Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Edison Board of Mythomania announces Giveback to Taxpayers of $1,456,534 in Add'l State-Aid

Well, looks like Dr. Frank and the Edison Board of Mythomania, aka..Board of Hoarders, Board of EDems are keeping their word this time and returning that additional $1,456,534 in state-aid meant for taxpayer relief (and not for additional $pending) to the residents/taxpayers here in Downtown Edison.

If you recall, their original Bloated 2017-18 'Pot of Money' they call a School Budget came with a School tax-rate of $2.988, which was an increase of 5.6-Cents over last years' $2.932. If you lived in that imaginary home assessed at $178,300, then your tax increase was $99. If you don't live in that imaginary home, you can get your tax increase by simply taking your home's assessed value divided by 100 and multiplying that number by .056.

By returning that additional state-aid, their new School tax-rate dropped from $2.988 to $2.978 (One-Cent), and reduced that $99 to $81 or $18 if you live in that imaginary home assessed at $178,300.

While it's not a lot of money, it's the action by the Board that's important.

Anyhoo, in the words of my buddy (and my daughters 5th grade teacher, who always told me to leave him alone) Emil 'Do the Right Thing' Ferlicchi,  A Big-Kudos for doing the Right Thing this time.

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