Monday, May 2, 2022

Top 10 Taxpayer Cost Saving Suggestions before Mayor Sam 'Mr. Shrink-flation' Joshi's $158.1 million 2022 Muni-budget presentation on May 19th

10. Just copy Lankey's Muni-budget presentation from last year and just change the numbers. It'll save on all the high-tech and political Dem-party hypocritical hyperbole in his Ridiculously taxpayer unfriendly 86-page budget, since it will just be the same Dem-party nonsense, just with less content. 

9. Have 'Mr. Shrink-flation' get a 'Mayor Joshi' tattoo stamped on his forehead, so everybody knows he's Mayor when he is out and about town. It'll save a small fortune on his 'Mayor Joshi' monogrammed underwear, shirts, shoes, sneakers, socks, sweaters, hoodies, jackets, winter coats and personalized license plates.

8. Purchase a set of 'Walkie-talkies' for the $100,000 Chief of Staff Bob 'See No Conflict' Diehl so he can get his orders directly from the County and save that $110,000 we're paying for 'Mr. Shrink-flation's' new Admin Officer who's there in case he needs to go around the County (like he did the EDO) after the County is done using him and dumps him after one-term. Got to be cheaper than all those cell phone bills from the County.

7. Go out and hedge against that Edison 1-Cent Open Space 'Forever' tax mistake and use the money to get to the bottom of that 2017 Racist Flyer. Should be a ton of savings there and the best return on investment we could ever make in this politically corrupt one-party town.

6. Enter into a 'Shared-services Agreement' with the Edison Board of Mythomania, aka Board of Ed-Dems, Board of Dysfunction, Board of WhatsApp to get back some of all that taxpayer money they've been Hoarding all these years and if the town doesn't help getting a new school built to address the Overcrowding, then use it to fund the Edison Wards Movement.

5. Eliminate the $60,000 position for Social Media Presence and just have Charlie 'I Abstain' Tomaro and Rob 'Mr. Temper-a-Ment' Karabinchak go around town with him with their matching JPS Hall of Honor t-shirts. That should make for an increased presence by getting a Huge amount of attention and unbelievable looks.

4. Spend some capital improvement money and get rid of those seriously annoying and unnecessary brick bump-outs in the tip-toe through the tulips sections of Clara Barton and get a refund from Charlie 'I Abstain' Tomaro.

3. Create a new Division of Constituent Relations, call it 'Pitfalls of Voting Straight Down the Party-Line' and have 'Mr. Shrink-flation' head it up. Everybody who comes in and visits him can see it immediately. Enough said.

2. Take that $37,000 being spend on Broadband and instead buy $1,000 worth of rubber bands and give one out to each person in town to hold his 86-page Muni-budget together while they're trying to wrap their head around it. At least when that rubber band snaps back at you when you try and wrap up this garbage, it won't be as painful as it will get with this waste of money going forward.

1. Budgets are just somebody's vision of what they want to do. Since it's now the County's vision of what Edison should be and look like in 2022, then no need for the middleman to be rewarded for selling out he People of Edison. Eliminate 'Mr. Shrink-flation's' sneaky attempt to give himself a Big Salary increase in the 2022 Muni-budget just for being a Malleable Marionette of the Powers that be from Outside of town.

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