Friday, February 10, 2023

Edison Town Hall doesn't have an information problem - it has an information block problem.

Well, when you have a 'Malleable Marionette' of the Powers that be from outside of town for a Mayor, you need another ill-prepared person to carry on the ineptness as Council President.

Welcome to the newbie Council President John 'Joshi's Mini-me' Poyner.


If you watched Wednesday's meeting with maybe 3 or 4 people in attendance and No Department Heads available to answer questions, except the BA - you can see this guy is clearly not equipped, prepared or ready for prime time and it shows.

Problem with having one of Joshi's County ticket guys in the lead is the continuation of the non-dissemination of information to the public about what his Administration is doing - as was the modus operandi with Joe 'the Florist' Coyle in the lead.

It's bad enough that you can't get any information from this Council about the Administration but it looks like some of the Council members can't either.

A Big Kudos though to those three or four residents asking questions at the podium. Not sure I caught their entire names and don't want to misspell their last names so I'll say Kudos to Bruce, Frank, Joel and Sue for raising important questions. Apologies if I got any of those names wrong.

To make matters more to Joshi's benefit - look at the stacking of the Committee assignments. 

N. Patel is Chair of 1 and on 2 others. 

Ajay Patil is Chair of 1 and on 3 others. 

Margot Harris is Chair of 1 and on 1 other. 

Joe Coyle is Chair of 2 and on 2 others. 

Joyce Ship-Freeman is Chair of 2 and on 1 other. 

Richard Brescher is Chair of None and on 1 other. 

John Poyner is Chair of None and on 4 others.

Here's the Committee List:

Time to wake-up and recognize you can't count on this Council to keep any Checks & Balances or provide any information on Mayor Sam 'Mr. Shrink-flation' Joshi's stewardship  and their meetings have become an embarrassment to watch.

As for a Public Advocate, get serious - they'll never let that happen. Joshi's administration would have a hard time explaining themselves.

The only way we could possibly get away from the one-party strangle-hold in this town is switch to Wards.

Anyhoo, we get what we vote for and we deserve the poor governance we get as a result.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, you got the names right. The administration gave non-answer answers at the February 22 Council meeting, also.
