Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Geez, Cry Me a River Why Don't You!?!

Well, just saw this piece 'Has Edison political feud turned into 'Celebrity Deathmatch'? here in mycentraljersey. 

Not for nothing but seems like a tad bit strange way to resolve a disagreement among Council Members. Who goes running to the newspapers to address a Spending issue rather than addressing it with the other Council Member? He doesn't want to spar but just wants to make a statement in the newspapers? That seems a tad bit unfair.

Seems Council President Poyner took exception to comments by Council Member Brescher at the June 19th Meeting over the particulars of 1 million contract being awarded not being disclosed to Council Members.

Poyner seems like a nice guy but Never thought that he should of been elected Council President since he clearly is not capable of handling the untenable position he was put in by Mayor Sam 'Shrink-flation' Joshi's modus operandi of trying to stifle and block scrutiny of his inept and opaque stewardship.

His performance sadly displays what being naive and easily misled looks like:

You know with things like trying to limit the time and manner the public gets to speak at meetings, removing the Department Heads so no one can ask them any questions and my favorite now, making all OPRA Requests go to the Legal Gatekeeper makes it hard for the public to place any trust in what goes on over there.

Now, don't get me wrong - everyone deserves to be treated with respect but it's hard not to expect to be challenged when you don't know how to defend what you're putting forth. He clearly doesn't know how to handle differing opinions and push-backs to Joshi's agenda from other Council members and the Public.

Anyhoo, it's not his fault, he actually tries - it's Mr. Shrink-flation's fault for putting someone else (who's not up to it) in an untenable position to do his inept bidding when he won't do it himself.

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