Well, got this flyer in the mail today and just shook my head in disgust.
On the back of the flyer it says - 'It was Deplorable' with a list of things and has this quote:
'I'm not sure what the price you pay for the [the Edison Racist Flyer ] is, but they deserve to pay a price because it was really offensive' - Gov. Philip Murphy
Yeah, wouldn't We all like to know who 'they' were behind the 2017 Racist Flyer?'
Well, if we're gonna list 'Deplorable thingies' in this town, then here's some:
- It was Deplorable for the County to step-in and Override the EDO in 2021 and hand-picked their Malleable Marionette Sam 'the Flim-flam Man' Joshi for Mayor.
- It was Deplorable that the 'Council of Hole' headed up by Bob 'See No Conflict' Diehl and Council Vice-President Joshi have yet to report their findings after $spending all that money investigating and they're still in search of themselves - now after 6 years.
- It was Deplorable that Mayor Sam 'Mr. Shrink-flation' Joshi appoints Bob 'See No Conflict' Diehl as his Chief of Staff at a starting salary of $100,000.
- It was Deplorable that Joe 'the Florist' Coyle was elected Council President and did a political 180 after lamb-basting Joshi & Patil about the 2017 Racist Flyer, when he bent over backwoods to block public inquiry and any ability to question Joshi's inept and opaque administration.
- It was Deplorable when Mr. Shrink-flation secretly raised Lankey's $49,000 so $75,000 and then had the Council raise it to $150,000, with Council raises to boot.
- It was Deplorable when the County stepped-in again with this Primary and replaced EDO selections Kentos & Patel with Coyle & Patil. So much for the 2017 Racist Flyer being a problem any more in this town.