Saturday, May 27, 2023

This is a tab bit too Sleezy even for the usual Dem-party gutter politics in this town

 Well, got this flyer in the mail today and just shook my head in disgust. 

On the back of the flyer it says - 'It was Deplorable' with a list of things and has this quote:

'I'm not sure what the price you pay for the [the Edison Racist Flyer ] is, but they deserve to pay a price because it was really offensive' - Gov. Philip Murphy

Yeah, wouldn't We all like to know who 'they' were behind the 2017 Racist Flyer?'

Well, if we're gonna list 'Deplorable thingies' in this town, then here's some:

  • It was Deplorable for the County to step-in and Override the EDO in 2021 and hand-picked their Malleable Marionette Sam 'the Flim-flam Man' Joshi for Mayor.
  • It was Deplorable that the 'Council of Hole' headed up by Bob 'See No Conflict' Diehl and Council Vice-President Joshi have yet to report their findings after $spending all that money investigating and they're still in search of themselves - now after 6 years.
  • It was Deplorable that Mayor Sam 'Mr. Shrink-flation' Joshi appoints Bob 'See No Conflict' Diehl as his Chief of Staff at a starting salary of $100,000.
  • It was Deplorable that Joe 'the Florist' Coyle was elected Council President and did a political 180 after lamb-basting Joshi & Patil about the 2017 Racist Flyer, when he bent over backwoods to block public inquiry and any ability to question Joshi's inept and opaque administration.
  • It was Deplorable when Mr. Shrink-flation secretly raised Lankey's $49,000 so $75,000 and then had the Council raise it to $150,000, with Council raises to boot.
  • It was Deplorable when the County stepped-in again with this Primary and replaced EDO selections Kentos & Patel with Coyle & Patil. So much for the 2017 Racist Flyer being a problem any more in this town.

Anyhoo, here's a thought for the Kentos & Patel line, if you're gonna attack one candidate in Column B - then maybe you should make sure you cover all the deplorables that come with what Column B represents.

Thursday, May 25, 2023

You know it's Election time when Mayor Sam 'Mr. Shrink-flation' Joshi drops a Broadband Flim-flam on the Council at the last minute

 Well, not for nothing, but dropping something that even hasn't past the smell test on the Council for approval at the last minute and without any time for proper review - tells you that his COS Bob 'See No Conflict' Diehl making $100k (or maybe $125k by now) aka day-care provider, must of been off for the day. This is what happens when the train goes off the rails in the silly season.

Yeah, we should have a Braodband utility - they can't even manage to deliver a Muni-budget on time, much less delivering broadband to the entire town. Check that off with Campaign Fairy-tale Kisses & Hugs.

Geez, guess 'Mr. Shrink-flation' will try anything to get Votes for the County's hand-picked Column B. He'll need those Votes if he wants to keep his $150k 'Event Coordinator' gig from the County.

Don't let these bogus campaign tactics sway you from your Vote exiting the Stench Hanging Over this Town on June 6th.

Anyhoo, you gotta like Councilman Joe' the Florist' Coyle's political flexibility - this guy went from ripping Joshi and Patil another bodily exit to Kisses & Hugs now and will approve anything 'Mr. Shrink-flation' wants and Stopped calling for Patil's resignation  - just to get reelected. And Bad Joe, Bad Joe - You Better Pay attention during these meetings - Council President John 'Puppet's Puppet' Poyner has his eye on you.

Anyhoo, as silly as these meetings are run these days and without any Department Heads to answer questions and OPRA Requests now with a legal Gatekeeper, you gotta give credit to the Administration for one opaque accomplishment - we now have more Council Members in attendance in these Council meetings that we have People sitting in the audience.

That's what happens when you allow them to shut-down access to information and the opportunity and ability to query what this opaque Sam 'the Flim-flam Man' Joshi Administration is doing.

Makes you Proud of where Edison has come to in such a short time, doesn't it?

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Why Dem-party Campaign Flyers in this town are just Political Chicanery at its worst on the uninformed

 Just got this flyer in the mail today with Mayor Sam 'Mr. Shrink-flation' Joshi's Column B team. After a good chuckle, this flyer is about as silly as Joshi thinking he has a Team. The only Team that gets the Party line these days is whoever the County wants on the their Team to go along with their hand-picked Malleable Marionette. Maybe he'll realize someday that he's just a one-timer being used and will be expeditiously exited when they're done using him.

Well, seriously now, does anybody who lives in the one-party town and who hasn't be unconscious for the last couple of years think that Coyle & Patil are on Mayor Sam 'Mr. Shrink-flation' Joshi's team other than the County wanting them to get re-elected? 

Coyle previously put out a video calling for Patil's resignation and shouting out that Joshi made Patil vote for Joshi for Vice-President of the Edison Council. Patil admits to having knowledge of the 2017 Racist Flyer yet remained on the 'Committee of the Hole' investigation that, now 6 years later, is still in search of themselves.

And, not for nothing, if 'Mr. Shrink-flation' says Brescher is on the Joshi Column B Team, then why is Joshi running a candidate against Brescher for his Committee seat?

And yet, the County seems fit to replace Kentos & Patel, the EDO's duly elected council candidates, with Coyle & Patil.

So, here's my take on 'Mr. Shrink-flation's' Column B Team Flyer:

A Vote for Column B will make the Stench Hanging Over this Town from that 2017 Racist Flyer

And, more importantly, if Coyle & Patil get re-elected - Edison will forever be known as the 

Home of the 2017 Racist Flyer. 

Then, they might as well change all the Edison Borderline Welcome to Edison signs to the above.

Anyhoo, don't let party-line voting make you look past what's going on here with this politically corrupt ticket that only rewards those running and the Dem-party powers that be at the expense of the Good People and Good Name of this town.

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

An attack on the Edison Democratic Organization (EDO) Committee People by the 'Malleable Marionette' and his Puppet Masters

 Well, credit to Joel Bassoff for this on-line PSA post - Edison 2023 Democratic County Committee Candidates for the June 6 Primary Election. 

Pay attention to the distinction between the MCDO and the Democratic Party of Edison. 

Mayor Sam 'Mr. Shrink-flation' Joshi in a feeble attempt to gain control of the EDO to further his inept and opaque stewardship, has all these 'MCDO' challenges to sitting Committee People. Sure seems like a purge with some 102 replacements for some 143 filled seats with a lot of women getting the heave-ho.

EDO Committee People back in 2021who recognized he wasn't a good choice for Mayor - so he dropped out of the Screening at the last minute before he would of lost. He went on to get County support when the County overrode the EDO Screening Selections under the pretense of concern over the 2017 Racist Flyer and the EDO running candidates further up the line by the EDO.

Apparently, the County doesn't have a concern about the 2017 Racist Flyer anymore since they overrode two Council candidates selected by the EDO (Kentos and Patel) in this June 6 Primary and replaced then with the incumbents Coyle & Patil.

Be that as it may, it's bad enough we have a 'Malleable Marionette' of a Mayor hand-picked by the powers that be from outside of town (albeit, an ill-prepared Dem-party parasite who brings nothing to the table from his time on the Council other than a demonstrated lack of credibility and trustworthiness, who sold out the People of Edison for a chance to climb up the politically corrupt Dem-party ladder) - let's not let them now take over the EDO to further this political blight on the town. Clearly, a one-termer who will be expeditiously exited by his puppet masters when they're done using him.

Avoid Joshi's MCDO candidates when you Vote in your district to Stop the take-over in what, disconcertingly, is now the Permanent Home of the 2017 Racist Flyer.

Anyhoo, a vote that endorses and continues the political corruption in this town will, assuredly, result in just that at your expense.

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Don't expect any Edison Council transparency with a 'Puppet's Puppet' in the Lead

 Well, given the state of Edison Council Meetings these days, it's hard Not to see how poorly information about Mayor Joshi's Administration is being disseminated to the People of Edison.

It was bad enough when Joe 'the Florist' Coyle was Council President and did everything he could to block the Public from gaining any critical and important information about Mayor Sam 'Mr. Shrink-flation' Joshi's stewardship. From changing how the public gets to speak to removing Department Heads at the meetings to name a couple. 

Kind of makes it difficult for the Public to get information needed not to mention Council members asking for information which they seem to of never gotten during these meetings. Perfect example of this under Joe 'the Florist' Coyle was that Ridiculous $158m Muni -budget for 2022, which came with an increase in the tax rate to $1.402 and a more than doubling of the Admin dollars to $2.4m. Of course, that included raises for 'Mr. Shrink-flation' and the Council to boot. 

There was a $158m boondoggle Muni-budget that could only be approved by the Council with eyes wide shut.

Geez, these are the people who are supposed to be in charge of the purse strings but act more like rubber stamps to an Administration agenda that clearly is in dire need of much needed inquiry.

Be that as it may, it just keeps getting worse with John 'Puppet's Puppet' Poyner in charge. He just doesn't do what's required and spends more time apologizing that he does effectively dealing with control of the purse strings. Seems all he does is push Joshi's agenda and likes to say that he's trying. But you know what they say - trying nice but doing is better.

Sorry,  but he's often not prepared to handle questions and as far as I can see - he's never voted No on any of 'Mr. Shrink-flation's' substantive spending agenda items. He needs to recognize that he doesn't work for 'Mr. Shrink-flation' or the Dem-party and until he does that the People of Edison will continue to be poorly served.

By the way, where's the 2023 Muni-budget and what's going on with Sewer tax bills?

Unfortunately, a Puppet's Puppet - naive at best:

We need to get back to an open and free exchange with the Public and Council Members at these Council Meetings and Stop this blocking inquiry into what this Administration is doing or isn't doing. 

To do that we need to start with the Council insisting that the Administration bring back the Department Heads to the meetings and Stop this limiting of necessary public inquiry.

On top of that, what's with this latest attempt to have all OPRA Requests go through the lawyer? Seriously, do we really need to add another Gatekeeper to what the heck is going on with 'Mr. Shrink-flation's' stewardship over there on 100 Municipal Blvd.? Last I looked, we had Bob 'See No Conflict' Diehl making $100k for day care provider services - or probably more now after the Mayor and Council raises. 

Anyhoo, until you recognize that we don't have any Checks & Balances with this Edison Council and do something about it at the Ballot box, you can continue to expect the poor leadership that shows up right before your very eyes twice a month.

Friday, May 19, 2023

Don't forget there's an Edison School Board election this November too

 Well, don't forget that there will also be a School Board election this year and candidates need to file by the Primary. Let's hope there are some good candidates to challenge the incumbents.

And guess who is up for re-election this November?

None other than Jerry 'ReferenDumb' Shi, aka Mr. Shi-shed. You remember him from his inept leadership and continued performance on the Board of Mythomania that has turned it into the Battling Board of EdDems, Board of Hoarders and Board of Dysfunction. 

Just one look at their Ridiculous $352m School Budget for 2023-24 tells you that the Board is in dire need of change with a new direction.

Here's the first one You need to need to Vote into Forced Retirement:

Just a reminder of a Huge Mistake that Needs to be Corrected:

Top 10 Bumper Stickers for Shi's 2023 Re-election Campaign

10. Vote 4 Me I'm Jerry Shi - that's all I got!

9. Vote 4 Shi - he put the 'DUMB' in Referendum!

8. Vote 4 Shi - his School District Logo underwear is waiting approval!

7. Vote 4 Shi - he will continue to ignore you!

6. Vote 4 Shi - he's working on his Shi-shed 3.0 and even after Hoarding all that Money over the years, there's still no practical, cost-effective and rational Overcrowding Solution!

5. Vote 4 Shi - he'll continue to say he $aved you Millions - even if you can't see it!

4. Vote 4 Shi - he'll let the Local Dem-party pick your teachers!

3. Vote 4 Shi - he'll respect any opinion as long as it's his!

2. Vote 4 Shi - he will always put the 'i' in Team!

1. Run Shi Run! (on Shi's rear bumper, on Schneider's front bumper)

Anyhoo, how long before you realize this is no longer a School Board but a Board of EdDems and how long before you realize Spending $352m the right way will solve a lot of problems that seem to never go away or get solved?

Don't ignore the Blatant Hypocrisy in this Primary Election here in the 'DemBadLands' of Edison

 Well, seen some of the Joshi campaign stuff for this Edison Council election supporting 'his team', which includes Coyle & Patil. Kind of funny - and I guess he thinks we're oblivious to what went on in this town with Coyle & Patil and himself and how he got hand-picked by the powers that be from outside of town. 

Just remember, Spin is all well and good, just as long as you don't believe it. By adding Coyle & Patil to the party line over duly elected selections of the EDO, you should recognize what's going on here. 

It's Not about You - the People of Edison. It's about continuing the politically corrupt one-party rule that has gone on for too long in this town.

In case you forgot how Dem-party politics works in this town - there are no political friends, no political enemies, just political opportunities in this one-party town and those opportunities aren't about You.

Don't let the Stench Hanging over this town from that 2017 Racist Flyer to continue by reelecting the incumbents Coyle & Patil.

Anyhoo, don't you think it's about time you had a say in this town after watching Mayor Sam 'Mr. Shrink-flation' Joshi's Council protected yet opaque and inept 'Event Planner' stewardship?

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Seriously, an endorsement from Mayor Sam 'Mr. Shrink-flation' Joshi means nothing.

 Well, this is interesting. Seems Edison Mayor Sam 'Mr. Shrink-flation' Joshi, aka Big-boy pants, the Event Planner and the County are supporting the Column B candidates for Council here in the 'DemBadLands' of Downtown Edison.

Now, doesn't that demonstrate to you why this Malleable Marionette (hand-picked by the Powers that be from Outside of town) is nothing more that a Dem-party parasite who sold out the People of Edison for a chance to climb-up the politically corrupt Dem-party ladder?

Second time in a row now that the County stepped-in to override the EDO's selections for Council. This time it was replacing the winners Rob Kentos and Lav Patel with Joe 'the Florist' Coyle and Ajay Patil - Incumbents and members of the 'Committee of the Hole.'

Kind of odd, don't you think that 'Mr. Shrink-flation' a full-fledged member of the 'Committee of the Hole' would be endorsing these two other members of the 'Committee of the Hole' - a Committee still in search of themselves after 6 years. Didn't Patil admit to having knowledge about the 2017 Racist Flyer while still sitting on the 'Committee of the Hole' investigation?

Come on now - who in their right mind would take anything from 'Mr. Shrink-flation' seriously. Here's a guy who had a Nothing record while on the Council and brings nothing to the table from his time on the Council other than a lack of credibility and trustworthiness. This guy is a just a puppet of the County and when they're done with him - he'll just be another one-termer.

Now, don't get me wrong - it''s the Dem-party way, isn't it? You're supposed to support whoever is on the party line. Which is somewhat embarassingly stupid and often problematic - who remembers Karabinchak and the other Dem-party heavyweights endorsing Bhagia when he won the screening for Mayor last time, only to have to switch their endorsement to Joshi when the County pulled the EDO selections? So much for supporting Party over People and the value of Politician endorsements.

Unfortunately, don't be taking advice from this Event Planner - especially with the Stench Still Hanging over this Town from the 2017 Racist Flyer.

Sadly, this letter represents everything that's wrong with this one-party town and, as a Democrat, embarassing to read. Got to wonder though why 'Mr. Shrink-flation's' $100k Day Care provider, aka Chief of Staff Bob 'See No Conflict' Diehl' didn't do some editing before they let this go out. You remember him - he's the Guy who promised he wouldn't rest until he got to the bottom of that 2017 Racist Flyer.

Anyhoo, don't turn a blind eye to what is going on in this town. A Vote for Column B in this Council race is an endorsement and continuation of political corruption over the People of Edison.

Sunday, May 7, 2023

If you ever needed a reason to change this Board, it's this $352 million School Budget for 2023-24

 Well, there you go. The Board of Mythomania, aka Board of Hoarders, Board of EdDems, Board of Dysfunction Unanimously passes the $352 million School Budget for 2023-24 at their May 3rd meeting.

Not one public comment (or Board comment) about this presentation, what was presented, what was not presented, the numbers used and not used in their presentation or the 'User Friendly Budget' they later put up on the website after the meeting. It is more likely to obfuscate the People of Edison than enlighten them.

That's too bad but I can think of a few that I'll try and get answered and then I'll tell you what I think of this thing they call a School Budget.

Not for nothing but when the Board lets Jerry 'ReferenDumb' Shi, aka Mr. Shi-shed (the guy who claims to of $aved the taxpayers millions yet has $aved Nothing and produces Ridiculous Bond Referendums) to be in charge of the Finance Committee - you can see why this school budget is another of his creations that is circling the drain. The only thing this guy should be in charge of is his own Forced Retirement this November.

Anyhoo, things will never change over there on Mythomania Lane until you recognize the futility of it and change it.

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Well, this is something new for the Board of Mythomania - Approving a $352 million School Budget without showing the School Budget

 Well, here you go. Tomorrow night's Public Meeting agenda:

First a Presentation of the 2023-24 School Budget, then Public Comments on the Budget Resolution only and then Approval of the 2023-24 School.

And here's the Approval Resolution:

Not for nothing but if the $pending in this 2023-24 School Budget is, as they say, at $352,219,522, then they might want to add that $6,159,600 instead of subtracting it from both the Total Appropriations and Other Anticipated Revenue lines before they adopt this Resolution.

That's nice and all but where's the School Budget they're approving? I can't see it and I asked for it. What, we have to rely solely on whatever the Acting Super has to say about the School Budget in his Presentation. What about what he doesn't say about what's in or not in this School Budget? Well, you won't know because you won't have anything to look at while he gives his Presentation. 

Good luck with that scenario.

Anyway, asked if the detailed school budget would be available before or during tomorrow night's meeting, you know so people can ask important questions about what's actually in this School Budget, what and where the changes are from Last year and all - but got no response.

Not for nothing but Where's the School Budget they're approving that shows the detailed $pending by Department and the changes from Last year, the detailed Headcount and the changes from Last year, the detailed Other Anticipated Revenue and the changes from Last year, the calculation of the the School tax rate generated in this 2023-24 School Budget and the Change in that School tax rate from Last year's $3.197 (Per 100)?

Anyhoo, silly me, what was I thinking - we obviously can't see what they're doing until after they adopt it. Not to worry about the lack of transparency though - You're only Funding 67% of this $352 million 2023-24 School Budget and it only represents over 50% of Your Total Property Tax Bill.

Just a Heads-up - Board of Mythomania's hearing on their $352.2 million School Budget for 2023-24 tomorrow night (May 3rd)

Update: the school budget at tomorrow night's meeting is what was sent down to the County Super back in April. It was not changed. Spending is at $352.2m (with no change). I stand corrected on the Spending. My bad.

Well, make sure you pay attention to what happens tomorrow night when they have their Budget Hearing on their $352.2. million Bloated, Out- of-Control $pending and Pot of Money they call a School Budget. I say pay attention because they haven't yet put the school budget out on their website for public review and scrutiny.

However, does that really matter with their process? They already have it approved by the County Super, so does it really matter what you say or think?

Think Not. The price you pay for letting them move the School Board Elections to November. Yeah, that worked out well, didn't it - with the now politicization of the Board of EdDems.

But you should pay attention anyway to see what they're doing with all that $50 million or so Hoarded Money along with the $73.5 million they got in state-aid this year, which is $25.9 million more than they got last year. While we haven't seen the school budget yet, we do know something from their state-aid numbers and from the notification they put out when they sent it down for the County Super's approval but we need to know a few more things - here's some:

1. $pending - what's in this year's added $50.9 million of $352.2 million of Mis-guided $pending?

2. What they're doing after many years of failed attempts to address the Overcrowding. Are they ever going to come up with a practical, cohesive and cost-effective plan to fix the problem or are we going to continue on wasting time and money with piecemeal attempts that just won't work, while they work to convince you that what ever they do won't cost you anything and try and go around the Voters with Capital additions? 

3. What are they doing with all that Hoarded Money - time for an explanation.

4. Why aren't the taxpayers - you know the Stakeholders who pay all the bills, ever given a break with the School tax rate. This School budget comes with a School tax rate of $3.184 which is down 1.3-Cents from last year's $3.197. However, that reduction isn't due to any reduction in $pending or a return of some of that Hoarded money to the taxpayers but solely due to an increase in the Rateables. Also, very important with their no tax increase nonsense - ask them how much is in the Cap Bank, since this will come back to to increase the school tax rate over the 2% in the future. (You can see what this School tax rate does to You and what Your change is from last year in the March 16, 2023 post below).

5. What did they budget for the 3-year ETEA Contract up for Renewal? 

6. Are they still playing the 'Staffing Shell Game' where they hire during the year but it doesn't show up in these public school budgets?

7. If you pay attention to this School Budget hearing, can you recognize why this dysfunctional Board of EdDems is Not a functioning Board of Education?

Anyhoo, pay attention and watch with a Mythomania mind, along with an open pocketbook.