Thursday, November 17, 2016

Edison Board/Super Merit Goals for 2016-17 - Deja vu all over again!?!

Well, here you go. Just received the Board of Mythomania's goals for 2016-17 along with their translation into quantitative and qualitative merit goals for Super Dr. Richard Dr. 'Looking for the Exit Ramp' O'Malley.


Forget about the selection of these goals but the language in the qualitative ones they've selected is so vague and the quantitative goals so easy to achieve that they might just as well cut him the check now. Makes you wonder how they define 'expand' and really, captive audience meetings and pilot programs?

And how much is that check going to be for in the 2016-17 school year?

His current salary is $212,334 and under his Safe Haven Contract, he's entitled to a Max 10% Bonus or $21,233.40. He has two quantitative goals worth 50% of his Max 10% bonus and two qualitative goals worth the other 50%.

His Special Ed quantitative goal is worth 33% and the Before/After School quantitative goal is worth 17%. His Visual Programming qualitative goal is worth 25% and the Mental Health goal is worth the other 25%.

You can see the 2016-17 Goals here:

And finally, something that a district which $pends some $235 million a year, has some 15,000 students in 17 schools - that there's Not one academic achievement goal?!?

Anyhoo, what do I know? I still can't figure out why there's no academic achievement quantitative goals and especially any tied to those 4,400 Mac Laptops that they $pent some $4.1 million on.

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