Saturday, November 4, 2023

The Two Worst Political disasters this town has ever known in a long time

 Well, here we have the two worst political things that have ever happened on both sides of this town since we paid $5.6 million for Some Dirt and a Mud Puddle and we paid $500k for a Superintendent of Schools to sit home - Edison Mayor Sam Joshi and Edison Board of Education Member Jerry Shi:

On the one side, we have Mayor Sam 'Mr. Shrink-flation' Joshi, aka The Big Lie, Big-boy pants, the Weathervane Millennial, the Malleable Marionette, the Event Planner, Sam the Flim-flam Man & Mr. Swiper - a Dem-party parasite who sold out the People of Edison for a chance to climb up the politically-corrupt Dem-party ladder. 

Now we have to deal with an inexperienced, immature & insecure political neophyte with no discipline who comes with a demonstrated lack of credibility and trustworthiness and a strong anomaly with the truth - who has no idea what he's doing, and is very good at it.

A town in which he's just a figure-head with his inept stewardship, which is now Permanently Home of the 2017 Racist Flyer and Outsourced to the County by our elected officials.

Unfortunately, a Malleable Marionette of the Powers that Be who put him there and we'll have to wait another two years before they're done using him and then expeditiously kick him to the curb.

On the other side, we have Jerry 'ReferenDumb' Shi aka Mr. Shi-shed & Mr. PAC-Man - who after 9 years on the Board of EdDems including his inept leadership, there's only 3 days you need to worry about his hypocritical, disturbing presence and dismal performance that keeps the School District from moving forward:

  • Yesterday
  • Today
  • Tomorrow

A guy who single-handedly failed to fix the Overcrowding with his ridiculous twice-failed $300 million Bond Referendums that were Too Much of a Financial Burden for Too Little a Solution, which leaves School Overcrowding a major problem today. A huge waste of money including providing money for 3 elections to try and force it through - despite the voters wishes.

He changed the Board of Ed into the Board of EdDems.

He disenfranchised both the Public and Fellow Board Members with is Dictatorial and Inept Leadership style and demeanor over his 9 years on the Board.

He tries to claim credit for that $100 million bogus piecemeal (with understated costs) plan that won't solve the Overcrowding yet goes around telling everyone that some costs of that piecemeal plan are running twice the original estimates.

He likes Hoarding $30-$40m million in taxpayer monies. He wouldn't return $3 million to the taxpayers whey they had DOE approval to do so.

He Claims a Zero School Tax Increase over the last 3 years and that's Not true.

He Never has a Problem with Conflicts of Interest on the Board - as long as the Conflicted is Running on His Ticket.

He Spends most of his time competing with and trying to undermine Board Members on the other side of the Board of EdDems in the Struggle to Control and Mis-$pend all this hundreds of millions of dollars.

Fortunately, we have an opportunity to expeditiously send Mr. Shi-shed into Forced Retirement this November 7th and prevent a disturbing and dysfunctional presence to go beyond 9 years.

The only Vote for Jerry Shi on November 7th should be For Forced Retirement.

There are two Undeniable truths in this one-party town:

  • We allowed the County to hand-pick an ill-qualified Dem-party Ladder Climbing Puppet to do their bidding.
  • No matter how much money the Board of Mythomania wastes with their $100 million piecemeal plan, Overcrowding will never be solved in this town until they build a new school.

Anyhoo, not for nothing but think about what kind of town you want to live in before you vote. 

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