Monday, May 27, 2024

At least Mr. Shrink-flation's Double-secret 2024 Budget is giving him valuable experience for his next career move

 Well, when almost half the 2024 Budget Appropriations are in Salaries and Wages, you'd think a simple OPRA Request for the Number of Employees by Department would be readily available.

Think again - made the request on May 15th. Seven days later I got a response that was simply a link to the 2024 Budget on their website. I responded by saying that I don't understand their response. Their Budget doesn't have the Number of Employees by Department in it, just a total Number of Employees for the town.

Then got a response that they misread my OPRA and would forward it to the correct department but it would require an extension until June 7, 2024. Now, it's my understanding that the Mayor's 2024 Budget Presentation is scheduled for June 13, 2024 - what's the odds of getting another notice of extension on June 7, 2024? 

We'll see, I guess.

Now, this is all fun and games but highlights the length they will go through to prevent providing any basic information to the Residents about what's in their $175.9 million 2024 Out-of-Control $pending Budget and whether the changes from last year make any sense. A Ridiculous $pending Budget that comes with another increase in the Local tax Levy of 3.12% and a Muni tax rate of 1.477, which is up 3.6-cents from last year's 1.441.

Now, I reached out to a couple of Council Members to help get the information but not sure if they can help since I'm not sure they are even given it or can get what I asked for. Seems hard to believe they can adequately review this budget without seeing that information.

Finally, I reached out to the Chief of Staff for some help and waiting to hear back from him.

Here's the Salaries and Wages from the 2024 Budget:

Seriously, how much more can they do to protect the inept and opaque stewardship of Mr. Shrink-flation. These Budgets are a joke and if we had a Council that took their control of the purse-strings seriously, they would see it and do something about it. 

But they won't as long as Joe 'the Florist' Coyle is the assurance of a 4th Vote.

So, while we play these games of hide and seek with the 2024 Budget, there's one thing that's for sure. 

Mr. Shrink-flation is certainly gaining valuable experience for his next career move.

Anyhoo, Welcome the Edison, Home of the 2017 Racist Flyer - Can You Smell the Stench?

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