Friday, February 4, 2022

Really, do we now need to change the Board of Mythomania's name to Board of WhatsApp?!?

For the second time in less than a month, information about the Edison Board of Mythomania, aka Board of EdDems, Board of Dysfunction has shown up in social media before it was publicly announced by the Board.

What is going on over there on Mythomania Lane? Isn't anyone concerned about information being put out in the public before it apparently becomes public information?

How is that happening and what is the Board doing about it?

Geez, so much for unity under the new Board Leadership.

Not for nothing but Board President Doug 'Mr. Apathetic' Schneider needs to show a tad bit more interest in what's going on over there and understand why this a problem and puts an end to it.

If not, someone let me know and I'll save time by joining WhatsApp to get information about the Board and won't need to make OPRA Requests anymore.

Anyhoo, what do I know - I still can't figure out how you can go from pathetic to apathetic over there and expect things to change for the better.

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