Wednesday, October 18, 2017

The Cost of the ETEA Settlement $10,760,565 (9.27%) over 3-Years - that the Board of Mythomania didn't tell You at Monday Night's Meeting!

Well, here's what I just received from the Edison BoE about the settlement approved at Monday Night's Meeting with the ETEA - for Certified and Non-Certified Staff.

The total increase for both is up $10,760,565 or 9.27% over the 3-Years with annual increases over the 3-Years of 3.141%, 2.902% and 2.955%.

The Certified goes up by $10,024,209 or 9.4% over the 3-Years with annual increases over the 3-Years of 3.2%, 2,9% and 3.0%.

Non-Certified goes up by $736,356 or 7.7% over the 3-Years with annual increases over the 3-Years of 2.1%, 2.5% and 2.8%.

Something how it works over there, isn't it? Something with numbers as humongous as this to their budget and Your Tax Bill, they approve without saying a word about how much the settlement was and why. They had a responsibility to tell the People of Edison what they did - and they didn't. But hey, if no one asks a question at their meeting, then they don't have to tell you, Right!?!

Anyhoo, at least we're comforted in the knowledge that they can $pend Your Money anyway they want - and Don't Have to Tell YOU!

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