Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Seriously, an endorsement from Mayor Sam 'Mr. Shrink-flation' Joshi means nothing.

 Well, this is interesting. Seems Edison Mayor Sam 'Mr. Shrink-flation' Joshi, aka Big-boy pants, the Event Planner and the County are supporting the Column B candidates for Council here in the 'DemBadLands' of Downtown Edison.

Now, doesn't that demonstrate to you why this Malleable Marionette (hand-picked by the Powers that be from Outside of town) is nothing more that a Dem-party parasite who sold out the People of Edison for a chance to climb-up the politically corrupt Dem-party ladder?

Second time in a row now that the County stepped-in to override the EDO's selections for Council. This time it was replacing the winners Rob Kentos and Lav Patel with Joe 'the Florist' Coyle and Ajay Patil - Incumbents and members of the 'Committee of the Hole.'

Kind of odd, don't you think that 'Mr. Shrink-flation' a full-fledged member of the 'Committee of the Hole' would be endorsing these two other members of the 'Committee of the Hole' - a Committee still in search of themselves after 6 years. Didn't Patil admit to having knowledge about the 2017 Racist Flyer while still sitting on the 'Committee of the Hole' investigation?

Come on now - who in their right mind would take anything from 'Mr. Shrink-flation' seriously. Here's a guy who had a Nothing record while on the Council and brings nothing to the table from his time on the Council other than a lack of credibility and trustworthiness. This guy is a just a puppet of the County and when they're done with him - he'll just be another one-termer.

Now, don't get me wrong - it''s the Dem-party way, isn't it? You're supposed to support whoever is on the party line. Which is somewhat embarassingly stupid and often problematic - who remembers Karabinchak and the other Dem-party heavyweights endorsing Bhagia when he won the screening for Mayor last time, only to have to switch their endorsement to Joshi when the County pulled the EDO selections? So much for supporting Party over People and the value of Politician endorsements.

Unfortunately, don't be taking advice from this Event Planner - especially with the Stench Still Hanging over this Town from the 2017 Racist Flyer.

Sadly, this letter represents everything that's wrong with this one-party town and, as a Democrat, embarassing to read. Got to wonder though why 'Mr. Shrink-flation's' $100k Day Care provider, aka Chief of Staff Bob 'See No Conflict' Diehl' didn't do some editing before they let this go out. You remember him - he's the Guy who promised he wouldn't rest until he got to the bottom of that 2017 Racist Flyer.

Anyhoo, don't turn a blind eye to what is going on in this town. A Vote for Column B in this Council race is an endorsement and continuation of political corruption over the People of Edison.

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