Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Christo Makropoulos for Edison BoE - the Perfect Kryptonite to the Political Cesspool over there on Mythomania Lane

 Well, just saw this piece here in Patch regarding the Candidates responding to questions about this November's Edison School Board Election. 

This is the candidate profile of Christo Makropoulos (Protect the Children) where he shares why he is running for a seat on the Edison Board of Education on November 8th.

Patch Note: 'All candidates were given the same questions. Answers are the candidates' own, published by Patch without editing.'

In a time where the Edison Board of Education, aka Board of Mythomania, Board of EdDems, Board of Dysfunction and Board of Hoarders has been significantly infiltrated and politicized by the politically corrupt Dem-party with on-going struggle for power between the last two inept Board Presidents (Mr. Hospitality and Mr. Shi-shed) - it's time for a wake-up call before it's too late.

First thing you need to do is Vote Out all the Incumbents. You have to put an end to the wasted time and failure of the Board of Ed where Mr. Hospitality and Mr. Shi-shed spend more time fighting each other trying to gain power than fixing the problems. Failure to property address critical issues and problems because of their internal power struggles should Not be Rewarded.

They'll be more to say about the Incumbents as we get closer to the election.

Now, we all know Christo and what he does in town. He goes around trying to fight and report corruption in this town where he sees it. And to be honest, while he may sometimes be his own worst enemy at public meetings in getting his points across - he hasn't always been treated fairly either when he tries to do so.

We might not like how he goes about doing things or how he may express his concerns and beliefs but you can't deny he's very knowledgable and he's all about free speech. You don't have to agree with what he has to say but he certainly has a right to be heard.

So, in this Dem-party political cesspool over there on Mythomania Lane - I couldn't think of a better candidate to take on the Board of EdDems than Christo. Exactly the type of guy you'd want in the back room to counter the nonsense when they go into closed sessions.

You should seriously consider Christo for neutralizing a change over there before the Dem-party with its 'Stronger Brighter Futures' ticket of Incumbents (Kevin Hadjuk, Shivi Prasad-Madhukar and Newbie Manasi Mathur) decides to go after all the money using their votes to try and switch to an Appointed Board.

Anyhoo, after too many years of inept leadership that has kept the school district from moving forward with its political nonsense - it's time to recognize the Board of EdDems may very well be in a takeover play with this Nov. 8th BoE Election and don't let the BoE be taken over by outsiders like the town.

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