Sunday, October 15, 2017

The Local Dem-Party Machine isn't Broken - it just Doesn't Work for You!

Geez, how much more are you willing to take from these people? As a democrat who remembers a Party that used to be the Party of the People - you just can't associate that attachment with this collection of Wanna-be oligarchs here in 'Downtown Edison.'

Don't be Mislead. They're not going to change. You fall for their propaganda again and guess what you'll get - more of same! More of everything that has made Edison what it is today - a town where the few benefit at the expense of the many - and they don't really care what you have to say. Unless, of course, when it's election time and they're out pandering for your vote again.

Unfortunately, the Dem-Party Machine is working just fine here in the 'DemBadLands' of Downtown Edison - it's just Not Working for You!

Seems it's about time you recognized it.

They Need to Go on November 7th if you want any hope of taking away all that Power they enjoy in the Hands of the Chosen Few and putting it back to where it belongs - in the Hands of the People of Edison!

It's up to you to do what's in your Best interests this time around - and not be fooled into doing what's in their Best interest.

Anyhoo, at least we're comforted in the knowledge that even Señor Lankey looks a little uncomfortable in the presence of these two escapees from the EDO - the Party that has Made Edison Safe for Hypocrisy.

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