Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Top 10 Reasons Why

the 'Fresh Start Tour Entourage, commonly known as the Edison Township Council Should Give themselves 100% Raises!?!

10. Because a 100% Raise is in line with their definition of Stabilizing Taxes.

9. Because the two new council members have worked hard for a month and deserve a raise.

8. Because a 2% raise is good for some in town but it's just not quite for them.

7. Because they don't get health benefits like others in surrounding towns and they want them back like they use to have.

6. Because they should be rewarded for reducing Mayor Tom '11.1%' ChoiLankey's 2-year Muni-tax proposed increases of 11.1% down to 10.5% for a whopping six-tenths of 1% just for you.

5. Because they should be rewarded for going along with Mayor Tom '11.1" ChoiLankey's 2-year Sewer tax increases of 19.4% and 2.5% and 50% and 35% for residents and non-residents in 2014 and 2015, respectively.

4. Because they should be rewarded for looking like sheep caught in a headlight with the 2015 Sewer Tax over-billing.

3. Because playing politics with your lives while jockeying for position in the EDO pecking order is taking up a lot of time and they really need to be compensated for their efforts for themselves.

2. Because they can do whatever they want because you let them do it to you over and over and over and over.

1. Because with an all-Dem Edison Council, we don't face the 'Perils of one-party government' - they are the Perils of one-party government here in Downtown Edison.

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