Sunday, February 21, 2021

Edison Democratic Organization (EDO) February 24, 2021 Mayoral Screening

Well, as mentioned in a previous post, the EDO is also having their screening for Mayor on February 24, 2021 and also allowed  the candidates to make a 3-minute video for its 156 members before the vote. These are also available to the public on the EDO's You Tube station.

Now, with all that's going on with the EDO, it's change in leadership, the 'Committee of the Hole' still searching for themselves and the incumbent Mayor and two incumbent Council Members not seeking the Local Dem-party line - you have to recognize that the real race for Mayor won't be until the General Election. That's where you see all the other serious candidates jumping in and the real attempt at grabbing the leadership of Edison for the next 4-years.

So, while there were originally 4 candidates seeking the the Mayor nod, only 3 are left. Seems Sam 'the Weathervane Millennial' aka Big-boy pants has decided to screen to keep his Council seat. Geez, hard to believe Mr. Joshi thinks he's ready or capable to be Mayor in this town. Not for nothing but this self-serving political promoter has got to go and I already asked my District 31 Committee people to Not waste a vote on Mr. Joshi for Council in a previous post about the Council candidates.

Be that as it may, there are 3 candidates screening for Mayor.

  1. Mahesh Bhagia - the newly elected Chairman of the EDO and Former Assistant to Mayor Lankey
  2. Richard Brescher - current Council person and Former Board of ED Member
  3. Sapana Shah - former Council person and Former Board of Ed Member

Given the state of the EDO and all the continuous internal power struggles and dissension in the ranks, there's no way the newly elected Chairman Bhagia should immediately turn around and run for Mayor. Seems he should be fixing the problems with the local party first before he tries to move on. 

Just don't think that he would be a wise choice for the Committee people at this time and would ask my District 31 Committee people to Not Vote for Mr. Bhagia.

Sapana Shah - always thought very highly of her and still do. She's super intelligent, charismatic, an excellent listener and communicator, tough when she needs to be yet always fair and has a great knowledge of what is happening on both sides of town and what needs to be done to make it better place for all the residents and taxpayers. And geez, how often do we get somebody that qualified who is also a woman to boot? Not very often here in 'DemBadLands' of Downtown Edison.

Having said that in all sincerity, don't understand (not that it should be important or of any consequence to her) why she's taking this route and involving herself in the political mess going on within the Local Dem-Party these days. 

Clearly, she possesses all the qualities you need for higher office in this State. Back when the last 18th District State Assembly seat opened up and of the three looking for it (Bob 'SeeNo Conflict' Diehl, Rob 'Mr. Temper-a-Ment' Karabinchak and Sapana Shah) she was, by far, the Best Choice but the Dem-Party (in their infinite wisdom) gave to Karabinchak. She got dissed by the Democratic Party.

So, don't know why she would want to drag herself back into the local muck and mire by trying to get the EDO nod. Clearly, it's the only party in town with all the money and willing to finance elections, but she's better than that to be chasing that illusive pot of gold at the end of the dysfunctional Dem-Party rainbow.

Until the EDO gets its act together and starts backing the most qualified candidates for all offices, she should seek an alternate route if she wants to be Mayor. Wouldn't have a problem if she got the nod for Mayor here but, given the state of political chaos in this town, really don't want to see her get Dissed again.

Richard Brescher - clearly, a change to what Lankey and his loyal Processing Clerks on the Council are use to. Speaks up and out and really has a sincere interest in change - something sorely needed in this town. 

Not afraid to try and create alliances and not afraid to fight alliances that he believes are against what is best for the town. Who wouldn't like transparency for a change? 

Can he be Mayor? Sure, why not. Would like to see him in the debates in the General Election against Mayor Lankey, Hahn and any other candidates that pop up along the way. 

 Here's Brescher's speech:

Here's Bhagia's speech:

Here's Shah's speech:

Anyhoo, pay attention and reach out to your local Committee people and share you choices.

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