Friday, September 15, 2017

Cost of Super O'Malley's 5-Year Contract - $1,653,258 - Avg. Annual Cost - $330,652

Well, just got this 'Detailed Statement of Contract Costs' from the BoE today for Super Dr. Richard 'Looking for the Exit Ramp' O'Malley's proposed new contract.

Just like the contract itself, it Raises a ga-zillion questions, the least of which is why it doesn't show how much he's contributing towards health insurance like everyone else does.

Recognize that this type of analysis they did has to use projections into the future so please recognize the actual numbers may turn out to be more or less than what they have on this schedule below. But, just for the heck of it, let's go with their numbers.

Seems the Board of Mythomania, aka Board of EDems, Board of Hoarders, Board of Sneaky..Sneaky..Sneaky deem it necessary to pay SeƱor O'Malley $1,653,358 over the life of this contract. That's an annual average cost of $330,652.

Not Bad, as long as you live in the World of Mythomania and trying to rush through a contract renewal one-year early.

Here's the Detailed Statement of Contract Costs received today from an OPRA Request:

Anyhoo, still trying to see whatever documents the Board sent to the County Super to support this new contract and gain the County Super's approval. If and when I get them, I'll share with you.

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