain on Your Pocketbooks!

Well, while I wait for an OPRA Response from the Edison Board of Mythomania for copies of the recently adopted ETEA & EFMMA contracts and the Costs/Heads for the 3-year and 5-year deals, respectively - can't help but wonder how much more they're going to add to the already Outrageous Pandemic Tax increases already dumped on us.

Here's where we are so far:

Don't worry about paying your rent and putting food on the table - seems they're not worried enough to do something about their Outrageous tax increases during this Pandemic. Geez, 9.7% County tax increase - when is somebody gonna step-up and ask what the heck do we need this additional level of government for.

And Lankey at 7.3% (with the Library tax) is just shameful - even for him. And don't expect much help from his 7 Processing Clerks. They'll blindly adopt another Lankey tax increase without change - the Council has for every other Muni budget since Lankey became Mayor.

But don't blinded as to where most of Your tax dollars are going here in the 'DemBadLands' of Downtown Edison- some 55% goes to the Edison Board of Mythomania, of which You locally fund some 85%. Bloated & Out-of-Control $pending School budgets, now up to $277 million, that dwarf the Muni budgets of $150 million. 

A School Tax Rate of $3.166 (Per 100) (that's more than 2.5 times the Muni Tax Rate) that only goes Up, Up & Up despite the bogus claims that they're $aving the taxpayers money.

School budgets that are not ever properly explained or even told that they're done on a Fiscal year basis and then converted to a Calendar Year basis for purposes of coming up with the Calendar year tax rate.

Here, look at the School Budget Summary - on a Fiscal year basis for 2020-21:

This Fiscal year School Budget for 2020-21 increased the school tax increase by some 4.5 times over their 2019-20 School budget. Of course, you'll only see half of this in the 2020-21 school budget - the other half shows up in next years school budget.

So, point of all this - you'd better choose carefully come November on who you want on the School Board. The Lack of Oversight and continued absence at the decision-making table of someone looking out for the taxpayers over there on Pierson Ave., at the cross-roads of Delusional & Dysfunction Junction, needs some serious change.

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